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Body Life: Membership Matters Ephesians 2:19-22. Intro I. What is church membership? To become a member of a church is to commit oneself to a local church.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Life: Membership Matters Ephesians 2:19-22. Intro I. What is church membership? To become a member of a church is to commit oneself to a local church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Life: Membership Matters Ephesians 2:19-22

2 Intro I. What is church membership? To become a member of a church is to commit oneself to a local church. (Time, Talent, Treasure)

3 II. Why should I join church membership? Being a member moves you out of self- centered isolation. Being a member help you develop your spiritual muscles. Being a member will help keep you from backsliding.

4 III. How should I behave as a church member? (Eph.4:1-3) All humility Gentleness Patience Showing forbearance to one another Preserve unity

5 Conclusion We are called to belong, not just believe. We are created for community. And while your relationship to Christ is personal, God never intends it to be private. Ministry Fair

6 TEF’s Adult Ministries Bible Study Fellowship (Men) Blessed Abundance Blessed Hope Homebuilders Market Place in Christ (MPIC) Thursday Adult Group (TAG) Tuesday Women’s Group September – December Please sign up with Fung Ying downstairs.

7 TEF’s Youth Ministry College Students in Christ (CSIC) TEF’s Children’s Ministry Bible Club KEPT (Sunday School)

8 TEF’s Volunteer Ministry Audio-Visual (AV) Ministry Baobei Foundation Library Senior Center Ministry STM - Potato Harvesting Sunday Fellowship Time (SFT) Ushering/ Hospitality Ministry Worship Ministry

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