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People and Empires in the Americas 900-1500. Between 40,000 and 12,000 years ago oHunter-gatherers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to North America.

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Presentation on theme: "People and Empires in the Americas 900-1500. Between 40,000 and 12,000 years ago oHunter-gatherers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to North America."— Presentation transcript:

1 People and Empires in the Americas 900-1500

2 Between 40,000 and 12,000 years ago oHunter-gatherers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to North America oSpread across North America oAdapted to their environment – creating diversity

3  Complex Societies Build and Trade North of Rio Grande less developed than South America and Mesoamerica  Northwest Coast – Cultures of Abundance Pacific Northwest-Abundant resources supported large populations   Sea Hunted whales in canoes   Forests

4  Pueblo People Construct Complex Buildings Southwest – harsher, dryer land = deserts By 900’s AD – living in pueblos – apartment style compounds made of stone and sun baked clay

5  Mound Builders Forge Ties with Eastern People- East of Mississippi Last mound builders – Mississippians  oBuilt giant pyramids  oThrived on farming and trade  oGoverned by priest-rulers

6  Woodlands Tribes Build Alliances Woodland tribes and Mississippian peoples had things in common  oExample – environment  oIroquois – Great Lakes region – common language spoken among several tribes

7  Cultural Connections  Trading Networks Tie Tribes Together Trade linked the people of North America Built trade centers Traveling merchants Goods would travel 1000’s of miles

8  Religion Shapes Views of Life Another tie was religion Nature spirits Mostly polytheistic – however some believed in one Great Spirit

9  Shared Social Patterns: Family was the basis for social organization  oMost lived in extended family situations  oSome were organized into clans – groups of families from a common ancestor

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