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Hungarian progress report for the SIGNALS project Marta Korintus, Agnes Nyitrai Ferenc Sidlovics, Judit Podraczky 18-19 June 2014, Reykjavik meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Hungarian progress report for the SIGNALS project Marta Korintus, Agnes Nyitrai Ferenc Sidlovics, Judit Podraczky 18-19 June 2014, Reykjavik meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hungarian progress report for the SIGNALS project Marta Korintus, Agnes Nyitrai Ferenc Sidlovics, Judit Podraczky 18-19 June 2014, Reykjavik meeting

2 Childcare project Social competences in situations of: – Settling in / adaptation of children to the childcare center – Joint events for children, parents and staff such as children’s day, preparations for holidays, etc. – Daily meetings at drop off and pick up times

3 Partners Childcare center in Tétényi Street, 11th District of Budapest 2 childcare pedagogues Manager and deputy (responsible for practice training of students) 4 mothers of: – 2 year old twins, – 6 yrs old girl and 2 yrs old boy – 8 ½ yrs old girl, 3 yrs old girl – 5 yrs old boy, 3 yrs old girl

4 Methods Document analysis – National curriculum framework – Local pedagogical program Focus group discussion Use of language (related to children) analysis Analysis based on photos taken at joint events Questionnaires Possibly observations

5 Needs assessment Settling inJoint eventsDaily meetings Childrena) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes Parentsa) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes Staffa) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes

6 Analytical framework Legislation National Guidance for work in childcare centers Curriculum content related to principles of participation and involvement Shier model for enhancing children’s participation in decision making

7 Possible results Identification of weaknesses and strengths of current childcare practice in terms of involving children and parents (i.e. participation) Identification of needs met and needs not met for all agents in the situations studied (children, parents and staff) Identification of competencies needed to redress situations where needs are not met or could be improved Matrix to inform training modul development

8 Kindergarten project Emerging literacy - the role of fairy tales, the books and the story-telling in development of children: -Story-telling in the families, -Story-telling in the kindergarten, -How kindergarten-pedagogues can support the parents in storytelling…

9 Partners Kindergarten for Students` praxis of Kaposvar University – 12 kindergarten-pedagogues – Manager and deputy (responsible for practice training of students) – 2 teachers from the university (responsible for practice training of students) – Parents (about 10-15)

10 Methods Document analysis – The Hungarian Core Programme of Kindergarten Education 2012 – Local pedagogical program Focus group discussions (for kindergarten-pedagogues and for the kindergarten-pedagogues and for the parents together) Questionnaire for the parents and for the kindergarten- pedagogues Possibly observations

11 Needs assessment Focus-group discussion for the staff Focus-group discussion for the parents and the staff Questionnaire for the staff Questionnaire for the parents Childrena) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes Parentsa) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes Staffa) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes a) needs b) difficulties c) successes

12 Possible results Identification of weaknesses and strengths of current kindergarten practice in the field of emergent literacy Identification of needs met and needs not met for all agents in the situations studied (children, parents and staff) Identification of competencies needed to redress situations where needs are not met or could be improved Matrix to inform training modul development

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