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Western fence lizard By: Aaron The western fence lizard is suffering from a disease called Lyme disease! They get bitten by a kind of flea with Lyme.

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2 Western fence lizard By: Aaron



5 The western fence lizard is suffering from a disease called Lyme disease! They get bitten by a kind of flea with Lyme disease in it’s blood. The ticks try to bite humans but then the Western Fence Lizard steps in and defends us, then the ticks bite the lizard instead of us! Then the ticks don’t have it but the lizard does! If you find a Western fence lizard check behind the ear, that’s where the Lyme disease is usually. If you find one please take it to the vet fast. The western fence lizard lives in hot places like Baja California, Central Florida, Eastern Texas, and they also live in mountains like Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Montana, Idaho and New Mexico. They like to climb up on high perches like fences, trees, and rocks, but they usually live on the ground. You can tell a western fence lizard from other lizards because they have a nice blue pattern on there belly.



8 The western fence lizard is also called a blue belly or swift. It likes to eat mosquitoes, spiders, and carpenter ants, which all bite humans. They like to climb. They are born with four legs but they cant climb until they are at least four weeks old.

9 I hope you liked my slide!!!

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