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QUALITY … … the final frontier. Quality in Family Practice Purpose: “To recommend and pilot test a programme in Ontario which promotes and celebrates.

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Presentation on theme: "QUALITY … … the final frontier. Quality in Family Practice Purpose: “To recommend and pilot test a programme in Ontario which promotes and celebrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUALITY … … the final frontier



4 Quality in Family Practice Purpose: “To recommend and pilot test a programme in Ontario which promotes and celebrates a culture of continuous quality improvement (CQI) in family practice.”

5 QIFP – The Basics McMaster Project ( 2000 ) Programme Development –Phase 1 –September 2003 to March 2005 Demonstration Pilot Project -Phase 2 –April 2005 to July 2007 Implementation – Phase 3 –2007-2008 Quality In the Units – Phase 4 –2008 - ??? Next steps?

6 Quality in Family Practice

7 The Quality Process Get the whole practice team involved Identify projects in each area Identify project leaders Allocate tasks Agree to meet regularly to work on projects Complete the on-line assessment tool External assessment visit The Quality Report Next steps?


9 QIIP – The Basics MOHLTC Initiative ( 2007 ) To assist the Family Health Team Initiative –Linking FHT’s and staff from the same discipline –Regional workshops –Resources / tools for FHT’s –Improvement agenda Learning Collaboratives FHT facilitators for on-site support

10 Learning Collaborative Quality improvement teams from different FHT’s Joint learning sessions, action periods 12 – 15 month period Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles Results are measured and reported monthly Three areas of focus ( within a pilot practice ): –Chronic Disease Management –Prevention –Office Practice Redesign ( Access / Efficiency ) “Spread initiative”

11 Chronic Disease Management  Diabetes: - Increasing the percentage of diabetic patients registered in the Disease Registry - Increasing the percentage of DM patients with - A1C measurements / at-target A1C results - documented self-management goals - at-target BP readings - treatment with ACE-I or ARB - at-target LDL levels - retinopathy screening - foot examination - ACR screening re nephropathy

12 Prevention  Colorectal cancer screening: - Increasing the rate of FOBT screening or colonoscopy - Increasing the efficiency of follow-up of FOBT + patients

13 Office Practice Redesign  Access: - Increasing availability of appointment times for patients - Increasing continuity within practice teams, defined as supervising physician / residents - Decreasing patient waiting time / increased efficiency at the office visit

14 QIIP and the Quality Project


16 QIIP - A few personal reflections … Provided structure and focus to the work of the teams … Increased inter-disciplinary and inter-team discussions and problem-solving … Involvement of learners – Resident QA audits of the clinic using QIIP parameters ( Diabetes Management, Open Access ) Sometimes outcomes are REALLY hard to change! Sometimes change will sweep you away!

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