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2 STRATEGIC PLANS: PLANNING TO WIN winning needs teamwork winning takes preparation winning requires a strategy STRATEGIC PLANS PLANNING TO WIN

3 STRATEGIC PLANS: PLANNING TO WIN winning needs teamwork winning takes preparation winning requires a strategy

4 LPC strategy PTA strategy EDA strategy EDA strategy EDA strategy strategic planning is an interlocked process

5 planning for victory all levels of the party need well-planned, coordinated, strategies strategies with measureable actions and results strategies that work with the resources we have if strategic planning is done well, a stronger, more modern Party will emerge

6 strategic planning is serious business Our inter-related strategies are like a 3-legged stool EDA strategies PTA strategies National strategies if one part fails, we all fall down

7 strategic planning is serious business Our inter-related strategies are like a 3-legged stool EDA strategies PTA strategies National strategies if done carelessly, the outcome won’t make sense

8 strategic planning is serious business Our inter-related strategies are like a 3-legged stool EDA strategies PTA strategies National strategies with skillful planning and dedicated follow-through a strong, modern party will emerge

9 strategic planning is serious business good intentions are not enough success requires follow-through at all party levels “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” proverb, attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux 1090-1153

10 THE APPROACH CAMBRIDGE TOOK prioritization responsibility enlistment teamwork follow-through

11 so much to do. so few resources. the clock is ticking. we had to prioritize. prioritization

12 so much to do. so few resources. the clock is ticking. it started with goal-setting. we chose what we would focus on now to build for tomorrow. prioritization

13 so much to do. so few resources. the clock is ticking. Cambridge EDA board members volunteered to lead each priority area. responsibility

14 so much to do. so few resources. the clock is ticking. Cambridge EDA board members joined teams to develop sections of the strategy enlistment

15 so much to do. so few resources. the clock is ticking. the teams developed measureable plans and presented to the board teamwork

16 so much to do. so few resources. the clock is ticking. the teams report at all monthly board meetings follow through


18 strategy teams communications strategy

19 strategy teams technology strategy

20 strategy teams fundraising strategy

21 OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES MEMBERSHIP – Cheryl MacInnes Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader - Cheryl MacInnes Team Members: Bryan May, Brain Santos, Naseem Mian, Membership Recruitment  Target Conestoga College for a source of new members.  Work with Frank Valeriote on Young Liberal Recruitment Initiative.  Invite Supporters and general Public to events as a source of member recruitment.  Identify potential members to be recruited. strategy teams membership strategy

22 OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES MEMBERSHIP – Cheryl MacInnes Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader - Cheryl MacInnes Team Members: Bryan May, Brain Santos, Naseem Mian, New Members  New members should be greeted by a phone call, invitation for a coffee and a welcome kit of information which includes board contact list, strategic plan, Association and Party website address with the information contained on these sites and an invitation to events. CurrentRory Farnan, Manjit Basi  An interview schedule will be used to identify skills and interests for entry into Liberal List.

23 strategy teams membership strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES MEMBERSHIP – Cheryl MacInnes Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader - Cheryl MacInnes Team Members: Bryan May, Brain Santos, Naseem Mian, Maintaining Membership Files  E mail addresses, phone numbers and all other information should be updated when it becomes apparent that there has been a change or we have incorrect information. Cheryl MacInnes  Regular communication and input and membership renewal.  Recruitment: create practices for regularly recruiting new members, especially youth.

24 strategy teams membership strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES MEMBERSHIP – Cheryl MacInnes Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader - Cheryl MacInnes Team Members: Bryan May, Brain Santos, Naseem Mian, Membership Renewal  Email and telephone follow up to renew memberships prior to renewal date or shortly thereafter. CurrentAll members of Team  Hold regular events to achieve the above.  Ensure that Liberal Fund and Laurier Members sign up for automatic renewal. Populating the Membership Data Base  The Liberal List data base on each member needs to be populated with relevant information on their skills and interests so that they can be provided with party generated information on their interests and provide leadership and participate in the Associations Strategic Planning process.

25 strategy teams supporter and community outreach strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Supporter and Community Outreach - Rory Farnan Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader- Rory Farnan Team Members: Ron Thompson, Don Shaver, Manjit Basi Membership Meetings  The association will hold 4 local events per year. Ideally, two should be of a social/fundraising nature and two should focus on the education of the general membership (for example policy creation, letter writing workshops) etc. April 14, 2012 Delegate Selection and Membership Workshop on Strategic Plan and Policy Questionnaire  Poll the membership and supporters at least once a year to identify local issues and solutions.

26 strategy teams supporter and community outreach strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Supporter and Community Outreach - Rory Farnan Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader- Rory Farnan Team Members: Ron Thompson, Don Shaver, Manjit Basi Supporter and Community Outreach  Establish liaison with local groups and community leaders with whom we can work together on common interests/goals /policies.  Organize public discussions/meetings /outreach around on major issues of the day and tap local community leaders and surrounding universities for experts on particular issues.  People should have the opportunity to join and have their issues addressed and to exchange ideas and arguments.  Participate in community events as volunteers etc.  Volunteer recognition event.  Euchre Night Don Shaver

27 strategy teams policy development strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4) POLICY DEVELOPMENT - George Dietrich Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader – George Dietrich Team Members: David Harvey, Cathy Arrowsmith, Don Muir, Rob Konduros, Harmail Bas, Ray Gibb  Develop a demographic profile of the riding CurrentDavid Harvey  Develop and maintain a database of current party policies and resolutions.  Structure opportunities for regular discussion on existing Liberal policy options.  Structure opportunities to develop new policy options.  Poll the membership and supporters at least once a year to identify local issues and solutions.  Coordinate with other area/regional ridings for maximum input and support.  Plan and coordinate Town halls/Roundtables.  Prepare resolution(s) for PTA, LPC, or conventions as required.  Coordinate policy delivery during election campaigns.

28 strategy teams EDA finance strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5) FINANCES – Anne Groulx Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader: Anne Groulx  Establish budget for EDA’s Activities/Strategy.  Use LPC software to maintain a record of Income and Expenditures and a Balance sheet for the Association.  Ensure Annual Statement of Registry Information is sent to Elections Canada by May 31.  Use Elections Canada software to submit Registered Association Financial Transaction Return sent to Elections Canada by May 31.  Ensure tax receipting information for donations/events is sent to LPC on a monthly basis.  Determine financial status quarterly, and have bank statement available to PTA.  Determine estimated total debt level (if applicable) and have statement available to PTA.

29 strategy teams election readiness strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4) 6) ELECTION READINESS - Rory Farnan Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility Team Leader-Rory Farnan Team Members:  Gather statistics from previous elections and prepare analysis.  Develop a list of community organizations.  Prepare a budget (dollars needed and a plan to raise funds in place.) 2013/2015  Coordinate candidate search (how many identified? Interviewed?) 2013  Ensure a candidate. 2013  Prepare Detailed Operational plan for the election (signs, office etc.). 2013/2015  Ensure that team leaders and volunteers are in place 2014

30 strategy teams training strategy OPERATIONAL GOALS, TIMELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4) LPC Liberal University and Regional Training Programs - Doug Jackson and all Team Leaders Activities/StrategyImplementation Date 2012, unless noted Responsibility  Liberal List. March 2012All level three Liberal List users  Communications  Membership  Fundraising  Running a Riding Association  Policy  Treasurers  Official Agents  Candidates Elections Canada Training Programs: Anne Groulx  Attend annual training program for EDA Financial Agents/Treasurers.  Attend training program for Candidate Official Agents.

31 RESOURCES: YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU THINK work hard share with your neighbours play nice

32 an EDA can be a lonely place small membership.. currently under 200 in Cambridge skills gurus, communications experts, … energy gaps..we have families and day jobs so much to do. so few resources. the clock is ticking. How will the job get done?

33 an EDA can be a lonely place ….but it doesn’t have to be we all have good neighbours-- common local issues you have skills they could use they have skills you need cross-fertilization of ideas

34 an EDA can be a lonely place ….but it doesn’t have to be so many opportunities-- fund raising media communications local policy development

35 an EDA can be a lonely place ….but it doesn’t have to be working with our neighbours is an important part of Cambridge’s strategy


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