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Creativity: the key skill for the 21 st century. Private & Confidential R&D Director at E-Metrixx Limited Joint chair of Psychometrics.

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Presentation on theme: "Creativity: the key skill for the 21 st century. Private & Confidential R&D Director at E-Metrixx Limited Joint chair of Psychometrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 creativity: the key skill for the 21 st century

2 Private & Confidential R&D Director at E-Metrixx Limited Joint chair of Psychometrics at Work Research Group Research & Teaching at Manchester Business School Introduction Mark Batey MSc PhD CPsychol AFBPsS

3 Private & Confidential How to define and understand creativity The role of creativity in change, improvement and innovation How to assess and develop creativity in individuals Key issues for creativity in teams introduction context and aims

4 Private & Confidential why creativity? Defining creativity and innovation…

5 definitions what do we mean by creativity? Creativity is the capacity within individuals and teams to develop ideas for the purpose of solving problems and exploiting opportunities

6 Innovation is the application of creativity to give rise to a new concept, product, service or process delivering something new and better to the world definitions what do we mean by innovation?

7 Do organisations really need creativity? why creativity?

8 “One in three CEOs say they are concerned that a skills gap is hampering the ability to innovate, and with innovation identified as a key strategic priority for most companies to get them out of the global economic slump, it is unsurprising that talent shortages are seen as a top threat to business expansion” “Creative and innovative working are essential for all jobs and how to enhance innovative working continues to be the most significant challenge for organisations.” Survey of over 1600 executives worldwide found that creativity and innovation are the primary strategic objectives for 72% of companies why creativity?

9 Research reports from the Accenture Institute for High Performance found that creativity and innovation were key hallmarks of high performing companies “We assume that 50% of our revenue in 5 years’ time must come from sources that do not exist today. That is why we innovate.” “More than rigor, management discipline, integrity or even vision - successfully navigating an increasingly complex world will require creativity.” why creativity?

10 case study

11 building a creative culture the vision “To build a culture that instinctively encourages the development of ideas - liberating them and making them fly, building value for today and tomorrow”

12 building a creative culture investment in creative skills development is key InsightIdeasImpact The bridge of creative thinking Personal accountability and process support “A Brilliant Idea”“Passionately Executed”

13 building a creative culture making progress Employee Attitude Survey Morale in my department is high My boss does a good job of developing people’s abilities My team works to well defined KPI’S Overall I&I&I (%) 85 77 87 84 Rest (%) 33 42 63 47

14 building a creative culture getting results Within 3 years… Developed and launched 3 new products £100m+ Reduced packaging costs £2m+ Improved process control £1m+

15 psychology of creativity Rich research history 1898 to the present Early research Intelligence Divergent Thinking Personality Motivation Confidence

16 psychology of creativity Comprehensive review of the characteristics Batey & Furnham (2006). Creativity, Intelligence and Personality: A Critical Review of the Scattered Literature. New measurement model Batey (2012). A New Heuristic Framework for the Measurement of Creativity.

17 psychology of creativity Creativity is multicomponential Idea Generation processes Personality traits Motivational orientations Confidence

18 key concepts Connections Chain reactions The creative process Often strengths are weaknesses too Strength in diversity

19 key concepts connections Creativity relies on making connections between ideas and the elements of our knowledge

20 key concepts chain reactions Team creativity is best achieved when we set off chain reactions of ideas

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