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Do children still fear the dentist nowadays? First author: P ă zitor Andreea Coordinator: Lecturer Bic ă Cristina.

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Presentation on theme: "Do children still fear the dentist nowadays? First author: P ă zitor Andreea Coordinator: Lecturer Bic ă Cristina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do children still fear the dentist nowadays? First author: P ă zitor Andreea Coordinator: Lecturer Bic ă Cristina

2 Background Fear the noun as we find in dictionary means : a distressing emotion aroused by impeding danger, pain, whether the threat is real or imagined, the feeling or condition of being afraid What are the causes of dental fear in children? There are two main types of fear: objective and subjective. Objective fear is the one that you experience directly. The other types of fear are inborn: we are all born with the fear of loud noises.

3 What role do parents play in patients dental fears? The major role is education. “ Fearful parents can actually create a nervous and anxious child. If a parent has severe dental anxieties, he or she needs to make every effort not to pass those fears onto the child.” In USA there is common practice for the doctor to send a welcome letter to the parents prior to the first visit.

4 Objective The purpose of this study is to evaluate: - what children feel when they just think of meeting the dentist (even if it is a routine control or the treatment of a dental problem) - the level of fear for several dentistry procedures.

5 Material and methods Te rog sa completezi cu un „x”, marcand datele tale personale Vârsta: 5-7 ani8-10 ani11-13 aniPeste 14 ani Sexul: MasculinFeminin Locuiesc: În mediu urbanÎn mediu rural 1. Cum te-ai simi dacă ar fi să mergi mâine la stomatolog pentru un control? Linitit (ă) Confuz (ă) Mi-ar fi teamă Mi-ar fi foarte frică 2. Cum te simţi când eti în sala de ateptare i urmează să ai un control/tratament dentar? Relaxat(ă) Un pic nelinitit(ă) Încordat(ă) Temător/temătoare Foarte temător (temătoare) încât din când in când m-ar trece transpiraiile Atât de temător (temătoare) încât aproape că mi-ar fi rău fizic Atât de temător (temătoare) încât părăsesc sala i nu mai revin 3.Când te afli pe scaunul stomatologic ateptând ca stomatologul să îi pregătească instrumentele pentru tratament, cum te simi? Relaxat(ă) Un pic nelinitit(ă) Încordat(ă) Temător/temătoare Foarte temător (temătoare) încât din când in când m-ar trece transpiraiile Atât de temător (temătoare) încât aproape că mi-ar fi rău fizic Atât de temător (temătoare) încât părăsesc sala i nu mai revin 4. Imaginează-i că eti în scaunul stomatologic i urmează să i se efectueze un tratament, cum te simi? Relaxat(ă) Un pic nelinitit(ă) Încordat(ă) Temător/temătoare Foarte temător (temătoare) încât din când in când m-ar trece transpiraiile Atât de temător (temătoare) încât aproape că mi-ar fi rău fizic Atât de temător (temătoare) încât părăsesc sala i nu mai revin

6 Material and methods The first part of the questionnaire had 5 targeted questions: 1. How would you feel if you should have to visit your doctor for a routine control tomorrow? 2. How do you feel when you are in the waiting room of a dental clinic and it is your turn to enter the treatment room? 3. How do you feel when you are in the dental chair and your doctor is preparing the instruments for your treatment? 4. Imagine that you are in the dental chair and your doctor has to start treating your dental problem. How do you feel? 5. How do you feel when you arrive in the waiting room and you find out that you have more to wait?

7 “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Very Unhappy In between Happy Very Happy

8 Material and methods Sweaty Leaving the surgery Sick

9 Material and methods In the second part of the questionnaire, the level of fear is evaluated based on several dentistry procedures and factors of surgery, such as : -dental anesthesia -turbine sounds and vibration -tooth extraction -the smell from surgery -previous unpleasant experiences -the training of the doctor -the price of the treatment All these were appreciated on a scale : High Moderate Low I don’t know I don’t care

10 Results 332 young respondens

11 Results -175 are aged between 11-14, the remaining are under 11 -similar percentage come from urban and rural areas ~ fifty/fifty gender distribution 52% girls48% boys

12 Results





17 1.A positive feedback from teachers. 2.The little ones can cooperate if we speak their language. 3.During the past years the children’s fear of dentistry decreased. Nowadays kids do not fear the dentist as much as we expect, most of them describing a state of relaxation or slight anxiety when they are in the waiting room and also during dental treatments. Conclusions "A parent's positive presence during early dental visits will empower a child to a lifetime of positive dental experiences." say Dr. Soxman.

18 Bibliography -Pedodontic practice -3rd edition, authors Elisabeta Bratu,Florica Gl ă van, ed Orizonturi Universitare Timioara. c&iid=296&aid=1170 http://www.pediatricdentistry-

19 Research paper : Do children still fear the dentist nowadays? First author: P ă zitor Andreea Coordinator: Lecturer Bic ă Cristina

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