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Module: Development Develop. Module: Development A GENDA Core Concepts Inputs Tasks Tools Deliverables Portfolio Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Module: Development Develop. Module: Development A GENDA Core Concepts Inputs Tasks Tools Deliverables Portfolio Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module: Development Develop

2 Module: Development A GENDA Core Concepts Inputs Tasks Tools Deliverables Portfolio Management New Product 1 Managed Front End 2345

3 Module: Development E XAMPLE : M ARKET S OFT Exceptional Voice of the Customer research Experienced product team with adequate funding “Guaranteed” to be a success (Plassiter, & Gardner, 1999)

4 Module: Development E XAMPLE : M ARKET S OFT What Went Wrong? –Over confidence – “proven” approach, successful CEO, etc. –Did not continue environmental scanning and VOC during development –Software as a Service! (Plassiter, & Gardner, 1999)

5 Module: Development E XAMPLE : M ARKET S OFT (Plassiter, & Gardner, 1999)

6 Module: Development T HINGS TO REMEMBER DURING P HASE 3 D EVELOPMENT Goal – build the solution: Even now… –Continue to listen to customers –The project can still be killed and and work can be done to find a better solution to meet the needs of the customer Costs increase dramatically Days to launch is an important metric; the competition may be faster to market The product is managed as a portfolio with other products

7 Module: Development I NPUTS SILA Documents (organizational goals and strategy) Market Research Plan (VOC, concept testing findings, competitor analysis) Project Plan (schedule, resources, risks) Product Requirements Document (use cases, requirements, proposed design) Business Case (price strategy, features and specifications) Protocol Statement (regulatory and agency requirements) Prototypes Others?

8 Module: Development T ASKS Create Environmental Impact Statement – Green Plan Implement Intellectual Property Plans Design and build the solution Conduct Alpha testing Create supplier and partnership relationships Plan for service and support Update/Revise –Market Research Plan –Project Plan –Product Requirements Document –Business Case –Protocol Statement Develop recommendation for Gate Committee

9 Module: Development T OOLS Project Management Tools Development Lifecycle Methodology (waterfall, lean, agile, etc.) Rapid Prototyping Capabilities Engineering Tools (QFD, CAD, DFXs, Reverse Engineering, etc.) Value Chain, Supply Chain, and Productions Plans Supplier and Partner Engagement and Contracting Processes Document templates Others?

10 Module: Development D ELIVERABLES Implemented Design – the Product Detailed Business Case Protocol Statement –Environmental Impact Statement– Green Plan –Intellectual Property Plan and Patent Actions Product Requirements Document –Solution Design –Initial Service and Support Plan Marketing Plan –Supplier and Partnership Plans Market Research Plan –Alpha Test Results Project Plan Recommendation for Gate Committee (Product Innovation Educators, 2011)

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