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By Tom Cocivera.  The goals of these purchases are  To start a resistance training program  Focus on Freshman and Sophomores  Introduce equipment.

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Presentation on theme: "By Tom Cocivera.  The goals of these purchases are  To start a resistance training program  Focus on Freshman and Sophomores  Introduce equipment."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Tom Cocivera

2  The goals of these purchases are  To start a resistance training program  Focus on Freshman and Sophomores  Introduce equipment and techniques to them  Educate on benefits of resistance training

3  Rubber elastic tubes used for resistance training  Come in a variety of resistances, sizes, and colors  Good for beginners who may be intimidated by free-weights

4  Found at a variety of sites  Can be purchased in bulk at premium-versa-tube-resistance- tube.aspx#tabs-3 premium-versa-tube-resistance- tube.aspx#tabs-3  Cost any where from $6.95 to $13.95 per band  Purpose is to introduce students to resistance training with fun, easy to use equipment

5  Bell shaped free weights  More range of motion  More uses than standard dumbbell  Set ranging from 10 lbs to 35 lbs priced at $377  Found at strse-630/10-lb.--dsh--35/Detail.bok strse-630/10-lb.--dsh--35/Detail.bok

6  Will be used along with resistance bands as primary free weight resource  Would purchase a rack with the kettlebells priced at $214.00 found at  For proper storage

7  Purchased at for $99  Has hundreds of exercises and diagrams  Can purchase other exercise kits with more diagrams  Can be used to help demonstrate to students the proper way to do exercises safely

8  Workout DVD by widely know fitness expert Tony Horton  Consists of days of cardio and resistance training  Increases in intensity as time goes on  Uses resistance bands and kettle bells  Can be purchased at _programs/ OGLE_P90X_TEST _programs/ OGLE_P90X_TEST

9  Priced at $119.85 but can be broken into three payments of $39.95  12 DVDs  Uses Horton’s signature “Muscle Confusion” to help build and sculpt muscle  Can help provide something different to motivate students and incorporate technology

10  Digital caliper for skin fold BMI tests  Calculates body fat and lean body mass  Records last test on individual  Digital display readout  Has Military Standard for Physical Readiness  Priced at $23.99

11 Found at Products-USA-Warrior/dp/B00488FDO8

12  All of these tools can be used to help create an intermediate resistance program for High School freshman and sophomores  Provides a variety of equipment in conjunction to the standard weight room and utilizes various technologies to help improve the experience

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