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Ch 5. The Particle in the Box and the Real World

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1 Ch 5. The Particle in the Box and the Real World
- Understanding the tunneling of Q.M particles through barriers and size quantization Principle of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) Engineering of device called a quantum well structure ex) Quantum well, Quantum dots MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

2 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
5.1. The particle in the finite depth box In the real world, the box have a finite depth Particle ‘in’ the well : E < V0 We can divide the equation inside and outside the box. 1) Inside the box : V(x)=0 However, wave function is not zero at the end of box Why? Box is ‘finite’ depth MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Solution is same as infinite well 2) Outside the box : V(x)=V0 Limiting behavior : ψ(∞) = ψ(-∞) = 0 : B = A’ = 0 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Hamiltonian operator and potential is symmetry to y-axis. → we can divide the solution to even and odd function i) Even function : A’ = B, C=0 ii) Odd function : A’ = -B, D=0 Solution is given by this picture and we can see the even and odd function alternative. Outside the box : classical forbidden region.(Ekinetic<0). However, this state allowed in the Q.M 1) Solution depends on the m, a, V0 and finite number of states. 2) ψ(x) decays rapidly when V0 >> E and slowly when V0 ~ E Solution of V0=1.20x10-18J and width 1.00x10-9m MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

5 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
5.2 Difference in overlap between core and valence electrons We take finite depth box as the crude model of atom. We take finite depth box as the crude model of atom. Strongly bound level : core electrons weakly bound level : valence electrons The second atom close to first atom. Wave function of weakly bound state : ‘significant overlap’ Strongly bound state : wave functions have a small overlap. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Overlap of wave functions n=1 to n=5 Except to n=5, there are almost not overlapping each other. However, when n=5, two wave functions are significant overlapping. → make a ‘bonding’ MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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5.3 Pi electrons in conjugated molecules can be treated as moving freely in a box Absorption of light in the UV-Vis range : electron excitation occupied level → unoccupied level Electrons are delocalized in some organic molecules → π-bonded network, absorption spectrum shift to UV range. → Delocalization of electron Delocalized electron : seems to move freely over the whole π-bonded network → described by 1-dimensional particle in a box The longest wavelength of π-conjugated molecules 1,4-diphenyl-1,3-butadiene : 345 nm 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene : 375 nm 1,8-diphenyl-1,3,5,7-octatetraene : 390 nm MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Calculate about the 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene HOMO(highest occupied molecular orbital) : n=3 LUMO(lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) : n=4 Transition : n=3 → n=4 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Ground state of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene : highest occupied energy level is n=3 Assumption : # of molecules at n=4 state can negligible at 300K Use Boltzmann distribution and we can answer it. In this case, quantum states of n=3 and n=4 is same (only 2 electrons can be in the each states) Therefore, we can say that all of molecule in the ground state. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

11 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
5.4 Why does sodium conduct electricity and why is diamond an insulator? We focus on the crystalline metal. First, see the 2 Na atoms. See about the distance of 2 atoms 1) long : two potential separated, e- localized each atom 2) short : barrier lowered → e- delocalized into 2 atoms MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Next, see the 1-dimensional Na crystal. Na atoms make the periodic potential and one e- per atom is delocalized over the sample 20 million atoms into the 1.00cm box. it is basically energy band MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Finally, we see the idealized case of periodic potential. Red region : occupied states Pink region : unoccupied states (unfilled valence band) Beyond the dotted lined : There are no allowed level until the energy increase by ∆E Case of Na : valence band is ‘partially’ filled. Therefore, e- in sodium can easily move into the box with very small(seems to continuous) energy. → conductor! MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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If the electric field is applied? If the electric field applied, band energy decreased by b). It changes to c) after electron transfer. Energy level is so narrow, wave functions are significantly overlapped.(overlap of wave functions) → easy to response to electric field(conduction!) MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

15 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
What difference exists between sodium and diamond? Na : only 1 3s orbital filled → partially filled valence band Diamond : all states in the band accessible to the  delocalized valence e- are filled ! Transition in insulator and semiconductor is valence band to conduction band → need high energy and difficult to electron transfer MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

16 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
5.5 Tunneling through a barrier Classically, we cannot climb up the mountain if we don’t have enough energy to go to highest of the mountain. However, what about the Q.M barrier? → particle ‘smear out’ the barrier although not enough energy : ‘Tunneling’ Potential is described by V(x) = 0 for x < 0 – (1) = V0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ a – (2) = 0 for x > a – (3) MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Region (1) : x < 0, V=0 Region (2) : 0 < x < a, V=V0, E - V0 < 0 Region (3) : x > a, V=0 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

18 Wavefunction must satisfy the continuity.
In region (III), no reflected wavefunction expected : A’=0

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Wave function decays into the barrier : e-κx term 1/κ : decay length Probability of high-energy particle > probability of low-energy particle MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

20 Transmission probability is given by
If κa >> 1 condition(high, wide barrier) E < V0 E > V0

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5.6 The scanning tunneling microscope(STM) Gerd Binning & Heinrich Rohber : invent the STM and get Nobel Price in 1986 Typically, electrons with energy of 5eV can tunnel from the metal tip to the surface. Electron energy → work function(E-V0), decay length of electron : about 0.1nm External voltage(0.01V-1V) applied(see picture c)) to obtain tunneling If d(surf-tip)is about 0.5nm → decreases the order of magnitude of tunneling current when barrier increases each 0.1nm : ‘microscope’ MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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a) Initial state : electrically separated between measured surface and scanner b) Measured surface and scanner connected by external circuit → ‘same potential’ c) External voltage applied and generated the potential barrier eV → e- tunneling left to right MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Whole device of STM MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Electrical current of tunneling : exponentially decrease In this case, V is constant. I decrease exponentially → R increase exponentially → AFM(Atomic Force Microscopy) AFM : use gold substrate and thiol. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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5.7 Tunneling in chemical reactions Reactant must over the barrier, activation energy. Classical view : reactant must have ‘enough energy’ to over the activation energy. However, it can by the tunneling. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

26 band structure of GaAs layer, AlαGa1- α As layer
5.8 Quantum wells and quantum dots Quantum well : energy is confined into 2-dimension Example of quantum well : GaAs layer, AlαGa1- α As layer We can make heterostructures by alternating GaAs layer and AlαGa1- α As layer. Semiconductor : fully occupied valence band and band gap between valence band and conduction band band structure of GaAs layer, AlαGa1- α As layer MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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We make this structure. Technically, height of layer can be 0.1 to 1nm and width is order of 1000nm scale. Energy is given by Therefore, energy is essentially continuous to ny and nz, but discrete to nx. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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Ground state : fully occupied valence band In this case, the lowest excitation occurs in GaAs layer.(the highest level electron) If putting E larger than gap of GaAs, smaller than that of AlαGa1- α As → photon is emitted with frequency ν=∆E/h when system decays to the ground state(∆E:band gap) Lasers use the quantum well, there are 2 advantages. 1) very efficient in producing photons 2) ∆E can be changed easily by the thickness of the layer, following the equation This technique : Molecular Beam Epitaxy(MBE) → expensive New technique : Quantum Dot MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

29 Ex) CdSe nanoparticles
Quantum dots : nanometer scale , energy is confined into 3-dimension <TEM image of Quantum Dots> Three-dimensional nanocrystals of semiconducting materials containing 103 to 105 atoms Ex) CdSe nanoparticles Energy required to create mobile charge carrier (electrical conductivity) and create electron-hole pair (e—hole recombination : optical property) →Depends on the size of the quantum dot

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Make a aqueous quantum dot : attach the hydrophilic group MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

31 Example of quantum dot Quantum dots array of InAs on the GaAs substrate Absorption and PL spectra for several sizes of InP nanocrystals 1 μm 1 μm (Mirin et al. 1996) Different emission with different quantum dot sizes A. A. Guzelian et al., J. Chem. Phys. (1996) Size  → energy gap  → λem 

32 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Summary The tunneling of quantum mechanical particles through barriers and size quantization was discussed. The understanding of why chemical bonds involve the least strongly bound, or valence, electrons and not the more strongly bound, or core, electrons was provided. To investigate tunneling, It focus on the region near the edge of the finite depth box modified by making it wider and letting the barrier having a finite thickness on the right-hand side. It is useful for engineering of the device called a quantum well structure such as quantum well and quantum dots. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry

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