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RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 End-to-End Morph Decoding Morph Entity Analysis Morph: Morphs refer to the fake.

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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 End-to-End Morph Decoding Morph Entity Analysis Morph: Morphs refer to the fake."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 End-to-End Morph Decoding Morph Entity Analysis Morph: Morphs refer to the fake alternative names created by social media users to entertain readers or evade censors. Morph Decoding: Challenges:  Large-scope candidates Only a very small percentage of terms can be used as morphs  Ambiguity, Implicitness, Informality Compared to regular entities, many morphs con- tain informal terms with hidden information  Lack of labeled data No sufficient mention-level morph annotations exist for training an end-to-end decoder. 2. Morph Decoding Step 1: Mention Extraction 4. Experiments Morph Mention Extraction Morph Mention Resolution 1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2 Peking University, 3 Microsoft Research Asia, 4 University of Southern California, 5 IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, 6 Northeastern University, 7 Univerisity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Boliang Zhang 1, Hongzhao Huang 1, Xiaoman Pan 1, Sujian Li2, Chin-Yew Lin 3 Heng Ji 1, Kevin Knight 4, Zhen Wen 5, Yizhou Sun 6, Jiawei Han 7, Bulent Yener 1 Context-aware Entity Morph Decoding 1. Task Introduction 3. Morph Decoding Step 2: Mention Resolution 苏牙 (Su-tooth) 苏亚雷斯 (Luis Suárez) 西红市 (Red West City) 重庆 (Chongqing) 平西王已经倒台了,还需要唱红歌吗? (Conquer West King from Chongqing fell from power, do we still need to sing red songs?) 不厚与小马哥 (Buhou and Little Brother Ma.) 专注!重庆平西王!专注!军哥! (Attention! Chongqing Conquer West King! Attention! Brother Jun!) 吴三桂碰到韦小宝,然后带领清军入侵中国,然 后变成了平西王。 (Wu Sangui met Wei Xiaobao, and led the army of Qing dynasty into China, and then became Conquer West King.) 薄熙来 (Bo Xilai) 马英九 (Ma Ying-jeou) 王立军 (Wang Lijun) Figure 1: An Illustration of Morph Decoding Task 吴三桂碰到韦小宝,然后带领清军入侵中国,然后变成了平西王。 (Wu Sangui met Wei Xiaobao, and led the army of Qing dynasty into China, and then became Conquer West King.) 平西王 a. Potential morph discovery b. Morph mention verification Figure 2: Pairwise Cross- genre Supervised Learning 八艳 (Eight Beauties) 降清 (Surrender to Qing Dynasty) 秦淮 (Qinhuai) 清军 (Army of Qing) 1644 年 (Year 1644) 入关 (Break the Defense) 秦亡 (Fall of Qin Dynasty) 陈圆圆 (Chen Yuanyuan) 吴三桂 (Wu Sangui) 封为 (Entitled as) 薄一波 (Bo Yibo) 满洲 (Manchuria) BXL (Bo Xilai) 王立军 (Wang Lijun) 文强 (Wen Qiang) 秦亡 (Fall of Qin Dynasty) 张德江 (Zhang Dejiang) 汉王 (King of Han) 薄 (Bo) 吴三桂 (Wu Sangui) 违纪 (Violation of Rules) 区分开 (Be Distinguished) BXL (Bo Xilai) 打黑 (Suppress Gangster) 王立军 (Wang Lijun) 死亡案 (Murdering Case) 张德江 (Zhang Dejiang) 尼尔 · 伍德 (Neil Heywood) 黄奇帆 (Huang Qifan) 引资 (Introduce Investment) “ 平西王 (Conquer West King)” in Wikipedia “ 平西王 (Conquer West King)” in tweets “ 薄熙来 (Bo Xilai)” in tweets/web docs Table 2: End-to-End Morph Decoding (%) Figure 5: Top 10 closest entities to morph and target in different genres Figure 4: Resolution Acc@K for Perfect Morph Mentions Potential Morph Discovery Basic (surface form, pos tags and etc.) Dictionary Phonetic Language Modeling Morph Mention Verification Graph-based semi-supervised method 西红柿 (Tomato) Pairwise Cross-genre Supervised Learning Within-genre Unsupervised Learning Figure 3: Continuous Bag-of-Words Architecture Table 1: Morph Mention Verification (%) MethodPrecisionRecallF1 Naive58.083.168.3 SVMs61.380.769.7 Our Approach88.277.282.3 ModelPrecisionRecallF1 Huang et al., 201340.233.336.4 Our Approach41.135.938.3 Real “Conquer West King” in history

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