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Proposed Facility Master Plan First Baptist Church Mt Washington, Ky.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Facility Master Plan First Baptist Church Mt Washington, Ky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Facility Master Plan First Baptist Church Mt Washington, Ky

2 Building Committee Members Bro. Billy Compton Bro. Billy Compton Tim Armstrong Tim Armstrong Ray Cecil Ray Cecil Melanie Cooke Melanie Cooke Gerald Cox Gerald Cox Tom Jasper George Maddox Carolyn Shaw Murrell Porter (Chairman)

3 Historical Background 2004 – Visitors leave due to limited seating/parking 2004 – Visitors leave due to limited seating/parking Vision Team formed to study options; Cogun consulting firm hired Vision Team formed to study options; Cogun consulting firm hired May 2005 – Vision team recommendations approved: May 2005 – Vision team recommendations approved: Church relocation Church relocation Purchase of property Purchase of property Development of facility master plan Development of facility master plan Mar 2006 – Church purchased 26 acres Mar 2006 – Church purchased 26 acres Sep 2006 – Building Committee formed to develop master plan Sep 2006 – Building Committee formed to develop master plan June 2008 – Hired McKnight Group, Design Build Corp June 2008 – Hired McKnight Group, Design Build Corp Jan 2009 – Two year hold due to recession Jan 2009 – Two year hold due to recession Jan 2011 – Diligent work began on master plan Jan 2011 – Diligent work began on master plan

4 Why Not Build on Current Site? Requires purchase of 20 properties Requires purchase of 20 properties Requires closing Hilltop & Snapp Streets Requires closing Hilltop & Snapp Streets Not feasible to buy 25-30 acres downtown Not feasible to buy 25-30 acres downtown Only meets needs for 15-20 yrs Only meets needs for 15-20 yrs Still have limitations of current facilities: Still have limitations of current facilities: Confusing and inefficient floor plan Confusing and inefficient floor plan Limitations for handicapped and elderly Limitations for handicapped and elderly Relocation more cost effective in long term Relocation more cost effective in long term

5 What Will Be Our Worship Attendance?

6 When Do We Need To Relocate?

7 Why Are We Growing So Fast?

8 Building Committee Goals Provide a master plan of facilities that: 1. Meets capacity needs for next 40 years 2. Designed for flexible expansion 3. Continues all current ministries 4. Traffic flow is efficient indoor and out 5. Accessible to handicapped & elderly 6. Fiscally feasible 7. Appealing to the un-churched

9 McKnight Group Qualifications Christian company with 35 yrs experience Christian company with 35 yrs experience Over 500 church & commercial projects Over 500 church & commercial projects Specializes in church design & construction Specializes in church design & construction Partners with church through whole process from concept to operation Partners with church through whole process from concept to operation Highly recommended by churches with building projects similar to ours Highly recommended by churches with building projects similar to ours

10 New Church Property

11 The Master Plan – Overview Phase 1 - 60,000 sq ft 1000 seat worship facility 1000 seat worship facility Educational space for all age groups Educational space for all age groups 100 seat café area 100 seat café area Music suite and limited staff offices Music suite and limited staff offices Parking for 475 vehicles Parking for 475 vehicles Later Phases Additional office / educational space Additional office / educational space Christian Life Center Christian Life Center Fellowship hall and kitchen Fellowship hall and kitchen Expand worship center up to 2500 seats Expand worship center up to 2500 seats Expand parking to over 1200 vehicles Expand parking to over 1200 vehicles

12 Front Exterior

13 Main Entrance

14 Children’s Play / Worship Area

15 First Floor Layout

16 Second Floor Layout

17 Sanctuary Size Comparison

18 Full Master Plan – First Floor

19 Full Master Plan – Second Floor

20 Phase 1 Site Plan

21 Phase 1 Site Plan Comparison to Present

22 Full Master Site Plan Comparison to Present

23 Dual Campus Necessary in Phase 1 Weekday activities continue on current campus during Phase 1: Most offices Most offices Christian Life Center Christian Life Center Most large fellowship activities Most large fellowship activities Mothers Day Out Mothers Day Out Performing Arts Center Performing Arts Center Community Ministries Food Pantry Community Ministries Food Pantry Library Library Radio Station Radio Station

24 How Can We Pay For This? Construction cost - $10,761,430 (today’s $) Construction cost - $10,761,430 (today’s $) Budget model: Budget model: Church grows at 20-yr rate of 4.5% per year. Church grows at 20-yr rate of 4.5% per year. Increase general budget commitment by 2% per year until reaching 25%. Increase general budget commitment by 2% per year until reaching 25%. Three average 3-yr capital campaigns. Three average 3-yr capital campaigns. General budget grows at average rate. General budget grows at average rate.

25 Road to Relocation May 2005Decision to Relocate Mar 2006Property Purchase Jul 2013Master Plan Approval Fall 20131 st Capital Campaign Fall 2016Design Approval 2017Construction 2018Move-In and Dedication

26 Activities Leading to Church Vote 30 Jun – Formal church presentation 30 Jun – Formal church presentation Additional Q&A presentations Additional Q&A presentations Sunday night - 7 July Sunday night - 7 July Wednesday night - 17 July Wednesday night - 17 July 28 July – Church vote, no discussions, secret ballot all three services. 28 July – Church vote, no discussions, secret ballot all three services.

27 Rainer Facility Impact Study Most Successful Elements of 58 Church Building Projects: Brought enthusiasm, unity, involvement, & commitment to the church Brought enthusiasm, unity, involvement, & commitment to the church Strengthened the faith of the church Strengthened the faith of the church Critical to church growth Critical to church growth Highest levels of satisfaction were achieved in relocation projects Highest levels of satisfaction were achieved in relocation projects Source: Facility Impact Research Study by The Rainer Group, 2005

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