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Jeremy Collymore, Coordinator Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency Comprehensive Disaster Management Forum Grand Barbados Beach Resort, Barbados.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeremy Collymore, Coordinator Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency Comprehensive Disaster Management Forum Grand Barbados Beach Resort, Barbados."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeremy Collymore, Coordinator Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency Comprehensive Disaster Management Forum Grand Barbados Beach Resort, Barbados March 20 – 21, 2006 Comprehensive Disaster Management: Reflections of the Broker

2 Integrated management of all hazards Integration of vulnerability assessment and risk reduction into planning and development Management of all phases of Disaster Management Cycle: Prevention and Mitigation Preparedness and Response Recovery and Restoration/Rehabilitation Engagement of public, private and civil stakeholders CDM Defined

3 Goal Sustainable Development in the Caribbean CDM: Reflections of the Broker Strategic Objective CDM integrated into development process of CDERA Member States

4 CDM RESULTS FRAMEWORK Goal: Sustainable Development in the Caribbean region SO: Comprehensive Disaster Management is integrated into the development processes of CDERA member countries. IR-1: Stronger regional and national institutions promote CDM. IR-2: Research and training support CDM. IR-3: Regional institutions and donors incorporate CDM in their own programs and promote CDM to their national members/clients. IR-4: Preparedness, response and mitigation capability is enhanced and integrated. IR-5: Hazard information is incorporated into development planning and decision making.

5 Leveraging Opportunities Number of events MDGs WSSD BPOA +10 Review WCDR CDM: Reflections of the Broker

6 Key Results CDERA National Consultations National CDM Programme Institutional Assessments CDM Programmatic Action Plans UWI Regional Organizations CDM: Reflections of the Broker

7 Summary of Achievements under each CDM Immediate Result

8 1.1CDERA restructured and reorganized to effectively support adoption of CDM by its member countries Operations of the CDERA Coordinating Unit restructured into four (4) functional areas Project Development, Coordination and Monitoring Unit established at the CDERA Coordinating Unit CDERA Agreement being revised Financial management of the CDERA Coordinating Unit review and enhanced IR1 - Stronger regional and national institutions promote CDM

9 1.2NDOs strengthened to support CDM NDOs in Saint Kitts-Nevis, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Belize, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Barbados, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and British Virgin Islands provided with additional staff In some PS facilities improved, legislation enacted, programmes restructured CDM Action Plans for 15 NDOs Institutional Assessments for 5 Training intervention developed to improve skills of NDO staff to lead and champion CDM implementation IR1 - Stronger regional and national institutions promote CDM

10 1.3Other research and data partners in the region strengthened and rationalized to support CDM H. Lavity Stoutte introduced Certificate programme in disaster management UWI introduced DRRC Select community colleges involved in Safer Building programme Geospatial Center and Disaster Studies Unit provided with equipment and technical assistance for GIS/DM applications and teaching SRU communications infrastructure strengthened IR1 - Stronger regional and national institutions promote CDM

11 2.1Curricula and programs at regional and national education institutions support hazard management… Msc in Environmental Resources Management incorporates Hazard consideration Climate Change Model in CERMES MSc programme Disaster management courses and Modules at Dept of Geography & Geology Resource Guides provided for CXC teachers of Social Studies and Geography Study of existing courses at tertiary institutions undertaken IR2 - Research and training support CDM

12 2.2Regional research & technology institutions have established hazard assessment, mapping and warning systems capabilities CIMH and UWI provided software, knowledge and equipment for Flooding Modeling and Mapping Early Warning Systems device developed by UWI SRU fully engaged in Tsunami EWS Hazard mapping tools shared with UWI and CIMH IR2 - Research and training support CDM

13 2.3Research is applied to specific local circumstances and information on hazard vulnerabilities Flood forecasting models, Flood Maps and EWS piloted in 3 States IR2 - Research and training support CDM

14 3.1Donors…adopted consistent policies requiring due attention to hazard assessment & mitigation measures… CDB has sought to incorporate NHIA in project feasibility and approval process UNDP, through BCPR, is seeking to make disaster/development link EDF has included disaster management in regional funding portfolio CIDA has specific policy in this regard IR3 - Regional institutions and donors incorporate CDM in their own programs and promote CDM to their national members/clients

15 3.1Donors…adopted consistent policies requiring due attention to hazard assessment & mitigation measures… Japan is seeking to build its cooperative programmes in risk reduction IDB revised policy promotes risk sensitive loan and grant financing CTOhas incorporated risk considerations into its sustainable tourism programme On the Agenda of Regional Private Sector and CCAA IR3 - Regional institutions and donors incorporate CDM in their own programs and promote CDM to their national members/clients

16 3.3Insurance & finance industries in the region actively support CDM IAC organized special session at 25 th meeting FCIB, Scotiabank and other banks are including safer building sessions in mortgage promotions Few companies offering reduced premiums for adoption of building standards Major move to address catastrophy financing IR3 - Regional institutions and donors incorporate CDM in their own programs and promote CDM to their national members/clients

17 4.1Disaster Management legislation support CDM Disaster Management legislation amended in the British Virgin Islands and Saint Lucia CDM being incorporated in those being drafted Legislative reviews undertaken to identify opportunities IR4 - Preparedness, response and mitigation capability is enhanced and integrated

18 4.2CDM plans in place, tested and reviewed annually All participating States have at least a Hurricane Plan Plans exist for several hazards Multi-hazard Plan is still in embryonic stage Testing not annual in most cases IR4 - Preparedness, response and mitigation capability is enhanced and integrated

19 4.3Emergency operations facilities are adequately equipped and operational All participating States have enhanced EOC facilities and procedures Basic equipment is available Adequacy of location is a concern for some EOC facilities IR4 - Preparedness, response and mitigation capability is enhanced and integrated

20 4.4Lifelines and critical infrastructure are protected with mitigation measures Electric utilities are incrementally placing cables underground Water utilities now embracing concept of standards and regional plan Telephone companies have hardened facilities for housing their equipment IR4 - Preparedness, response and mitigation capability is enhanced and integrated

21 4.5Mitigation is included in response, recovery and reconstruction actions Donors are committing small percentage of response funds to mitigation IR4 - Preparedness, response and mitigation capability is enhanced and integrated

22 Political Endorsement Ministerial Council approval of the strategy Endorsement by Community Organs of CARICOM COTED Community Council Conference of Heads of Government CDM: Reflections of the Broker

23 Political Endorsement Incorporated in Multi-lateral and Bi-lateral entities USAID UK Canada Japan India Spain Mexico CDM: Reflections of the Broker

24 Political Endorsement Part of Agenda of Meeting of CARICOM Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of State Incorporated into discussions on ACP- EU Natural Disaster Facility Framework for Cooperation Agreement with OECS CDM: Reflections of the Broker

25 CDERA Coordinating Unit’s Experiences ACTIVITYOUTPUTS 1. Review of the Agreement Establishing CDERA Enhanced Agreement Establishing CDERA reviewed and accepted by a sub- committee of the Council of CDERA 2.Development of a Strategic Plan for 2004-2007 Strategic Plan and Monitoring Framework for 2004-2007 Work Programme developed

26 CDM: Reflections of the Broker CDERA Coordinating Unit’s Experiences ACTIVITYOUTPUTS 3.Review of the Financial and Administrative Systems of the CDERA Coordinating Unit  Financial and Administrative Systems enhanced  Administration and Accounts Manuals Updated  Accounting Software reviewed and enhanced  System available for automated cheque processing 4.Project Management Training and Skills enhancement for CDERA Coordinating Unit staff  All CDERA staff sensitized to Project Management tools and techniques  CDERA Programme Managers trained in Project Management

27 Experience as a Broker Consultations – Highly variable Coordination Project driven Varying levels of efficiency and bureaucracy Governance Ownership and accountability CDM: Reflections of the Broker

28 Experience as a Broker (Cont’d) Partnership Dialogues/Meeting Intense fiscal and human constraints Duplication Need to embrace network/facilities Global demand CDM: Reflections of the Broker

29 Framing Regional Programmes and Priorities Recognize the link between the goals of the WCDR and those of CDM Structured consultations and used outcomes of others to inform priorities CDM: Reflections of the Broker

30 Framing Regional Programmes and Priorities Shared with Participating States Aligned WCDR and CARICOM priorities with CDM Results Obtain political endorsement CDM: Reflections of the Broker

31 Objectives of Programme Identify and elaborate priorities for promoting disaster loss reduction Expand and replicate ongoing best practices Provide a facility for linking national and regional actions to existing and future resourcing priorities CDM: Reflections of the Broker



34 Anchoring Resilience Pursuit of action in line with Governance: Institutional and Policy Framework for Governance Knowledge Management Community Disaster Planning Flood Management and Climate Change CDM: Reflections of the Broker

35 Programming Principles Disaster Reduction is essential for poverty alleviation Disaster reduction requires effective partnership among public, private and civil entities CDM: Reflections of the Broker

36 Programming Principles Vulnerability and disaster loss reduction must be underpinned by scientific data Healthy natural ecosystems are integral to natural hazard reduction CDM: Reflections of the Broker

37 Programming Principles Development of programming agenda in each state must embrace political will CDM: Reflections of the Broker

38 Critical Next Steps in Advancing CDM Partner internalization of CDM Widening and intensification of TCGs Joint Donor Programming Support Mechanism Annual Thematic Country Missions Expansion and Enhancement of Sector Risk Reduction Programme CDM: Reflections of the Broker

39 Critical Next Steps in Advancing CDM Support for Annual CDM Forum Assessment of National CDM Programme Frameworks Agreed standards for tools, instruments and training materials Design and financing of a CDM Monitoring Framework CDM: Reflections of the Broker

40 Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency Building #1, Manor Lodge Lodge Hill, Saint Michael, Barbados Tel No: 246 425-0386 Email:

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