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GENESIS Chapter 22 GOD WILL PROVIDE HIMSELF A LAMB I. Introduction A.“Testing of Abraham”.

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Presentation on theme: "GENESIS Chapter 22 GOD WILL PROVIDE HIMSELF A LAMB I. Introduction A.“Testing of Abraham”."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENESIS Chapter 22 GOD WILL PROVIDE HIMSELF A LAMB I. Introduction A.“Testing of Abraham”.

2 1.“Testing” comes from the Lord. 2. “Temptation” comes from satan. a) Both can be at the same trial! (1)The Lord wants us to stand fast in faith. (a)James 1:3-4

3 (2)Our own lust! (a)James 1:13-16 (b) “Who is winning in my trials?” B. Abraham passes his test! II.Genesis 22:1-3

4 A. “Test” to strengthen Abraham. 1.He begins the task before him. III.Genesis 22:4-5 A.He settle in his heart before heading for Moriah!

5 1.We must know going in. a) Quickest way to fail. b) Logic is beyond reach. 2. “3 days” = Isaac is dead! B.Trouble with Abraham’s definition of “worship”!

6 2.True worship a total commitment?” IV.Genesis 22:6 A.Abraham’s “only begotten son” carrying the “tree”! V.Genesis 22:7-8

7 A.Where is the lamb? 1.Genesis 22:8 a) Strange wording. b) Abraham’s statement prophetic. (1)The Lord provided Himself! c) Isaac committed to pleasing the Lord.

8 VI. Genesis 22:9 A.Isaac a willing victim, why tied up?” 1. NEVER decide in heat of battle. a) Perhaps Isaac requested! 2. Bit of a stretch!

9 a)Luke 22:42 b)Nust have submitted desires to the will of God! (1)True worship a total commitment! VII.Genesis 22:10-13

10 A.The Lord did provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering! VIII.Genesis 22:14 A.Jehovahjireh = “The Lord will provide

11 1.This Mt. Solomon built temple. IX. CONCLUSION A.Genesis 22:15-24 1.Rebekah – Isaac’s future bride!

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