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GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1 GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE IV: Discussion Highlights Decision.

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Presentation on theme: "GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1 GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE IV: Discussion Highlights Decision."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1 GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE IV: Discussion Highlights Decision Aids Phil Zuzolo, Boeing/Meteorologist

2 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 2 1) Please make a list of other decision aids that will be needed for GOES-R. What are the types of decision aids? What are the types of decision aids? Satisfy internal operations to the GOES-R systemSatisfy internal operations to the GOES-R system Key products or derived products from satellite dataKey products or derived products from satellite data Sophisticated/derived decision aids combine information from system(s)Sophisticated/derived decision aids combine information from system(s) What is the purpose of decision aids? Optimize usage of GOES-R data and system benefits to users and society What is the purpose of decision aids? Optimize usage of GOES-R data and system benefits to users and society Unknowns still exist: needs of the users and the application of the decision aids are in the definition/formulation phaseUnknowns still exist: needs of the users and the application of the decision aids are in the definition/formulation phase GOES-R is an evolutionary system and user education processGOES-R is an evolutionary system and user education process Example: Current use of satellite data in AWIPS. Needs to be addressed in the GOES-R era of satellite data tsunamiExample: Current use of satellite data in AWIPS. Needs to be addressed in the GOES-R era of satellite data tsunami

3 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 3 1) Please make a list of other decision aids that will be needed for GOES-R. (cont.) What are the levels of Decision Aids? What are the levels of Decision Aids? 1) Provide internal users (NOAA) ability to develop products to deliver to end users;1) Provide internal users (NOAA) ability to develop products to deliver to end users; 2) Provide end users timely access to products (decision aids defined as products) and satisfy diverse, competing users’ needs: FAA, DoD, agriculture (standard defaults could help)2) Provide end users timely access to products (decision aids defined as products) and satisfy diverse, competing users’ needs: FAA, DoD, agriculture (standard defaults could help) Key consideration: how users interface with the GOES-R system Key consideration: how users interface with the GOES-R system Information access will be a driver: synergy with other space systems, ground sites will provide additional information Information access will be a driver: synergy with other space systems, ground sites will provide additional information Decision aids expected to be combinations of different sensorsDecision aids expected to be combinations of different sensors

4 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 4 1) Please make a list of other decision aids that will be needed for GOES-R. (cont.) Other issues : Other issues : How to identify priorities (e.g. Future scanning strategies)How to identify priorities (e.g. Future scanning strategies) Need to identify some baseline scenarios then look at baseline Deltas regarding prioritiesNeed to identify some baseline scenarios then look at baseline Deltas regarding priorities

5 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 5 2) What groups are already building decision aids? NESDIS Algorithm Working Group NESDIS Algorithm Working Group NCEP NCEP NSSL NSSL National Hurricane Center National Hurricane Center Aviation decision Aids –NCAR&NASA funded by FAA Aviation decision Aids –NCAR&NASA funded by FAA Department of defense Department of defense Volcanic AAC Volcanic AAC CIMSS (pre-storm environment decision aids) CIMSS (pre-storm environment decision aids) NASA-SPORT Center Huntsville, Alabama NASA-SPORT Center Huntsville, Alabama Private sector Private sector

6 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 6 Decision aids have an operational purpose Decision aids have an operational purpose Event identification and enabling a temporally dependent mitigation strategyEvent identification and enabling a temporally dependent mitigation strategy Autonomous algorithms that generate products and tools that are built in to the system that alert users that something may be happening (that will be equivalent to L2 and L3 of satellite products) Autonomous algorithms that generate products and tools that are built in to the system that alert users that something may be happening (that will be equivalent to L2 and L3 of satellite products) Need for real time access to calibrated/navigated data Need for real time access to calibrated/navigated data Need to Archive these dataNeed to Archive these data Development of NOAA teams for continued improvement evolution of process Development of NOAA teams for continued improvement evolution of process 3) Any lessons learned from the WSSR-88D experience?

7 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 7 Design decision tools based on the end users feedback to meet their needs Design decision tools based on the end users feedback to meet their needs Involve users throughout the processInvolve users throughout the process Users training – focused training sessions on the needs of specific users and locations Users training – focused training sessions on the needs of specific users and locations Timing of the training is important relative to operational implementationTiming of the training is important relative to operational implementation Regional differences: key to effective training and operational implementation of decision aids Regional differences: key to effective training and operational implementation of decision aids 3) Any lessons learned from the WSSR-88D experience? (cont.)

8 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 8 4) What research is needed to better develop these decision aids? How to expedite image processing to identify signatures precluding the development hazardous events How to expedite image processing to identify signatures precluding the development hazardous events Development of automated tools providing information to decision makers and end users Development of automated tools providing information to decision makers and end users Include confidence levels associated with each product/regionInclude confidence levels associated with each product/region Development of implementation plans Development of implementation plans Methodology to move research applications to operationsMethodology to move research applications to operations Example: AWIPS implementation processExample: AWIPS implementation process

9 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 9 4) What research is needed to better develop these decision aids? (cont.) Quality control – incorporate tuning and validation into the research process Quality control – incorporate tuning and validation into the research process Develop a process to incorporate systems/science/user expertise from different disciplines Develop a process to incorporate systems/science/user expertise from different disciplines Severe weatherSevere weather Coastal WatersCoastal Waters AgricultureAgriculture Other decision aid topical areasOther decision aid topical areas

10 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 10 5) What other questions or issues would you like to have the group discuss? Develop criteria to prioritize the GOES-R system as a whole Develop criteria to prioritize the GOES-R system as a whole Objective methodology and focus group to prioritize geographically separated system priorities when critical events are occurringObjective methodology and focus group to prioritize geographically separated system priorities when critical events are occurring Key considerations: Life and property, resources, etc.Key considerations: Life and property, resources, etc. Needs to be governed by NOAA, DOD, and other users (private sector) and need to integrate with the GOES-R CONOPSNeeds to be governed by NOAA, DOD, and other users (private sector) and need to integrate with the GOES-R CONOPS Consideration of GOES-R system modes for critical event needs Consideration of GOES-R system modes for critical event needs ABI scan modesABI scan modes HES data capture modesHES data capture modes

11 GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 11 5) What other questions or issues would you like to have the group discuss? (cont.) How will NOAA reach out to more users to get their inputs and educate them about the benefits of GOES-R: How will NOAA reach out to more users to get their inputs and educate them about the benefits of GOES-R: Website with comments/bulletin board capabilityWebsite with comments/bulletin board capability Organized focus groupsOrganized focus groups Set user expectations regarding benefits and capabilities of what the GOES-R system will provide Set user expectations regarding benefits and capabilities of what the GOES-R system will provide User understanding of system benefits now rather than laterUser understanding of system benefits now rather than later

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