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IHCP - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Ispra - Italy Joint Research Centre (JRC) EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October.

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Presentation on theme: "IHCP - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Ispra - Italy Joint Research Centre (JRC) EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 IHCP - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Ispra - Italy Joint Research Centre (JRC) EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 1 CNOSSOS-EU Guidelines for the competent use of the future common noise assessment methods Fabienne- Anfosso- Lédée Stylianos Kephalopoulos Associating S. Shilton, M. Paviotti, N. Jones, T. Werst, P. de Vos, D. van Maercke, V. Reina

2 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 2 CNOSSOS-EU Guidelines Concept Introduction Background Objectives and scope of the Guidelines How will the Guidelines look like? Proposed structure Examples from the template Some Technical Issues to be Addressed Future Needs

3 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 3 Background (1/2) JRC Workshop March 2009, Ispra: Target Quality and Input Values Requirements: Extensive discussions highlighted need for Guidance. JRC Workshop September 2009, Brussels: Selection of common noise assessment methods in EU Extensive discussions identified initial scope of Guidance; Euronoise October 2009, Edinburgh: Noise Mapping Workshop Presentation of recommendations from September JRC workshop and discussion open to experts from outside the working groups; Lively debate amongst delegates, predominantly centred on the practical application of the proposed methods; Provided clarity on the required scope of the Guidance.

4 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 4 Background (2/2) JRC Ad-hoc Meeting with Software Developers (CNOSSOS-EU), March 2010, Ispra first presentation of the concept, scope and outline of the Guidance discussions and starting point for an outline agreement on the overall form and scope of the Guidance DG ENV Meeting of the Joint Regulatory Committee Meeting on Noise, June 2010, Brussels EU MS reiterated the need for Guidance for a competent use of CNOSSOS- EU as an integral part of the common method EU MS also expressed their views on what the Guidelines should contain.

5 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 5 Objectives of the Guidelines The purpose of CNOSSOS-EU is to support the Directives requirements on comparability and equivalence, therefore, the Guidance should provide: a framework for a common implementation of the END. extensive practical guidance to support the users in the application of the proposed CNOSSOS-EU methods Technical chapters of CNOSSOS-EU focus on WHAT the method entails – the Standard; Guidance chapters of CNOSSOS-EU focus on HOW the method should be used in practice. The Guidance should support and encourage sharing of data, experience and best practice between stakeholders, support the aims of the INSPIRE Directive.

6 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 6 Scope of the Guidelines (1/2) bring together the key aspects of best practice currently set out within an array of documents and reports. WG-AEN, Good Practice Guide for Strategic Noise Mapping and the Production of Associated Data on Noise Exposure, Aug. 2007; WG-AEN, Presenting Noise Mapping Information to the Public, March 2008; OJEU, Commission Recommendation 2003/613/EC EC, Reporting Mechanism proposed for reporting under the END 2002/49/EC - Handbook (including Data Specifications), Oct. 2007. IMAGINE, WP1 Final report, 2006 DIN 45687 Various national guidance documents … Guidance of CNOSSOS-EU is to be developed and extended beyond the aforementioned available documents.

7 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 7 Scope of the Guidelines (2/2) Fit for purpose framework A comprehensive methodology to support detailed assessments; Simplified for strategic noise mapping using default inputs and/or other assumptions. According to EU MS, the Guidelines need to indicate the necessary quality of input data provide instructions on the evaluation of emission data: how to import national databases in CNOSSOS-EU how to introduce new data indicate the impact of simplifications of input data. be flexible to accommodate local and regional variations (complex situations such as valley zones)

8 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 8 Who are the Guidelines for? WHO?NEEDS? National authority understand the financial costs, the complexity and the number of organisations within the MS who need to be involved within the process of implementing the directive including transposition Competent authority coordination, management and production of the result data of strategic noise mapping or action plans Technical practitioner run the project (data collection and handling, operating software, operating calculation, producing result files) Data provider provide the appropriate input data Reporting coordinator at MS towards the EC collect relevant information from the competent authorities

9 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 9 Proposed general structure 5 embedded levels of use defined Level 0: Overview: Framework description of the method, aimed at general public and politicians Level 1: The assessment process: Explanations for the environmental offices and managers of the process at MS level Level 2: Description: General explanation of input data requirements and use of the method. Aimed at persons performing the noise mapping calculations Level 3: Toolkit: Exact list of inputs to be used in the calculation. Level 4: Details: Hints of the settings and input values, clarification of specific issues, data format tolls for National databases conversion, tools for introducing new values, use of measurements

10 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 10 Items in the assessment process (level 1) Areas of assessment Road noise source emission Railway noise source emission Industrial noise source emission Aircraft noise source emission Sound propagation GIS and dataset specifications Noise level calculations Measurements Reporting of Results Public Participation

11 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 11 How will the Guidelines look like? An interactive web based tool, hosted by JRC Staged development according to priorities Updated information Possibility to get information at different levels of details Possibility to send comments directly from the site, to suggest improvements or to share experience

12 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 12 TEXT TO BE DRAFTED Level 0

13 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 13 Level 1

14 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 14 Level 2

15 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 15 Level 3

16 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 16 Level 4

17 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 17

18 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 18

19 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 19 Development process Small expert group (9 people) coordinated by JRC, for building the web site and preparing a draft proposal (S. Shilton, M. Paviotti, N. Jones, T. Werst, P. de Vos, D. van Maercke, F. Anfosso, S. Kephalopoulos, V. Reina) Structure table: list of all items to be fed in the Guidelines at each relevant level Priorities are assigned for each item Priority 1: essential, items needed for noise mapping Priority 2: medium, items can be useful for noise mapping Priority 3: low, items can be useful for action planning only Building of web site template according to the item structure table Drafting of all screens according to priorities Formal reviewing and finalisation (by the group of experts officially nominated by EU MS and other stakeholders)

20 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 20 Some technical issues to be addressed (1/2) Input Data: How to capture specific noise related data, such as train emissions, vehicle noise, rail/wheel roughness, road surface info etc; How to link with national data and take into account specific data Data specifications for inputs and outputs for CNOSSOS-EU Management of uncertainty/quality: in terms of dB uncertainty or no of people uncertainty; controlling uncertainty as per DIN 45687 standard GPGv2 Toolkits: Needs to be updated and expanded to deal with CNOSSOS-EU, what to do when you have or dont have data;

21 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 21 Some technical issues to be addressed (2/2) Post processing: Interpolation of grids for missing points or contours, presentation of maps, population exposure assessment, reporting to EC, presentation to the public and stakeholders Use of noise mapping software: User settings and calculation processing, receptor points for population assessment, grid resolution,…

22 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 22 Future Needs Establish CNOSSOS-EU support working group; To provide feedback, clarification, support, training and answers to EU MS, software developers and end users; To manage the test protocols, verification process and accreditation; To manage and update the CNOSSOS-EU method and Guidelines.

23 EEA Copenhagen 7-8 October 2010 – Meeting of the Eionet National Reference Centres for Noise 23 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Time for questions and discussion…

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