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Climate Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction

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1 Climate Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
Tri Dewi Virgiyanti Deputy Director For Environmental Pollution And Degradation Control Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) Workshop on Community-based Disaster Risk Management in Response to Climate Change Ho Chi Minh, September 2015



4 Geographic and Socio-economic Characteristics of Indonesia Place the Country in A Vulnerable Position to Climate Change Impact Archipelagic country with mountainous profile and long coastline Monsoon that affecting annual rainfall trend Located in equatorial line and has a tropical climate High population number that concentrated in urban area Poverty level and local culture highly affecting the community’s adaptive capacity Faktor Geografis: 1. Bergunung dan garis pantai yang panjang; satu daerah bisa memiliki rentang topografi yang ekstrim 2. Indonesia merupakan negara tropis kepulauan, kombinasi kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi dengan panjang garis pantai hingga km dan pulau, sangat berpotensi mengalami dampak-dampak perubahan iklim. Sekitar 42 juta penduduk tinggal di kawasan dengan ketinggian kurang dari 10 m diatas rata-rata permukaan laut. 3. Luas perairan yang mencapai 2/3 area indonesia menyebabkan kelembaban yang tinggi; kelembaban di musim kemarau berkisar antara 70-80% 4. Berlokasi di daerah tropis dan dilalui oleh garis khatulistiwa disinari matahari sepanjang tahun sehingga berpengaruh terhadap suhu rata2 yg relatif tinggi 5. Iklim Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh angin muson Sosial-ekonomi: 1. Sensus penduduk di tahun 2010 menunjukkan bahwa penduduk Indonesia di tahun 2010 mencapai 237,6 juta jiwa. 2. Data Kementerian Dalam Negeri menunjukan laju urbanisasi yang cukup signifikan selama tiga dekade terakhir, pada 1995 hanya 40 persen penduduk yang bermukim di kota, sedangkan pada 2010, jumlah ini meningkat menjadi 52 persen. Bappenas memperkirakan bahwa pada tahun 2025, 65% dari total populasi di Indonesia akan bermukim di perkotaan 3. Data TNP2K menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemiskinan di Indonesia adalah sebesar 12,49% pada tahun 2011  tingkat kemiskinan mempengaruhi kemampuan masyarakat untuk beradaptasi. Kebudayaan dan kepercayaan yang dianut oleh suatu kelompok masyarakat mempengaruhi jenis-jenis tindakan adaptasi yang akan mereka implementasikan 4. Contoh kasus: Kota Semarang dari tahun ke tahun berkembang ke arah area yang diprediksi akan tergenang; permukiman dan pusat perekonomian Kota Semarang cenderung bergerak ke arah timur dan utara Residential development pattern often move towards climate disaster-prone area Climate change context has not been integrated optimally into development plan (Eg: spatial planning still disregarding climate change impact in an area)

5 Climate-related Disaster and Development
In the past decade, Majority of disaster event in Indonesia is hydrometeorological disaster Climate change is predicted as will cause a 6.7% drop of GDP in 4 South East Asia countries in 2100 (ADB, 2013) In 2025, around 31% of global income will be based in countries facing high or extreme risks from climate change impact; where Indonesia is amongst the high risk countries (Maplecroft, 2013). Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan oleh Asian Development Bank (ADB), perubahan iklim diprediksi akan mengakibatkan empat Negara di kawasan Asia tenggara (Indonesia, Filipina, Thailand dan Vietnam) mengalami kerugian sebesar 6.7% dari GDP per tahunnya pada tahun 2100, nilai ini lebih dari dua kali lipat rerata global. Data dari Stern Review (2006) menunjukan bahwa biaya untuk menanggulangi perubahan iklim apabila dilakukan saat ini akan berkisar pada nilai 1-2% dari GDP global; namun penundaan untuk bertindak akan berdampak pada membengkaknya biaya tersebut akan membengkak hingga mencapai kisaran 5-20% dari global GDP Kajian tahunan keenam dari Maplecroft (sebuah konsultan Risiko) yang berjudul Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas terhadap 193 negara menyatakan bahwa pada kisaran tahun 2025, sekitar sepertiga penghasilan global (31%) akan mendapatkan dampak ekonomi sebagai akibat dari perubahan iklim. Kisaran tersebut sebanding dengan USD 44 triliun yang bersumber dari Negara-negara yang diklasifikasikan sebagai negara yang paling berisiko (ekstrem hingga sangat tinggi) terkena dampak perubahan iklim Indonesia termasuk negara yang dikategorikan sebagai berisiko tinggi Tahun % ada bencana hidrometeorologi, tahun sekitar 92,1 % Losses from Jakarta flooding in 2002 and reaches 1,5 trillion and 2 trillion IDR consecutively (Bappenas, 2007) Between , rice production experience annual losses of around tonnes/regency. It is predicted by 2050, there will be a dry rice deficit that reaches 60 million tonnes (Boer, 2003)

6 Translating Vulnerability and Risk into Actions
Drives the need to develop a. Kajian kerentanan yang dikeluarkan oleh SIDA menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Indonesia yang rentan ada di bagian barat dan selatan sumatera, barat dan timur jawa, sebagian besar wilayah bali, nusa tenggara dan papua, kalimantan bagian utara dan sulawesi bagian utara b. Jakarta dikategorikan sebagai daerah paling rentan di wilayah Asia Tenggara. Jakarta Utara menjadi bagian Jakarta yang paling rentan, terlepas dari tingkatan kapasitas adaptifnya yang tergolong paling tinggi. Area tersebut rentan dikarenakan kejadian banjir yang terjadi di wilayah dengan kepadatan penduduk tinggi. Hal yagn sama teridentifikasi di wilayah barat Jawa yang dikategorikan rentan, karena ancaman dari banjir dan tanah longsor yang dikombinasikan dengan faktor kepadatan penduduk c. Berangkat dari kenyataan kerentanan wilayah serta ancaman yang berpotensi terjadi, Pemerintah Indonesia berkomitmen untuk mengambil langkah penanggulangan dampak perubahan iklim. Indonesia memang bukan termasuk ke dalam negara Least Developed Countries yang diarahkan untuk memiliki National Adaptation Plan (NAP); tetapi menyadari fakta kerentanan dan ancaman yang ada, maka pemerintah indonesia meyadari kebutuhan untuk memiliki suatu dokumen arahan nasional untuk aksi adaptasinya. Perumusan dan launching dokumen ini menjadi wujud komitmen Pemerintah Indonesia dalam menanggulangi dampak perubahan iklim 7 cities and regencies in Indonesia categorised as the Top 10 highly vulnerable area to climate change; where Jakarta comes out as the top most vulnerable region (SIDA, 2009)

7 Number of Hydro-meteorogical disaster in RAN API pilot site


9 Convergence CCA – DRR (Adopted Mitchell and Van Aalst, 2008)
Climate Change Adaptation (Long term actions plan to respond of climate change impact) Disaster Risk Reduction (Risk Management based on Risk Assessment and Historical Data) Risk Management related to hydro-meteorological disaster to response of climate projection i.e. flood, drought, landslide, extreme wave and abrasion and extreme event

10 Management of CCA and DRR in Indonesia
Regulation Institutional Planning CCA UU 32/2009 BAPPENAS, KLHK, BPBD National Action Plan of Climate Change Adaptation (RAN API) DRR UU 24/2007 BNPB, BPBD National Action Plan on Disaster (RENAS PB)

11 Overview of Implementation CCA – DRR in Indonesia
Supporting Implementation Actor/Forum Research Methodology System of Data and Information CCA Task Force of Adapation Various Method on Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment Monev of RAN API and SIDIK DRR National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction PERKA 02/2012 of General Guideline for Risk Assessment DIBI and Disaster Risk Index


13 How Indonesia Move Towards National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API)
RKP 2010 RKP 2011 ACCELERATION OF JUST ECONOMIC GROWTH SUPPORTED BY STRENGTHENING GOVERNANCE AND LOCAL-CENTRAL SYNERGY RKP 2012 RKP 2013 RKP 2014 RPJMN 1 Bureaucracy and Governance Reform 2 Education 3 Health 4 Poverty Eradication 5 6 Infrastructure 7 Investment Climate 8 Energy 9 Environment and Disaster Management 10 Disadvantaged, Forefront, Outer and Post-conflict Regions 11 Culture, Creativity an Technological Innovation 12 13 14 Food Security RECOVERY OF NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND SUSTAINING PEOPLE WELFARE “EXPANSION AND ACCELERATION OF JUST AND INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PEOPLE WELFARE” STRENGTHENING DOMESTIC ECONOMY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND EXPANSION OF PEOPLE WELFARE STRENGTHENING OF NATIONAL ECONOMY TO IMPROVE JUST PEOPLE WELFARE Politics, Law and Security Economic People Welfare Perjalanan menuju terbentuknya RAN API diawali sejak 4 tahun yang lalu, dengan melalui berbagai proses termasuk penginklusiannya ke dalam dokumen pembangunan tahunan pemerintah pusat, akhirnya RAN API bisa diluncurkan pada awal tahun Namun mengingat RPJMN periode Presiden SBY akan selesai di tahun ini, maka penginklusian RAN API akan dimasukkan ke dalam RPJMN periode Presiden Terpilih Joko Widodo Pada RPJMN 2014, isu adaptasi sudah masuk di program lintas bidang serta di sektor2 prioritas seperti pertanian, kelautan dan perikanan, pesisir, infrastruktur dan kesehatan; dan juga sektor pendukung (data, informasi dan komunikasi, kapasitas kelembagaan, riset dan teknologi ). Sustainable Development Mainstreaming Cross-sectoral Program: Climate Change PERPRES 61/2011 RAN GRK PERPRES 71/2011 GHG INVENTORY Adaptation Strategy Initial Development of RAN-API Consultation and socialization of RAN-API RAN API Launching and Pilot Location

14 General Framework of RAN-API

15 Sector and Sub-sector of RAN API
Economic Resilience Food Security Energy Independence Living System Resilience Health Housing Infrastructure Ecosystem Resilience Ecosystem and Biodiversity Specific Region Resilience Urban Coastal and Small Islands Supporting System Data and Information Capacity Building Research and Development

16 National Development Plan Document (Non-Spatial)
Future of CCA and RAN API in relation to National Development Planning System National Development Plan Document (Non-Spatial) Inclusion to Progress to date Included in the Technocratic Draft of RPJMN as part of Cross-sectoral Program Menunjukkan kedudukan dan keterkaitan RAN API di dalam sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional, serta mengapa RAN API perlu dimasukkan ke dalam RPJMN. Juga menjelaskan bagaimana RPJMN menjadi arahan bagi RPJMD.

17 Responsibilities BNPB in RAN-API (example…)
Activities Indicator Programs/Activities in RKP SECTOR LIVING SYSTEM RESILIENCE Sub-Sector Housing Cluster 3. Community Empowerment Increased participation and community capacity in disaster risk reduction as a result of climate change in vulnerable residential area, etc. Community involvement in the planning process of adaptation to climate change The increasing commitment to disaster management actors due to climate change Disaster Management Program/Community Empowerment Technical Management and Implementation Support of other Technical Task of BNPB Activities Indikator Programs/Activities in RKP SECTOR LIVING SYSTEM RESILIENCE Sub-Sector Infrastructure Cluster 6. Increased infrastructure support system adaptation to climate change Development of information systems that are reliable response to climate change and cross-cutting issues Collected and drafting documents containing data and information for disaster risk due to climate change The achievement of information about climate change to the public and local institutions Disaster Relief Program / Application Development Information and Communication Technology for Risk Reduction and Mitigation of Natural Disasters SECTOR ECOSYSTEM RESILIENCE Cluster 6. Development of Information and Communication System Stabilization, maintenance and updating of information and communication systems for monitoring the quality of the ecosystem The application of information and communication systems for early warning to control the quality of environmental services (eg, forest cover), floods and landslides, forest fires, extreme waves and extreme weather that is easily accessible to the public Program Disaster Management / Disaster Preparedness

18 Role of BNPB in Cross-Sectoral Policy of Climate Change
NO Priority Activities INDICATOR WAY FORWARD 2015 2016 2017 2018 UNIT 1 Disaster preparedness Number of preparedness activities 2 3 4 Reports Number of contingency plans 14 15 16 Documents Number of extension materials preparedness 5 Number of preparedness guidelines for early warning systems Guidelines Application development information and communication technology for risk reduction and mitigation of natural disasters The number of activities on disaster communication forum Activities Number of technical guidance data and disaster information The number of documents disaster baseline data Indonesia Document Prevention and disaster risk reduction Number facilitation of disaster risk reduction 50 55 60 Locations Number of socialization of disaster risk reduction 12 Number of guidelines for disaster risk reduction Strategic thematic maps to support national priorities Map Sheet Number Amount (NLP) Thematic priorities related to national development 56 NLP

19 Lesson-learned on disaster relief and DRR strategy: Aceh - Nias

Encourage and cultivate a culture of disaster awareness Socialization and dissemination of DRR to the communities Provision and dissemination of disaster information to the public Conducting disaster training regularly and continuously Strengthening partnership with various stakeholders Improving the quality of life of peoples at disaster affected areas Environmental management in disaster prone areas Fostering local knowledge in disaster mitigation Integrated DRR into national and local development plan Disaster risk assessment and monitoring Incorporated risk assessment and risk map into local development plan and spatial plan; Harmonization of policies and regulations in the disaster management Preparation of contingency plans at the district/city level Strengthening institutional capacity and apparatus Provision of disaster early warning system Development and utilization of science and technology and education for DRR simulation and disaster preparedness drills Provision of infrastructure for disaster mitigation and preparedness Increase the capacity for logistics management and distribution Reducing disaster risk index in the growth center which high risk to disaster. Internalization of DRR within sustainable development framework at national and local level Reducing the vulnerability to disaster Strengthening the capacity of central government, local government and communities Strategy Goal Reducing economic losses Strengthening the capacity of central government, local government and communities to deal with disaster Policy

21 Disaster Risk Reduction
National Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction Changing paradigm in DM: Responsive  Preventive Sectoral  Multi-sectoral Government initiative Shared-responsibility Centralized  Decentralized Mitigation  Disaster risk reduction National and Local Plan for DM National and Local Action Plan for DRR Funding Arrangement for DM: National Budget, Local Budget, Private sectors and/or community, International Donors and NGOs Law No. 24 / 2007 on DM Gov. Reg on DRR Arrangement Gov. Reg on DRR Financing Gov. Reg on DRR External Supports Presidential Regulation on the establishment of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Ministry of Home Affairs Decree on the establishment of Local Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) 468 Local Disaster Management Agencies established until August 2015

22 Lesson-learned from Post-Disaster Recovery in Aceh-Nias
In 2004, a massive tsunami devastated 800 kilometers of coastline in the Indonesian province of Aceh. More than 170,000 people went missing or dead and more than hundreds of thousands of homes, buildings, roads and bridges were destroyed. Another great earthquake hit the islands of Nias on March Consequently, the local government function was collapsed by this massive impact of tsunami. The central government set up BRR (Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Board) to convey the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction. During the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase in , approximately 120,000 permanent houses were built using financial scheme mixed-approach (Contractual or CDD). APBN projects implemented through BRR, with the participation of the local government. Donor has given a significant contribution to the rehabilitation and reconstruction process, including to the livelihood and people’s recovery. Its work is being coordinated and monitored by BRR. In 5 years, there are more than 900 health facilities, 1,135 schools, 3,000 km roads, 3,200 religion facilities completed build and more than 130,000 SMEs has been supported. To continuously support the DRR in Aceh-Nias, GoI support internalization of DRR within sustainable development framework at national and local level, reducing the vulnerability of the local community to disaster, as well as strengthening the capacity of the central government, local government and Aceh-Nias communities.


24 Concept of Climate Inclusive DRR in Indonesia
Protection of existing and future investment due to climate change Prevention of new risk disaster Community-based resilience DRR System Prevention Mitigation Preparedness CCA Process CCA Policy Adaptation Strategies Program and Activities of CCA Source: BNPB at RAN API pilot site meeting, February 2015

25 Thank You

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