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“Jobs Underpin Recovery”. Discuss The Big Picture? Stuart Gulliver.

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1 “Jobs Underpin Recovery”. Discuss The Big Picture? Stuart Gulliver

2 Economic performance is central to the success of the city economy Sustainable city recovery is fundamentally about job growth and incomes

3 By ‘Jobs’ we can mean 3 things the quantity of jobs(in ‘survival’ period this is a priority) the quality of jobs (pay levels, skill levels) job direction (“Glasgow jobs for Glasgow people”)

4 Job Growth comes about because of 4 rates of change - a sort of ‘Corporate demography’ birth rate of business death rate of business growth rate of existing businesses (and institutions) migration rate of existing business (and institutions)

5 3 Models of Job Generation pursued by cities over last 30 years ‘Survivalism’ Get any job you can ‘Re-structuring’ Economic self- improvement ‘Post-Industrial’ Seeking competitiveness in the global economy IIIIII Chasing FDI Indigenous business, small business, technology sectors, risk capital Both indigenous and exogenous Deep subsidy, low costs, skills available E-Zones, tax breaks, sector parks, business services Get ‘basics’ right, connectivity, talent, amenity, networks Focus Approach

6 Particular Approaches to Job Generation - & the growth of ‘fadism’ i)Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) USA, Japan. ‘Branch plant’ & later subsidiary entrepreneurship. ‘Silicon Glen’ ii)Technology Sectors Electronics, Health Care, Advanced Engineering, Financial Services, Oil & Gas, Tourism iii)‘Picking Winners’ SDA had an investment capability iv)New firm formation and small business development Motivated by U.S. research by Birch v)Commercialisation and Technology Transfer vi)Clusters

7 What are Glasgow’s competitor cities up to in early 90’s? 1989 Analysis:Glasgow in bottom half of 3rd Division of 4 Division system 1990/91 Visits:Hamburg, Munich, Copenhagen Lyon, Barcelona, Monpellier, Marseille, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Milan

8 Our Competitors - 4 themes emerging 1.Get the basics right and do them really well external connectivity human capital quality of built environment / amenity 2.Universities & research centres as key institutions 3.Focussed business development SME Support systems promotion of entrepreneurialism 4.Appropriate Development Mechanisms

9 The Glasgow Approach What is amenable to change at the city level? Macro factors affect 80% of what happens at city level Strategy of “rowing, steering and cheering” Difficulty of identifying which economic activities will be key at the city level in the future

10 1.External Connectivity Route development, “Use it or lose it campaign” 2.Other supply side activity creation of modern, attractive business locations & sites quality of labour market access to investment funds, venture capital 3.Universities designated as a Key Industry 4.Focused Business Development 5.Strategic Marketing 6.Implementation - delivery focus; making Glasgow an easy place to invest in

11 Jobs Come Late in the Cycle Stages of City Turnaround Decline Survival Stabilise Revival Transformation Re-positionRe-invent

12 Turnaround Life Cycle - Jobs come late in the cycle City Performance Stage 1 ‘Survival’ Stage 2 ‘Revival’ Stage 3 ‘Re-position’ Time City turnaround takes a generation - 25 years Need for ‘Pacing Devices’ 1988 Glasgow Garden Festival 1990 European City of Culture 1996 Festival of the Visual Arts 1999 UK City of Architecture & Design

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