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Take out your Absolute Location Worksheet, complete and turn in. Read pages 40-47 in your textbook. Happy Wednesday!

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Presentation on theme: "Take out your Absolute Location Worksheet, complete and turn in. Read pages 40-47 in your textbook. Happy Wednesday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out your Absolute Location Worksheet, complete and turn in. Read pages 40-47 in your textbook. Happy Wednesday!

2 Notes On a separate piece of paper divide each section by title: Comparing Climate Graphs 1. Climate and Weather (p40-47) 1. Where would you see…? (p50-52) 1.


4 Climate and Weather

5 Compare the two… Weather –  Daily condition outside Climate  Weather over an extended period of time (yearly)

6 Elements of Climate

7 Factor Number 1 Elevation

8 The higher the elevation, the colder the temperature. That’s why there are snow-capped mountains on the Equator. For every 1000 feet increase in altitude, the temperature is 3 ½ degrees colder.

9 Factor Number 2 Latitude Belts

10 Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle Arctic Circle Graphic created by EJoyce

11 Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle Arctic Circle HIGH (polar) LOW (tropic) HIGH (polar) MIDDLE ( temperate ) 90 0 23 1/2 66 1/2

12 Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle Arctic Circle HIGH MIDDLE 90 S 90 N 0 23 ½ N 23 ½ S 66 ½ N 66 ½ S LOW North Pole South Pole Graphic created by EJoyce

13 Factor Number 3 Influence of Mountain Ranges

14 High mountains located near large bodies of water block the moisture that blows in from the ocean and create a rain shadow on the leeward side of the mountain.

15 Windward side of the Mountain Leeward side of the Mountain Rain Shadow Graphic created by EJoyce

16 Windward

17 Leeward

18 Mountains Rain shadow Rain is blocked by the mountains Winds blow in from west to east and are blocked by the coastal mountains. The moisture never makes it across the mountains

19 Factor Number 4 Proximity to Water

20 Places located near large bodies of water have a relatively mild climate. Water does not heat up or cool down as quickly as the air temperature. The warmer breezes blowing off the water, create a mild climate.

21 North Atlantic Drift

22 Compare the climate of London England with a city in Canada at the same latitude belt. Which region has the mildest climate? Why?

23 Climate Regions

24 Climate Graph

25 “A Consumer Goes Global” Write a half page summary of the article. Do you agree or disagree with the article, why?

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