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MarylandEnergyOutlook Advisory Committee Meeting December 1, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "MarylandEnergyOutlook Advisory Committee Meeting December 1, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 MarylandEnergyOutlook Advisory Committee Meeting December 1, 2009

2 Purpose of Meeting 2  Present Maryland Energy Outlook Draft Report and policy options  Receive input and feedback from the Advisory Committee and the public

3 Maryland Energy Goals 3  EmPOWER MD: 15% reduction in per capita electricity consumption and per capita peak demand by 2015 (2007 baseline)  Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS): 20% of electricity from renewables by 2022, including 2% from solar  Climate Action: 25% reduction in GHG emissions by 2020 (2006 baseline)  Green Jobs: 100,000 new green jobs by 2015

4 Results So Far – EmPOWER MD 4 Forecasted Peak Demand Peak Demand Savings in Excess of Target Megawatts Source: : EmPOWER Maryland Targets and Population established by the PSC; PSC, BGE EmPOWER MD Staff Initial Comments, Tables ES1a-ES1b.

5 Results So Far – EmPOWER MD 5

6 Results So Far – RPS Renewables = 4.5% of Maryland’s Electricity Mix 6 Source: Maryland PSC, Ten-Year Plan (2008-2017) of Electric Companies in Maryland

7 Results So Far – Climate Action 7  Too early to assess

8 8 Results So Far – Green Jobs  Approximately 250,000 existing “green jobs”

9 What More Can We Do? 9  Numerous policy options can and should be considered  Some of the most promising options were explored and evaluated

10 Options to Decrease Energy Demand 10  Time-of-sale disclosure of energy performance for residential and commercial buildings  Tax credits for zero energy and zero energy ready buildings  Combined heat and power (CHP) initiatives

11 Options to Advance Renewables to Meet Maryland’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) 11  Modify the solar RPS Accelerate phase-in Adjust Alternative Compliance Payment  Extend waste-to-energy RPS requirement  Establish a carve-out for ocean energy  Extend and expand MD Renewable Production Tax Credit Program

12 Options for Advancing Clean Energy Economic Development and Green Jobs in Maryland 12  Develop a clean energy economic development strategy

13 Options to Increase Transportation Energy Independence 13  Increase availability and use of high-level ethanol blends  Increase availability and use of biodiesel  Promote electric-drive vehicles  “Green” the State fleet  Increase support for Commuter Connections program

14 Next Steps 14  Written comments on the MEO draft final report will be accepted via email until Tuesday, December 15, 2009  To submit an email, please access the following link:; the subject line must read “Maryland Energy Outlook ” to ensure proper routing and delivery  We will not be able to consider comments received after the December 15, 2009 deadline

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