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Arctic Research in a Whole of Government Environment David Hazen, Student NSP6 and Centre Director, DRDC Atlantic Research Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Arctic Research in a Whole of Government Environment David Hazen, Student NSP6 and Centre Director, DRDC Atlantic Research Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arctic Research in a Whole of Government Environment David Hazen, Student NSP6 and Centre Director, DRDC Atlantic Research Centre

2 Current and Recent Work 1 Physical Sciences –Ocean and Atmospheric Science –Climate Change –Ice Dynamics –Permafrost –Mapping and Charting

3 Current and Recent Work 2 Human Sciences –Individual Performance (inc. kit) –Team Performance –Sociological/Cultural Interaction with Northern Communities

4 Current and Recent Work 3 ISR –Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques –OTH Radar –Acoustics –Remote System Integration –Building Situational Awareness Sustainment –Camp Power –Ship Design

5 What’s working well Polar Continental Shelf facility ALERT Science Support Coordination RCN, CCG and RCAF Air Mobility Support Construction Engineering and Fleet Diving Support Clusters of horizontal coordination NCE Programs (ArcticNet, MEOPAR) CHARS

6 What’s not working well Administrative Rice Bowls –Horizontal collaboration discouraged –Difficulty in making administrative arrangements (MOUs and cost recovery mechanisms) –Lack of consistent approach to international collaboration Logistics (RCN, CCG and RCAF Air Mobility) Pre-Deployment Training (standards, access to courses and ranges)

7 What needs to change Circles vs. Hierarchies –Collaboration as the norm –Operate as part of the environment vice treating it as an externality Shift the departmental culture to make northern operational experience normative. Need conscious development of a new generation of civ & mil “Arctic hands,” including leadership roles for Northerners.

8 Some Ongoing Research Challenges Understanding Effects of Climate Change Community Sustainability (Ship-shore connectors, power and energy, airports, social/cultural issues) Mobility and Communications Situation Awareness and Response Mapping and Charting Under-ice surveillance Personnel Performance in Harsh Environments

9 Acknowledgements Assistance by staff at DRDC Atlantic, DRDC Toronto and DGMPRA in assembling background information is gratefully acknowledged. (Photo credits are embedded in notes pages) Likewise, I am grateful to ADM(S&T), the Commandant of CFC, and the Academic Staff and Senior Mentors of NSP 6 for enabling the opportunity to explore these issues. Contact:

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