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Power transmission and generation politics Mitchell Johnston CBE 555 10/27/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Power transmission and generation politics Mitchell Johnston CBE 555 10/27/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power transmission and generation politics Mitchell Johnston CBE 555 10/27/2014

2 Transmission lines Billed/KWH – 3,600,000 J Power over T-lines in MWH 138, 345,765 KV


4 American Transmission Company Started in 2001 (helped by WI act 204 in 19999) Consolidation – MG&E, Alliant Energy, Wisconsin Public Service Corp. (Integrys Energy) and We Energies ~32 miles – $152 Million + Part of $4 Billion plan for T-lines

5 Guarantied Rate of Return Guarantied return of 12.2% on investment in WI, 9.15% outside WI – $18.24 Million return for Beltline T-line Return rates started by FERC and then picked up by Gov. Thompson in 1999 (Act 204).

6 Sources Energy and Demand Last year needed 421,475.017 MW at any given second in the US. Sources – Coal – Natural Gas – Hydro – Nuclear – Wind – Solar Electricity Market is in 15 Min windows Federal contracts Missing power output in window results in $10,000 fine

7 Energy Use

8 Hydro storage

9 Solar Max efficiency is about 45% 1 KW / meter^2 sunlight available Shading can become a issue

10 Installed Capacity Germany sets standards

11 Other Solar Cells Thin-Film Solar PV cells – Lower cost and efficiency ~10% Transparent solar cell – 1% efficient – Researchers seeking 5% efficiency

12 Growth of Solar Increased efficiency Decreased cost – Manufacturing – Power electronics

13 Wind Different designs – May or may not have gearbox Limited to maximum efficiency of 60% from energy in air



16 US has > 60 GW installed capacity at end of 2012 (21%)



19 Growth of wind Tax credits for wind offered at $.01 -.02/ KWH – Get upfront cash grants to accelerate process Decreasing cost of power electronics Using power electronics to allow for variable blade speed (modify TSR) increasing efficiency Improving Capacity factor

20 Questions


22 Links 001a4bcf887a.html 001a4bcf887a.html (Annual Energy Report)

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