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MY ABC BOOK OF US HISTORY Andre Poteat 4 5-12-11.

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Presentation on theme: "MY ABC BOOK OF US HISTORY Andre Poteat 4 5-12-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 MY ABC BOOK OF US HISTORY Andre Poteat 4 5-12-11

2 A Abolitionist-A person who strongly favor’s doing away with slavery. Abstain-to not take part in some activity, such as Voting Adobe-A sun dried mud brick use to build the homes of some Native Americans

3 B Bounty- money given as a reward, such as to encourage enlistment in the army Bureaucracy- System in which nonelected officials carry out laws and policies. Burgesses- Elected representatives to an assembly.

4 C Cabinet- A group of advisers to the president California- Mexicans who lived in California Canal-an artificial waterway

5 D Debtor-Person or country that owes money. Decrease- an Oder or decision given by one in authority Demilitarize- to remove armed forces from an area

6 E Effigy-rag figure representing an unpopular individual Emancipate-to free from slavery Embargo-An Oder prohibiting trade with another country

7 F Famine- An extreme shortage of food favorite son-Candidate that receives the backing of his home state rather than of the national party Federal Debt-the amount of money owed by the government

8 G Greenback-A piece U.s paper money first issued by the north during the civil war Guerrilla- Referring to surprise attacks or raids rather than organized war face. Guerrilla War face-A hit-and-run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes

9 H Habeas Corbusier-A legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned. Hieroglyphic-An ancient from of writing using symbols and pictures to represent words, sounds, and concepts Holocaust-the name given to the mass slaughter of Jews and other groups by the Nazis during world war 2

10 I Import- to buy goods from foreign markets Impressments-Forcing people into serviceman in the navy. Indentured-Laborer who agreed to work without pay of vertain period of time in exchange of passage to American

11 J Joint occupation-the possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries Joint stock – company-a Company in which inventors bay stock in the company in return for a share of its future profits Judicial branch-the branch or government,inculuding the federal court system, that interprets the nations laws

12 L Laissez-faire policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the actions economy Landslide-An Overwhelming victory. Legiative Branch-the Branch or government that makes the nation’s laws

13 M Manumission-the freeing of some enslaved person Martyr-a person who sacrifices his or her life for a principle or cause Mayflower Compact-a format document, written in 1620, that provide law and Oder the Plymouth colony

14 N Normal school-a two-year school for training high school gradients as teachers Northwest Passage- water route to Asia through north America sought by European explorers Nullify- to Cancel to make ineffective

15 O Offensive- position of attacking of the attack itself Ordinance-a law or regulation Override-to overturn or defeat, as a bill proposed in congress

16 P Pacifist-person opposed to the use of war or violence to settle disputes. Partisan-favoring one side of an issue. Patent-A document that gives an inventor the sole legal right to an invention for a period of time.

17 Q Quebec, Battle of-the capital of new france,was thought to be to impossible.

18 R Radical-Extreme Ranchero-Mexican ranch power Rancho-Huge properties for raising livestock step up by Mexican settlers in California

19 S Secede-to leave or with draw Secession-withdrawal from the union Sectionalism-loyatty to a region

20 Tariff-a tax imports or exports T Technology-the application of scientific discover to practical use Tejano-A Mexican who clan is Texas as his home

21 U Unalienable right- a right that cannot be surrendered. Unconstitutional- not agreeing of consistent with the constitution. Underground railroad-a system that helped enslaved Africans Americans fellow a network of escape routes out of the south to freedom in the north.

22 V Vaquero-hispanic ranch land Veto- to reject a bill prevent it form becoming a law Vigilantes-people who take the law into their own hands

23 W War hawks- republicans during madison’s presidency who pressed for war with

24 Y Yankee-Union soldier. Yellow journalism-a type of sensational, biased, and often false reporting. Yeoman-Southern own a small farm who did not have enslaved people.




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