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EU system for geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs Brussels, 22.04.2013 Michael ERHART European Commission DG Agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "EU system for geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs Brussels, 22.04.2013 Michael ERHART European Commission DG Agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU system for geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs
Brussels, Michael ERHART European Commission DG Agriculture and Rural Development Unit H2 – Agricultural product quality policy

2 2 types: PDO and PGI + + = geographical area 2. specific product
3. causal link = 4. PGI or PDO

3 PDO and PGI Protection identical
Community symbol: differences in colour… but not in black and white 14% EU consumer recognition (2012)

4 Benefits - producer Name is reserved to products respecting the specification and are produced in a delimited geographical area (IP protection) Administrative protection by public authorities Name is not reserved to 1 single owner (TM), but can be used by all producers respecting the specification Differentiation on the market allows often a better price and better division of the added value

5 IP protection Protection to the NAME not to the product.
Right to use: applies to ‘any operator’ respecting product specification Protection indefinite (but possibility of cancellation if no use for 7 years)

6 IP protection Protection against wrongful uses:
direct or indirect use of a registered name on non-originating product; misuse, imitation or evocation, even if name is translated; any other false or misleading indication or other practice liable to mislead consumer

7 Sales value Sales value of EU GIs: €54.3 billion in (estimated at wholesale stage in the region of production) 5.7% of the total EU food and drink sector Estimate of EU GI exports value: € 11.5 billion 15% of EU food and drink industry exports

8 Number of GIs Success reflected in the number of registered Geographical indications (GIs) in the EU: 1561 Wines 332 Spirit Drinks 1130 Foodstuffs - of which 14 from third countries (mainly Asia)

9 Sales value by scheme Source: AND study for the European Commission
Year 2010

10 Sales destination 60% of sales take place on the domestic market, 20% on the EU market and 20% in third countries 663 GIs sold only in their MS of production 1525 GIs exported (1224 wines, 231 agri products, 70 spirits) Wines + spirits = 90% of total GI exports (in value) Source: AND study for the European Commission

11 Value premium rate in the EU27 by scheme
the premium a GI can expect from the market, compared to non-GI products  in average, the price of a GI product is times the price of a comparable non-GI products Value premium rate in the EU27 by scheme /!\ does not reflect value added and profitability of the GI schemes as it does not take into account the additional cost of compliance with GI specifications

12 More information Agricultural products and foodstuffs:
Council and European Parliament Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 DOOR database Quality policy web-pages:

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