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Genocide In Rwanda Genocide In Rwanda. Imperialism in Africa  European countries invasion of raw materials and lands and people.  Led to division of.

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Presentation on theme: "Genocide In Rwanda Genocide In Rwanda. Imperialism in Africa  European countries invasion of raw materials and lands and people.  Led to division of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genocide In Rwanda Genocide In Rwanda

2 Imperialism in Africa  European countries invasion of raw materials and lands and people.  Led to division of territories belonging to tribes.  De-humanized to justify.  Put one tribe over another leads to decades of animosity.

3 GENOCIDE- easy definition  The many killings of people because of their race, tribe, political beliefs, and religious beliefs. It doesn’t matter if they are men, women, or children.

4 The continuance of racial tension between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes had a significant impact in the genocides throughout Rwanda in the past century

5 Genocide  Genocide does not occur all of a sudden, it is planned.  The potential for genocide increases when leaders decide to heighten tensions between groups and make specific plans to use violence.  It is all about power and money.

6 A cemetery in Rwanda, where genocide victims are buried.

7 Current Countries at Risk Current Countries at Risk

8 Genocide in Africa  In the past. There were a series of violent clashes between ethnic groups in South Sudan, at least 185 people - mostly women and children - were killed. In the midst of a severe food shortage, members of the Lou Nuer tribe were on a fishing expedition when they were attacked by heavily-armed men of the Murle ethnic group.  og/?p=520

9 Even the children are used as soldiers to kill against their neighbors and community leaders.

10 Some make it out alive but not all are lucky. 800,000 people in 100 Days!!!

11 No Mercy for the Cockroaches!  “The soldier executed my two children who were seven and eight years old as we were trying to escape”, “One of them cut me at the ankle and whipped me with the butt of his rifle just above my eyebrows. He did not finish me off because he was distracted by something else.” this was from a man trying to escape after he returned to the emptied village to get water. 

12 What about the children?

13 We must not forget so easily

14 Heroes of Rwanda Paul Rusesabagina Lt. General Dallaire

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