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Evaluation structure and mechanisms for the operational programs of the 2007-2013 period : On–going evaluation arrangements for the Hellenic National Strategic.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation structure and mechanisms for the operational programs of the 2007-2013 period : On–going evaluation arrangements for the Hellenic National Strategic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation structure and mechanisms for the operational programs of the 2007-2013 period : On–going evaluation arrangements for the Hellenic National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 National Coordinating Authority Planning and Evaluation Unit National Coordinating Authority Planning and Evaluation Unit

2 Overview of the presentation The NSRF Operational Programs Managing & coordinating the evaluation process Evaluation Arrangements for the 2007-2013 period The NSRF Operational Programs Evaluations Main evaluation questions Reporting & Deliverables Timetable of the Evaluations The NSRF Operational Programs Managing & coordinating the evaluation process Evaluation Arrangements for the 2007-2013 period The NSRF Operational Programs Evaluations Main evaluation questions Reporting & Deliverables Timetable of the Evaluations

3 The NSRF Operational Programs 8 Sectoral Operational Programs (Environment –Sustainable Development, Accessibility Improvement, Competitiveness & Entrerpreneurship, Digital Convergence, Development of Human Resources, Education & Life –Long Learning, Reinforcement of Administration Efficiency, Technical Assistance, National Contingency Reserve) 5 Regional Operational Programs (Makedonia-Thraki, Dytiki Ellada-Peloponnisos-Ionia Nisia, Kriti and Nisia Aigaiou, Thessalia-Sterea Ellada-Ipeiros, Attiki) 6 European Territorial Cooperation Programs, for which Greece retains the Managing Authority (Greece-Bulgaria, Greece-Italy, Greece-Cyprus, Greece-Albania, Greece-FYROM, Greece-Turkey)

4 The NSRF Multi- Objective Operational Programs 3 Sectoral Multiobjective Operational Programs (co-funded by ESF) ( Development of Human Resources, Education & Life – Long Learning, Reinforcement of Administration Efficiency) 3 Regional Multiobjective Operational Programs (Makedonia- Kriti and Nisia Aigaiou, Thessalia-Sterea Ellada- Ipeiros)

5 Managing & coordinating the evaluation process National Coordination Authority (Special Service for Strategy, Planning & Evaluation of Development Programs) Managing Authorities of Operational Programs (Planning and Evaluation Units) Monitoring Committees of Operational Programs Special Evaluation Steering Committee Evaluation Network National Coordination Authority (Special Service for Strategy, Planning & Evaluation of Development Programs) Managing Authorities of Operational Programs (Planning and Evaluation Units) Monitoring Committees of Operational Programs Special Evaluation Steering Committee Evaluation Network

6 Evaluation Arrangements for the 2007-2013 period Two year contracts with independent external evaluators (and possibility to extend them for two more years) Combines operational and strategic evaluation Flexible arrangements as regards the timetable Possibility to address specific evaluation questions according to the needs of the main users Evaluation Plans : Outlined at the Programming Documents and specialized though Guidance papers (Midterm evaluation Reports - mid 2011, mid 2013) Two year contracts with independent external evaluators (and possibility to extend them for two more years) Combines operational and strategic evaluation Flexible arrangements as regards the timetable Possibility to address specific evaluation questions according to the needs of the main users Evaluation Plans : Outlined at the Programming Documents and specialized though Guidance papers (Midterm evaluation Reports - mid 2011, mid 2013)

7 The NSRF Operational Programs Evaluations Combination of operational and strategic evaluations -Operational Evaluations for the O.Ps : Environment –Sustainable Development, Accessibility Improvement, Competitiveness & Entrerpreneurship, Digital Convergence, Development of Human Resources, Education & Life –Long Learning, and -strategic evaluations for all the above sectors in the same contract -strategic evaluation for health and social solidarity Operational evaluations for the O.Ps.: - Reinforcement of Administration Efficiency, Technical Assistance, Makedonia-Thraki, Dytiki Ellada-Peloponnisos-Ionia Nisia, Kriti and Nisia Aigaiou, Thessalia-Sterea Ellada-Ipeiros, Attiki

8 Main evaluation questions Relevance and consistency of the strategy Impact of the global economic crisis to the initial OP socioeconomic analysis/strategy - necessary modifications Response and take up of measures proposed at the European Εconomic Recovery Plan Coherence with the NSRF, the National Reform Programme, the Community Guidelines on Cohesion Policy, the Lisbon Agenda Evaluation of the system of quantified objectives and the impact on job creation Effectiveness & efficiency of Structural Fund assistance Evaluation of the management, monitoring, control and evaluation mechanisms Specific evaluation questions (e.g. environmental performance) Relevance and consistency of the strategy Impact of the global economic crisis to the initial OP socioeconomic analysis/strategy - necessary modifications Response and take up of measures proposed at the European Εconomic Recovery Plan Coherence with the NSRF, the National Reform Programme, the Community Guidelines on Cohesion Policy, the Lisbon Agenda Evaluation of the system of quantified objectives and the impact on job creation Effectiveness & efficiency of Structural Fund assistance Evaluation of the management, monitoring, control and evaluation mechanisms Specific evaluation questions (e.g. environmental performance)

9 Evaluation Reports & Deliverables Methodology Evaluation Reports for analyzing significant departure from the initial (every year near the submission of the annual report) objectives of each Program (on Program Managing Authority request) Evaluation Reports (or analyses) for supporting the Revision Proposal of an Operational Program to the EC (on Program Managing Authority request) Midterm Evaluation Reports (mid 2011 – mid 2013) Specialized reports Methodology Evaluation Reports for analyzing significant departure from the initial (every year near the submission of the annual report) objectives of each Program (on Program Managing Authority request) Evaluation Reports (or analyses) for supporting the Revision Proposal of an Operational Program to the EC (on Program Managing Authority request) Midterm Evaluation Reports (mid 2011 – mid 2013) Specialized reports

10 Timetable of the evaluations Evaluations launch (autumn 2009: September-October) Evaluators selection (end of 2009) Contracts signature – starting of the two years contracts (beginning of 2010) possibility to extend the contracts for two more years (2012-2013) Evaluations launch (autumn 2009: September-October) Evaluators selection (end of 2009) Contracts signature – starting of the two years contracts (beginning of 2010) possibility to extend the contracts for two more years (2012-2013)

11 Information and contact details Thank you Thank you 11

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