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A Brief on (C-DAP) for Kishanganj District Presented By Dr. Pyare Lal Bihar Institute of Economic Studies 103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001.

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Presentation on theme: "A Brief on (C-DAP) for Kishanganj District Presented By Dr. Pyare Lal Bihar Institute of Economic Studies 103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Brief on (C-DAP) for Kishanganj District Presented By Dr. Pyare Lal Bihar Institute of Economic Studies 103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001

2 2 Map of Kishanganj

3 3 General Statistics No. of Blocks7 No. G. Panchayats126 Revenue Village:787 Inhabited744 Uninhabited43 Total Population (Rural)1165057 Population/G.P.9246.48 Average Rev. Village/G.P6.25 Sex-Ratio936 females per 1000 males Percentage of SC Population6.6% ST Population3.6%

4 4 District Income/Intra-district growth DistrictGDDP (in Rs. Cr.) Per Capita GDDP (in Rs.) Kishanganj762.65461 Patna (Highest)15923.931441 Seohar (Lowest)204.73636

5 5 Credit/Deposit Ratio (C.D. Ratio) Particulars Bihar (All Banks) Kishanganj Commercial Bank Regional Rural Bank Total Deposit (Rs in cr)5634271097 Total Credit (Rs in cr)1937237756 Credit/Deposit Ratios34.3853.157.7 Source - Economic survey year 2007-08.

6 6 Land Use

7 7  Class I Land– 45.72  Class II Land– 22.10  Class III Land– 20.45  Class IV Land– 7.46  Class V Land – 4.27 In percent

8 8 Land Holding In percent

9 9 Area, Production and Productivity Trend of Main Crops in the District (Area-000’ha, Production-000’qn, productivity-qn/ha) Name of Crop 2005-06 to 2007-082008-09 (Projected)2009-10(Projected)2010-11(Projected)2011-12 (Projected) APYAPYAPYAPYAPY Paddy110113.0810.28115161.0014120240.0020.0012230525.0012532526.00 Potato 3 2.608.6744.0010.0066.6011.0089.612.001012.5 Maize2472.030.02576.2530.502580.032.03099.03335122.535.0 Wheat2836.0412.8730.04515.03264.020.03577.022.03898.0425.8 Masoor10.1120.31.520.42.030.752.541.23.0 Jute326420.03573.521.04088.022.045101.222.545103.523.0

10 10 In percent

11 11 Irrigation By Source In percent

12 12 Soil TextureLight Soil, Sandy Loam to Loam PH Value5.8 to 8.00 Organic carbon0.18 to 0.28 Available Nitrogen150 to 300 kg/ha Available Phosphorus10 to 15 Kg/ha Available Potash150 to 250 kg/ha Saline/Alkaline affected soil area Some where slight acidic and some where slight saline

13 13 Requirement of Fertilizer (In tones) Fertilizer 2008-092009-102010-112011-12 Urea80379050908010020 DAP758825860905 MOP1889191019502005 SSP3294335033903430 NPK5435554055905620 Total19413206752087021980 Source: District Agriculture Officer, Kishanganj

14 14 Overhead/Transportation cost for fertilizer Year Overheads/transportation etc. (Rs in Lakh) 2008-0910.95 2009-107.10 2010-116.78 2011-126.49 Total31.32

15 15 Vermi/NADEP Compost (Physical & Financial Requirement) Items/yearPhysical/(No.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh) 2008-0928184.3 2009-10422126.6 2010-11563168.9 2011-12563169.9 Total1829548.7

16 16 Integrated Nutrient Management (Physical & Financial Requirement) Items/yearPhysical/(No.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh) 2008-09234611.73 2009-10469223.46 2010-11703835.19 2011-12938446.92 Total23460117.3

17 17 Distribution of Micro nutrients YearPhysical/(No.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh) 2008-09469223.46 2009-10703835.19 2010-11938246.91 2011-121172858.64 Total32840164.20

18 18 Total fund requirement for Soil health Management Name of programme Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Overhead cost for imported fertilizers 10.927.106.786.4931.32 Vermi/NADEP Compost 84.3126.6168.9 548.7 Integrated Nutrient Management 11.7323.4635.1946.92117.3 Distribution of Micro- nutrient 23.4635.1946.9158.64164.2 Application of Gypsum/pyrites 23.4635.1941.0546.92146.62 Grand Total153.90227.54298.83327.871008.14

19 19 Total financial assistance for Drip Irrigation & Sprinkler irrigation Financial year AreaTotal Financial Assistance (Rs. In Lakh) Drip Irrigation Sprinkler irrigation (Ha.) Area (Ha.) (Ha.) 2008-09246425671267.170 2009-104927081200477.800 2010-118607801640652.990 2011-128629221784710.335 Total2460283552952108.295

20 20 Crop Protection Centre Type of CentreExistsProposed Plant Protection Centre 16 Soil Testing Laboratories 16

21 21 Fund requirement for proposed crop protection Centre Name of Programme Financial Requirements. (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Operationalisation of P.P. Centre 2.00 4.00 12.00 Soil testing laboratory17.7432.74 17.74100.96 Grand Total19.7434.7436.7421.74112.96

22 22 Financial requirements for farm mechanization Items/yearSubsidy on implements. (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-09182.96 2009-10206.41 2010-11211.12 2011-12234.57 Total835.06

23 Storage Capacity Source: District Agriculture Officer, Kishanganj StorageExisting (No.)CapacityFelt requirements Cold Storage286005 Rural godown1525005 Onion storage--2 Marketing Yard1-- 23

24 24 Annual Seeds Requirement Crop Quantity of seeds to be distributed per farmer (Kg) Annual seed requirement (qn) Wheat20298.02 Rice689.41 Maize459.60 Arhar229.80 Gram8119.21 Moong344.70 Rai/Sarson/Tori114.90

25 25 Proposed coverage of seed villages and its Financial Requirement Items/year No. of seed village Total area put under seed production (ha) Financial Requirement (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-099902.76 2009-10101005.40 2010-11101009.24 2011-121010014.03 Total3939031.43

26 26 Total Financial requirement of the Seed Plan Name of programme 2008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Crash Programme 13.5313.7713.9814.2255.50 Production of foundation seed on S.M.F. 11.98 11.9947.93 Seed Village Programme 2.765.409.2414.0331.43 Distribution of quality seed 86.3392.3198.29110.40387.33 Infrastructure Development 10.0014.00 12.0050.00 Total 124.60137.46147.49162.64572.19

27 27 Physical Programme for transfer of technology Components Year Total 2008-092009-102010-112011-12 Farmers Field School98126154180558 Farmers training on Crop production. 1962523083101066 Farmers training on Farm mechanization. 98 392 Demonstration of seed Production technology. 294392490 1666 Demonstration of Integrated Nutrient Management 412548686 2332 Demonstration on Crop Production 2523785046301764 Demonstration of SRI56606472252 Demonstration on Hybrid Rice 126 504 Exposure Visit28303236126 Officers training233412 Training of Facilitators182328 97 Kishan Samman Yojana888832 Total 15882044250126688801

28 28 Financial requirements for transfer of technology Components Year Total 2008-092009-102010-112011-12 Farmers Field School46.24 184.96 Farmers training on Crop production.9.812.615.415.553.3 Farmers training on Farm mechanization.9.8 39.2 Demonstration of seed Production technology. 12.25 49.00 Demonstration of Integrated Management 20.6027.4034.30 116.60 Demonstration on Crop Production5.047.5610.0812.635.28 Demonstration on SRI1. Demonstration on Hybrid Rice3.15 12.6 Exposure Visit14.0015.0016.0018.0063.00 Officers training0.020.03 0.040.12 Training of Facilitators0.180.230.28 0.97 Kishan Samman Yojana9.00 36.00 Total131.2144.46157.81162.6596.07 Rs. In Lakh

29 29 Sector wise Financial Requirement Estimated Sector2008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Soil Health Management153.9227.54298.83327.871008.14 Water Conservation26.52 25.6118.7097.35 Water Resource Management (Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation) 267.170477.800654.990710.335210.295 Various activities under crop protection 19.7434.7436.7421.74112.96 Farm Mechanization182.96206.41211.12234.57835.06 Enhancement of crop productivity & intensity 17.0116.9118.0217.3669.30 Financial requirement for the seeds plan 124.60137.46147.49162.64572.19 Transfer of technology131.20144.46157.81162.60596.07 Total923.1001271.8401548.611655.8155399.365 Rs. In Lakh

30 30 Breeds Cow Crossbreed5901 Indigenous239085 Buffalow Improved1129 Indigenous31263 Goats/Sheeps Improved0 Indigenous282553 Poultry Broiler430244 Layer619148 Others108415

31 31 Available infrastructural facilities NameAvailableRequired Veterinary Hospital1- Veterinary Dispensary1120 Artificial Insemination Centre5141 Diagnostic16 Total18167

32 32 Expenditure of different programmes under Animal husbandry Component2008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Door step Vetn. services 146.30154.10161.90169.70632.00 Door to door Vaccination & drenching 297.98316.60335.24353.851303.67 Disposal of Carcass62.00 64.00 252.00 Rural Poultry development 43.1561.8037.3042.20184.45 Strength of the Animal Husbandry deptt. with some activities 82.90146.44153.7092.58475.62 Total632.33740.94752.14722.332847.74

33 33 Fisheries Schemes Year wise expected Financial Expenditure (Rs in Lakh) 2008-092009-102010-112011-12 Arrangement of Fish seed Production9121721 Intensive/Semi intensive fish culture in ponds.26.2552.570 Dev. Of Chour50 Fisheries20 Est. of Fish Feed Production unit.9912 Arrangement of Fish Marketing (Purchase of 4 wheelers ) 24 nos. 1632 16 Training of Fish farmers outside the State.1.1971.2181.26 Training at State and Divisional level0.68 Scheme for Para Extension workers Nos1.7852.835 1.785 Survey of Ponds0.134 -- Janshri Bima Yojana1.2461.3961.5461.696 Scheme of Model Fishermen Village 9.1 Crop Insurance Scheme3.86 Renovation of tanks and Ponds (Govt)250220 140 Renovation of Privates Sector ponds0.96 Total408.312424.783450.341357.441 Grand Total 1640.877

34 34 Product wise no. of SSI Units in the District Category of IndustryNos. Investment (Rs. In lakh) Employment Tea Processing4569.40109 Wood Based430.0096 Brick Manufacturing181.20108 Total26606.60313

35 35 Action Plans for K.V.I Programmes during XI Plan (Rs. In lakh) Programme Unit cost No. of Beneficiary Target 2008-092009-0102010-0112011-012Total Phy.FinPhy.FinPhy.FinPhy.FinPhy.Fin Bamboo based Industries 0.563157.5168 8 86331.5 Furniture2.0358169189 9 3570 Soap/ Detergent 57152102 2 735 Steel based2358169189 9 3570 Gate/Grill1.51434.53 46461421 Tea processing 2521 1 ----250 Agriculture Implements 4714282828728 Gee/Paneer16315 16 63 Total226529358107.558845884226368.5

36 36 Financial requirement for the development of Food Processing Units (phy. in No. & fin. Rs. In Lakh) Scheme Unit Cost (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-092009-0102010-0112011-012Total Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. Minidairy1.002222221177.00 Bakery/Biscuit2.00482448481428.00 Papad0.542424221147.00 Chura Mill10.002202 2 110770.00 Rice Mill10.002202 2 110770.00 Flour Mill10.00110------110.00 Maize based6.00161616--318.00 Satu/Besan10.001102202 2 770.00 Oil Mill10.002202 2 110770.00 Spices Mill5.001515----210.00 Pulse Mill5.0015151515420.00 Vegetable based processing units processing units including tomato & Chilli 5.005255 5 63021105.00 Dalmot0.521424242147.00 Pickles & Murabba0.52121211 73.50 Total30135301323113124 97.5 0 115495.50

37 37 Physical & Financial requirement for the Agricultural Marketing Year Marketing Infrastructure Rural HatsOFPPC PhyFinPhyFin 2008-095175.003036.00 2009-105175.003036.00 2010-115175.003238.40 2011-126210.003440.80 Total21735.00126151.20

38 38 Total Financial requirement for Horticulture development Name of Programme Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Planting material for Fruit crop 3.096 12.384 Quality Seed of Vegetable crops 1.852.453.153.6911.14 Potato 9.30810.20511.14912.18642.848 Grand Total 14.25415.75117.39518.97266.372

39 39 Financial Requirement for Allied Agricultural Sector (Rs. In Lakh) Sector2008-092009-102010-112011-12Total Horticulture14.25415.75117.39518.97266.372 Animal Husbandry632.33740.94752.14722.332847.74 Sericulture8.25 33.00 Fisheries408.312424.783450.341357.4411640.877 Social Forestry17.41946.88542.6890.00106.993 Food Processing Unit135.00132.00131.0097.50495.50 Development of Rural Industries103.10122.8099.30 424.50 Agriculture Marketing211.00 213.40250.80886.20 Total1529.6651702.4091714.5151554.5936501.182

40 40 Total Financial Requirement for Agriculture and Allied Sector YearAgricultureAllied agriculture 2008-09923.101529.665 2009-101271.841702.409 2010-111548.611714.515 2011-121655.8151554.593 Total5399.3656501.182 Grand Total11900.547 Rs. In Lakh

41 41

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