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Transition Assessment. IDEIA Requirements Non biased, reliable, valid Informal vs. formal –Good picture of the student across environments Assistive technology.

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1 Transition Assessment

2 IDEIA Requirements Non biased, reliable, valid Informal vs. formal –Good picture of the student across environments Assistive technology Appropriate Measurable Postsecondary Goals (2004 Requirement) –Based upon age appropriate transition assessment

3 Transition assessment definition: Transition assessment is the ongoing process of collecting data on the individual’s strengths, needs preferences, and interests as they relate to the demands of current and future working, educational, living, and personal and social environments. Assessment data serve as the common thread in the transition process and form the basis for defining goals and services to be included in the IEP (Sitlington, Neubert, & Leconte, 1997, p. 71).

4 Sitlington, Clark, and Kolstoe (2000) The most central and critical use of transition assessment information is as a component of the Present Level of Educational Performance in the student’s IEP. Transition goals and objectives, along with official linkages with nonschool agencies, would come directly from transition-referenced assessment and the information in the Present Level of Educational Performance. The data should have direct implications for instructional program decisions, including program design, program placement, curriculum planning, instructional procedures, and additional assessment requirements. ( p. 123)

5 Assessment Strategies Criterion-Referenced Assessment –Used to evaluate mastery –Life skills focus Portfolio Assessment –Collection of work that represents achievement of students –Evaluate students’ performance over time –Organized around transition domains

6 Assessment Strategies Situational assessment –Observe, record, & interpret general behaviors in specific environments Work samples –Well-defined work activity involving tasks, materials and tools-identical or similar to actual jobs. Behavioral assessment –A-B-C analysis –Behavioral measurement

7 IDEIA 2004 New provision (ii) Summary of Performance-For a child whose eligibility under that part terminates under circumstances described in clause (i), a local education agency shall provide the child with a summary of the child’s academic achievement and functional performance, which shall include recommendations on how to assist the child in meeting the child’s postsecondary goals.

8 Transition Assessment Model Basic Skills Assessment Transition Assessment/ Career Exploration Elementary Middle School/Junior High High SchoolPostsecondary Assessment 0% 50% 100%

9 Transition Assessment & Planning Adapted from Transition Planning Inventory, Clark & Patton, 1997. Initial Identification of Needs Transition Planning In-Depth Assessment of Select Areas Teaching of skills/knowledge (goals & objectives, general education curriculum) Linkage to services/supports (activities) Adapted from Transition Planning Inventory, Clark & Patton, 1997.

10 Questions Transition Assessment Must Answer 1.What are the desired future outcomes/goals? –Results oriented process. –Needs, strengths, preferences and interests. 2.What skills does the student possess? (strengths) –Relative to their goals. 3.What skills must the student acquire to achieve their goals? (needs) 4.What planning issues need to be addressed? (needs)

11 Developing an Assessment Plan What do I already know? What information do I need to know? What methods will provide this information? How will the assessment data be collected and used in the transition planning process (IEP)? (Sitlington & Clark, 2006)

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