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Published byIsaac Hudson Modified over 11 years ago
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation within EU assistance provided to the Slovak Republic
1. Institutional framework for evaluation of EU Funds in the Slovak Republic 2. Responsibility for evaluation 3. Evaluation Unit responsibilities 4. Evaluation Unit activities for Programming Period 2004 - 2006 within responsibilities of the Managing Authority for CSF 5. Evaluation Unit activities for Programming Period 2007 - 2013 within responsibilities of the Central Coordinating Authority and MA OP TA 6. Activities planned 7. Methodological Guidance MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Content of Presentation
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 1. Institutional framework for evaluation of EU Funds in the Slovak Republic
- Managing Authority for Community Support Framework for programming period 2004 – 2006 (MA CSF) - Central Coordinating Authority (CCA) for effective and efficient management and implementation of EU Funds for programming period 2007- 2013 -Managing Authority for Operational Programme Technical Assistance MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Ministry of Construction and Regional Development SR - area of evaluation
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 2. Responsibility for evaluation
The tasks in the area of evaluation within the responsibilities of MA CSF and CCA fulfills the Central Evaluation Unit for CSF and CCA It is the Evaluation Unit of the EU Funds Coordination Department within the Regions Development Strategy Section of the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development SR (organigram attached) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Central Evaluation Unit
The tasks in the area of evaluation within the responsibilities of MA CSF and CCA fulfills the Central Evaluation Unit for CSF and CCA It is the Evaluation Unit of the EU Funds Coordination Department within the Regions Development Strategy Section of the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development SR (organigram attached) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Central Evaluation Unit
Minister of Construction and Regional Development State Secretary II Minister´s Office Internal Audit Department Crisis Management Depertment Building and Housing Policy Section Regional Development Support Agency System Support Department Legislation and Legal Department Budget and Financing Department Personal Office Service Office Head Department State Secretary I Regions Development Strategy Section Control and Audit Department
Awareness and Publicity Unit (601) (CCA) Regions Development Central Coordinating Strategy Section (600) Authority (CCA) Program Management Control Unit (602) Regional Policy Department (610) EU Funds Coordination Department (620) Program Management Department (630) Management of Regional Development Unit (612) Strategy Unit (611) Management of Technical Support Unit (624) Evaluation Unit (623) (CKO) Monitoring Unit (622) (CKO) Methodology Unit (621) (CCA) Units performing tasks of CCA 2007 - 2013
established on 24th October 2007 as the separate unit (on the basis of transformation from previous Monitoring and Evaluation Unit) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 3. Evaluation Unit responsibilities
ensures working up and realisation of CSF Evaluation Plans and the Evaluation Plans of National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) submits evaluations results to the National Monitoring Committee for CSF and to the National Monitoring Committee for NSRF ensures ongoing evaluations of CSF and NSRF on central level provides the Managing Authorities of Operational Programmes (OPs) with methodological guidances concerning evaluation and working up the Evaluation Plans of OPs for Programming Period 2007 – 2013 and methodologically guides MAs in area of evaluation MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit responsibilities (1)
developes comments to the Evaluation Plans of OPs for programming period 2007- 2013 collects the Evaluation Plans of OPs submitted by all MAs for every year collects the Annual Reports on Evalution for previous calendar year submitted by all MAs MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit responsibilities (2)
makes an analysis of Annual Reports on Evaluations Results developed for each Operational Programme and on its basis work up the summary information on evaluation results and provide them to the Monitoring Commitee for CSF, Monitoring Commitee for NSRF, minister, European Commission (EC) cooperates with EC and Member States in area of evaluation fulfills the tasks of MA OP TA in area of evaluation MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit responsibilities (3)
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 4. Evaluation Unit activities for the Programming Period 2004 - 2006 within the responsibilities of the Managing Authority for CSF
Participation in the Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2000-2006 co- finaced by the ERDF (Objective 1 and Objective 2) ensured by EC through the following activities: 1. Submitting the statement to the draft of Final Report of 2nd Work Package Data Feasibility Study to the supplier responsible for this part – ADE s.a. Belgium MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities (1) programming period 2004 – 2006 EC ex post evaluation (1)
2. Working up the comments to the draft of document Overview of Management and Implementation Systems of Cohesion Policy in 2004-06 Slovakia as the result of Work Package 11( Management and Implementation Systems for Cohesion Policy) and sending to European Research Centre (UK) 3. Working up the comments to the draft of Task 4 Executive Summary within the Work Package 1 (Coordination of Evaluation of SF 2000 - 2006) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities (2) programming period 2004 – 2006 EC ex post evaluation (2)
Providing external supplier with collaboration at realisation of Technical Assistance project Development of Evalution Capacities of Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of SR and other involved ministries focuses on evaluation of the following topics Activity 1 - Evaluation of Impact of Structural Funds 2004-2006 on regions on Self-governing Regions level and NUTS 2 level of view of regional disparities MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities (3) programming period 2004 – 2006 Project of TA focused on evaluation (1)
Activity 2 - Evaluation of management, implementation and indicators systems of Structural Funds Activity 3 – Evaluation of implementation of TA Project – Building of administrative capacities of the Office of the Plenipotentiary for Roma Communities of the Slovak Government Office Activity 4 – Evaluation results of the impact of 7 measures with increased level of intervention from the structural funds to marginalised Roma communities MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities (4) programming period 2004 – 2006 Project of TA focused on evaluation (2)
COOPERATION included activities as follows: - development and distribution of questionnaires to to final beneficiaries that implemented 2004 – 2006 EU Funds - giving advices to the final beneficiaries concerning questionnaires - working up the comments to Evaluation Reports - providing responsible authorities with information connected with evaluation and Evaluation Unit´s activities MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities (5) programming period 2004 – 2006
presentation of evaluation results of the Activity 3 and the Activity 4 at the XI. meeting of the CSF Working Commission for the Development of Roma Communities taken part on 22nd September 2008 MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities (6) programming period 2004 – 2006
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 5. Evaluation Unit activities for Programming Period 2007 - 2013 within responsibilities of the Central Coordinating Authority and MA OP TA
I. Elaboration of the Methodological Guidance on working up the Evaluation Plans of Operational Programmes for the Programming Period 2007 – 2013 as the CCA Methodological Guidance No 5 MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities for programming period 2007 – 2013 (1)
I.A) Review of the Evaluation Plans submitted by MAs of respective OPs and their compliance with the Methodological Guidance (MG) - working up the comments to the Evaluation Plans in which non compliace with MG was identified (OP Environment, OP Informatisation of Society, OP Health, OP Education-before finalisation) - working up the statement to the Evaluation Plans which were in compliace with MG (OP Research and Development, OP Competiveness and Economic Growth, OP Employment and Social Inclusion- checked; some corrections are necessary) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities for programming period 2007 – 2013 (2)
II. Elaboration of the Plan of Evaluations of the Operational Programme Technical Assistance (OP TA) for Programming Period 2007 – 2013 within the responsibility of MA for OP TA in the area of evaluation (including realisation of comments procedures in relation to members of Monitoring Committee of OP TA) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities for programming period 2007 – 2013 (3)
III. Update of core indicators definitions of OPs of the NSRF in cooperation with respective MAs of OPs MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities for programming period 2007 – 2013 (4)
IV. Activities concerning the establishment of Central Committee for Evalution of NSRF - elaboration of the draft of Status of the Central Committee for Evalution of the NSRF (CCE) - completion of nominations of members of CCE – nominations sent by: - every MA of OP nominated 1 member - coordinators of horizontal priorities of NSRF (4 members) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities for programming period 2007 – 2013 (5)
V. Participation of employe of the Evaluation Unit in coordination meetings organized by - European Commisssion- Evaluation Network Meeting 26- 27th Juni 2008 - Poland within the Member States of V4 (planned) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities for programming period 2007 – 2013 (6)
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 6. Evaluation Unit activities planned
1.Working up the Evaluation Plan of NSRF and submitting to the National Commitee for NSRF (by the end of January 2009) 2.Providing the National Monitorig Committee for CSF and to the National Commitee for NSRF with information concerning evaluation (Annual Meeting on the 4th December 2008) 3.Finalisation of Status of the Central Committee for Evaluation of the NSRF, nomination the members of the CCE by the Minister of Construction and Regional Development of SR 4.Working up the project of TA for financing the evaluations of NSRF and OP TA 2007 – 2013 and ensuring public procurement for performance mentioned evaluations 5.Working up the Methodological Guidance of CCA for performance of evaluations (in year 2009) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Evaluation Unit activities planned for programming period 2007 – 2013
MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 7. Methodological Guidance
entered into force on 18th September 2008 worked up in compliance with Art. 47, Art.48 and Art. 49 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 according to (EC) Indicative Guidance on Evaluation Methods, Evaluation During the Programming period 2007 – 2013 – Working Paper No 5 MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Methodological Guidance of CCA No 5 (1)
takes into account (EC) Working Paper No 2 - Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Methodological Guidance of CCA No 5 (2)
is binding for Managing Authorities of all Operational Programmes (11 OPs) Duty of MA OP to update Evaluation Plan of respective OP submitted before elaboration of Methodological Guidance to send it to Evaluation Unit of CCA at least by the end of year 2008 (OP Environment, OP Education, OP Health, OP Informatisation of Society) MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Methodological Guidance of CCA No 5 (3)
non compliance with Methodological Guidance (MG) is in following areas: -In periodicity of operational evaluations of the whole OP as stated in Annex 2 of MG -planned only strategic evaluations – there was lack of operational evaluations -operational evaluations joined only with applying Art. 48 paragraph 3 of Council Reg. No 1083/2006 (in case of non compliance with stated targets and in case of revision of OP according to Art. 33) -missing the relation of evaluation to indicators of OP (core indicators, indicators of - global target, specific targets, targets of respective measures of priority axes) -wrong definitions of effectiveness and efficiency caused by wrong translation MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Comments worked up by Evaluation Unit of CCA (2)
Thank you for your attention Contact: Gabriela Izáková Evaluation Unit EU Funds Coordination department Regions Development Strategy Section Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of SR Phone: +4212 58317 322 Fax: +4212 58317586 Email: MINISTERSTVO VÝSTAVBY A REGIONÁLNEHO ROZVOJA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Sekcia stratégie rozvoja regiónov Prievozská 2/B 825 25 Bratislava 26 Comments worked up by Evaluation Unit of CCA (2)
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