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Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery Prevention Redesign Initiative (PRI) Coordinator Orientation Workshop July 29, 2013 Burien, WA Presented by: Sarah Mariani, Prevention Systems Integration Manager Ivon Urquilla, Prevention System Manager Julia Greeson, Prevention System Manager 1

2 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Introductions 2

3 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Why are we here?  You care about your community and the people in it... … and you are joining the Prevention Redesign Initiative in Cohort 3… 3

4 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What are we doing here?  We want everyone to have the same foundational knowledge…and  Be able to explain that to their coalition and community.  Using the Community Coalition Guide helps you build an effective community coalition …. ….and meet the DBHR contract requirements. 4

5 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Today’s objectives  Introductions – meet some folks involved in PRI  Present and discuss PRI  Present and discuss definition of prevention  Present and discuss Community Coalition Guide  Present and discuss Strategic Plan Requirements and timelines 5

6 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values PRI Purpose  The DSHS Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) is committed to our partnerships.  DBHR is committed to provide effective prevention services.  We anticipate PRI will help us leverage resources and focus and concentrate our efforts.  PRI will – have a deeper impact, – better measure those impacts, and – build support for additional investments in prevention. 6

7 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What is PRI? PRI concentrates prevention resources in a high-risk community. The main goal is to cause change in the community through a combination of coalition work, direct services, environmental strategies and prevention/intervention work. 7

8 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Selection Process “High need and some readiness for change”  High need areas identified through County data risk profiles  County and ESD review and selection – Review of local data and information – Readiness for change – Secure OSPI match requirement 8

9 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Map of PRI Communities 9

10 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What is a PRI Community? Selected communities will:  Designate a community coordinator.  Implement proven strategies through a prevention coalition.  Use evidence-based capacity building.  Implement environmental and targeted direct services, programs and policies.  Partner with school-based prevention/intervention specialists.  Evaluate chosen programs, policies and community-level change, and participate in statewide evaluation.  Receive technical assistance from DBHR.  Support state efforts to reduce youth access to tobacco and comply with federal Synar regulations. 10

11 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values So …What’s my Job then? 11

12 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values So …What’s my Job then? 12

13 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Resources  Athena Forum  Prevention System Managers, Training Manager and other DBHR Staff  Community Coalition Guide including Strategic Plan Requirements and related templates  County Risk Profile  Community Selection Packet  PRI News/Media Release Template  Coalition Assessment Tool  Community Survey  Community Profile Brochure  PowerPoint templates and trainings These documents and more resources can be found at Primary sources of information used in developing Task Categories: Communities That Care, CADCA, Coalitions and Partnerships in Community Health (Frances Dunn Butterfoss), DBHR, preliminary evaluation information from Washington and national SPF-SIG project, SAMSHA/CSA.Coalitions and Partnerships in Community Health Guide p. 5 13

14 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Resources 14

15 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Setting the Stage  Today is about learning and practicing.  Use the resources  Walk away with some concrete ideas and plans for doing the work.  Learn from one another. 15

16 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition Guide  Chapter 1: General Information – provides general information about the PRI planning framework.  Chapter 2: Key Objectives – provides an overview of the intent of PRI and the established milestones and benchmarks.  Chapter 3: Implementing PRI – identifies the required tasks and provides guidance, definition, and clarification on each task category grouped by the PRI Planning Framework steps.  Chapter 4: Strategic Plan Requirements - provides the PRI requirements for completing the coalition’s Strategic Plan.  Appendix – provides templates and samples for use in writing your Strategic Plan and implementing PRI. 16

17 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Chapter 1: General Information Prevention Framework  Prevention Theory  Strategic Prevention Framework  Understanding Coalitions  Roles 17

18 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Coordinators need to know as much as possible about prevention theory  This will allow you to guide your coalition through the tasks associated with reviewing, analyzing and prioritizing problems in your community.  It will also help you to explain to the community as a whole why the coalition is supporting one strategy and not another.  It is NOT necessary for all of your coalition members to know as much as you know. 18

19 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What is Prevention? 19

20 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Why are we here today? 20 What is prevention?

21 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Why are we here today?  How does this apply to health… 21

22 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Treatment and intervention providers work with individuals and then… …they use those experiences to project need for services If you look only at the people in the water… 22

23 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values You look at the whole community and its groups and individuals… …and then prioritize which services best fit the identified needs Community as a whole (environmental prevention ) Groups based on risk Individuals based on risk Going Upstream is harder… 23

24 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Spectrum of Prevention 24

25 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Prevention Framework  The Public Health Approach.  Intervening Variables, Risk and Protective Factors and The Social Development Strategy.  Contributing Factors and selection of Evidence-based prevention strategies. 25

26 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The Public Health Approach  Research-based predictors of health problems  Modifies predictors to prevent behavior problems  Can affect the entire social environment  Works through collaboration  Can create long-lasting results 26

27 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The Public Health Approach 27 Problem……Response

28 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Health Promotion Framework 28 Problem……Response

29 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Intervening Variables  Intervening Variables: Characteristics that are strongly predictive of underage drinking and substance abuse. They are characteristics of the community that are likely to influence youth alcohol use.  Examples: – Alcohol Availability (Ease of access; usual sources; retailers) – Promotion of alcohol – Alcohol laws (enforcement; penalties) – Community norms (acceptability among peer and community) – Risk and protective factors 29

30 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Risk Factors  Predictors of Problem Behaviors and Positive Youth Outcomes  Risk Factors exist in four domains: Community, Family, School, and Peer/Individual.  For example: Risk Factors are predictive of higher levels of adolescent substance abuse, delinquency, teen pregnancy, school drop- out and violence. 30

31 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Risk Factors Each "X" is a research-based linkage to problem behavior Community Risk Factors SADTPSDOVD&A Availability of Drugs  Availability of Firearms  Community Laws and Norms Favorable Toward Drug Use, Firearms, and Crime  Media Portrayals of Violence  Transitions and Mobility  Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization  Extreme Economic Deprivation  Family Risk Factors Family History of the Problem Behavior  Family Management Problems  Family Conflict  Favorable Parental Attitudes and Involvement in the Problem Behavior  School Factors Academic Failure Beginning in Late Elementary School  Lack of Commitment to School  Peer/Individual Factors Early and Persistent Antisocial Behavior  Rebelliousness  Friends Who Engage in the Problem Behavior  Favorable Attitudes Toward the Problem Behavior  Early Initiation of the Problem Behavior  Constitutional Factors  31

32 32 Building Protection: Social Development Strategy Notes: The next few slides are a variety of ways to make the same point. It is recommended that you chose the one that works best for you and do not use all three.

33 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Protective Factors are…  Research-based  Present in all areas of influence  Measurable  Predictive of positive youth development  Present throughout development  Buffer effects of risk exposure 33

34 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Risk and Protective Factors Research has shown:  Common risk and protective factors predict diverse behavior problems.  Risk and protective factors work similarly across racial lines.  Both risk and protective factors should be used in prevention efforts. 34

35 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 35 Adapted from Dr. Michael Compton, Ph.D., (editor of Clinical Manual of Prevention in Mental Health), and Dr. Ruth Shim, Ph.D., Morehouse University School of Medicine

36 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 36 Adapted from Dr. Michael Compton, Ph.D., (editor of Clinical Manual of Prevention in Mental Health), and Dr. Ruth Shim, Ph.D., Morehouse University School of Medicine

37 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 37 At risk for underage drinking, school drop-out, teenage pregnancy, and depression…

38 38 Community Laws & Norms Favorable toward use Availability of Drugs Academic Failure in Early Elementary Bonding and Attachment Resistance and Social Skills Sense of purpose/future orientation Underage Drinking School Drop-Out School Drop-Out Depression Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy Problems Bonding and Attachment Resistance and Social Skills Sense of purpose/future orientation Risks Protection Risk and Protective Factors Adapted from Dr. Michael Compton, Ph.D., (editor of Clinical Manual of Prevention in Mental Health), and Dr. Ruth Shim, Ph.D., Morehouse University School of Medicine

39 39 Community Laws & Norms Favorable toward use Availability of Drugs Academic Failure in Early Elementary Bonding and Attachment Resistance and Social Skills Sense of purpose/future orientation Underage Drinking School Drop-Out School Drop-Out Depression Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy Problems Bonding and Attachment Resistance and Social Skills Sense of purpose/future orientation Risks Protection Risk and Protective Factors Adapted from Dr. Michael Compton, Ph.D., (editor of Clinical Manual of Prevention in Mental Health), and Dr. Ruth Shim, Ph.D., Morehouse University School of Medicine Notes: The next two slides are a different way to make the same point. It is recommended that you chose the one that works best for you and do not use them all.

40 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Contributing Factors  Contributing Factors are related specifically to intervening variables and are intended to supply a more community-specific explanation of the problem identified via each prioritized intervening variable. 40

41 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Contributing Factors: Why Here? 41

42 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Bring out the mixer! 42

43 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Lets get up and move… 43 1.Find a partner. 2.Find a space you two can talk. 3.Prepare your presentation. (slides 18-42) 4.Present and debrief. 5.Switch and other partner present and debrief.  You can use the resources we brought in or your own.  Everyone should be involved.

44 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Debrief  I loved it when you did ….!  I think when you did ….it would really work well for ….type of community.  If I were doing it I might change…  Other things that could be added to it are….  I would like to do….in my community, thanks for the idea 44

45 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Strategic Framework for PRI 45

46 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values PRI Framework based on…  The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) was developed by the federal SAMHSA based on ‘Communities That Care’® (CTC).  CTC is a proven effective prevention planning system that helps communities develop an integrated approach to promoting the positive development of children and youth and to preventing problem behaviors.  Lessons we learned from implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework-State Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG). 46

47 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Key Strengths  Promotes healthy youth development by engaging all areas of the community.  This planning process is community specific- each community uses its own data-based profile to craft a comprehensive long-range plan for strengthening existing resources and filling identified gaps.  Guides communities to select community actions, policies and programs with demonstrated effects.  Specifies outcome objectives to ensure accountability for resources used. 47

48 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What is a Coalition? 48 Coalition A formal arrangement for cooperation and collaboration Members represent and function on behalf of Members act within their own sphere of influence New members are invited Sectors Guide p. 6

49 49 Educators and Schools Parents and Families Chemical Dependency Treatment Mental Health Services Businesses Youth-serving Organizations Faith Communities Cultural Communities City Government Law Enforcement Healthcare Youth County and Educational Service District - Support Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - Support …and this kind of mentality. This is “Our” Concern. And “WE” will work to make it better! Media The coalition needs to have this kind of membership... What is a Coalition?

50 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Roles and Responsibilities 50 Coalition Members Community Coalition Coordinator DBHR ESD & Counties P-I Prevention-Intervention Specialists How can we help? Guide p. 6

51 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition  Attend Trainings.  Facilitate the development of a community vision.  Learn prevention science and SPF.  Serve as community ambassadors.  Coordinate work-group activities.  Participate in decision-making processes.  Develop Community Strategic Plan including evaluation plan. 51

52 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition Leadership (supported by coordinator)  Set an agenda.  Provide oversight and accountability.  Keep group focused and moving forward. 52

53 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Role of Coordinator  Provide staff support. (Note: Staff are not members of the coalition.)  Coordinate meeting preparation and follow up.  Coordinate training and technical assistance.  Coordinate implementation of strategies.  Documentation of PRI efforts.  Prepare reports, as needed.  Be a resource for the coalition. 53

54 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Resources  Cohort 3 Orientation  Key Leader Event slides  Community Coalition slides  Task Category Guide Training  CADCA trainings  Each other  DBHR staff 54

55 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values One of the required steps is conducting a Key Leader Orientation and there is a training on The Athena Forum that you can use for that purpose. We are here to help… 55

56 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 56

57 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition Guide  Chapter 1: General Information – provides general information about the PRI planning framework.  Chapter 2: Key Objectives – provides an overview of the intent of PRI and the established milestones and benchmarks.  Chapter 3: Implementing PRI – identifies the required tasks and provides guidance, definition, and clarification on each task category grouped by the PRI Planning Framework steps.  Chapter 4: Strategic Plan Requirements - provides the PRI requirements for completing the coalition’s Strategic Plan.  Appendix – provides templates and samples for use in writing your Strategic Plan and implementing PRI. 57

58 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Chapter 2: Key Objectives  Establishment of a community coalition  Identification of a community coordinator  Define and select communities  Implementation of environmental, public awareness, direct service, and capacity building strategies  School-based prevention specialist  Participating communities are distributed statewide  Resources match outcomes  DBHR technical assistance/support  Evaluating program and community-level change  Workforce development  Compliance with Synar 58 Guide p. 10

59 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition Guide  Chapter 1: General Information – provides general information about the PRI planning framework.  Chapter 2: Key Objectives – provides an overview of the intent of PRI and the established milestones and benchmarks.  Chapter 3: Implementing PRI – identifies the required tasks and provides guidance, definition, and clarification on each task category grouped by the PRI Planning Framework steps.  Chapter 4: Strategic Plan Requirements - provides the PRI requirements for completing the coalition’s Strategic Plan.  Appendix – provides templates and samples for use in writing your Strategic Plan and implementing PRI. 59

60 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Chapter 3: Implementing PRI  Timeline Overview  Getting Started  Capacity Building  Assessment  Planning  Implementation  Reporting and Evaluation  Cultural Competency  Sustainability 60 Guide p. 14

61 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Implementing PRI Getting Started Register and participate in The Athena Forum Select PRI Community Community Coalition Coordinator (.5 FTE ) for each PRI community  Confirm SAPISP and P-I services Capacity  Recruit and retain membership*  Community coalition orientation  Establish and maintain coalition structure*  Engage key leaders in coalition’s PRI efforts  Gather community information and feedback  Participate in training and technical assistance Assessment  Conduct Needs Assessment*  Conduct Resources Assessment* Planning  Select goals, objectives, strategies, and programs/activities*  Develop Prevention Strategic Plan*  Confirm partnerships for implementation of strategies and programs/ activities Implementation  Maintain active community coalition  Participate in monthly meetings with DBHR  Implement media strategies  Implement strategies and programs/activities according to Strategic Plan Reporting and Evaluation  Develop reporting and evaluation strategies*  Complete PBPS reporting  Review and analyze output and outcome information with coalition according to Strategic Plan.  Participate in statewide evaluation 61 Guide p. 14

62 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Timeline Overview 62 Guide p. 16

63 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Getting Started Purpose: Initiate the process in your community.  Identify the community.  Establish internal and external supports. 63 Guide p. 17

64 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Getting Started PRI tasks Register and participate in The Athena Forum Select PRI Community – Submit selection packet (p. 43) – Issue media release (p. 59) Community Coalition Coordinator (.5 FTE ) for each PRI community – Review job description with DBHR – Ensure Coordinator is working with coalition  Confirm SAPISP and P-I services 64

65 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Capacity Building: Mobilizing your coalition and community Purpose: Developing and increasing coalition and community ability to address the problem locally.  Build effective coalition.  Establish your working coalition structure.  Increasing involvement from members.  Increasing involvement from community members in strategies and activities. 65 Guide p. 19

66 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Capacity Building: Mobilizing your coalition and community PRI tasks:  Recruit and retain membership – 8 of 12 sectors – Membership section in Strategic Plan – Conduct ‘Coalition Assessment Tool’ (CAT) – Complete ‘Community Profile’ (p. 59)  Community coalition orientation  Establish and maintain coalition structure  Engage key leaders in coalition’s PRI efforts  Gather community information and feedback  Participate in training and technical assistance 66

67 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values A High-Performing Community Coalition  Shared mission  Strong bonds  Effective structure  Engaged members/partners 67

68 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Coalition Structure  Mission  Role of Members and Partners  Key Values  Operating Principles  Decision making 68

69 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition Membership  Recruitment  Membership engagement  Diversity of your community coalition  Specific community segments to involve 69

70 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Level of Engagement of Coalition Members 70

71 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Coalition Skills Assessment  Review the worksheet. 71

72 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Questions to Consider for Involvement…  Consider the individuals and groups that work with you currently, what is their engagement profile?  If you wanted to sustain their involvement, what do you need to do?  If you wanted to strengthen their engagement with you, what do you need to do?  What might a new member need from a group in order to feel involved and engaged as opposed to someone who has been involved for a while?  What might someone from another culture or someone who is not familiar with group problem-solving and decision-making need from a group in order to feel involved and engaged as opposed to someone who is very familiar with those processes? 72

73 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Involving Youth  Community coalition membership.  Data collection/interpretation.  Public relations.  Program planning and development. 73

74 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Sample Local Organization 74 Note: The next slides is a different way to make the same point. It is recommended that you chose the one that works best for you and do not use both.

75 75 Sample Local Organization

76 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values A High-Performing Community Coalition  Clearly defined roles and responsibilities, including: – Chair/Facilitator – Vice Chair – Recorder/Secretary – Coordinator/Staff – Coalition member 76

77 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What are the Roles in this Effort for…  …community coalition members?  …formal community leaders?  …community champions?  …community members? 77

78 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What are the Roles in this Effort for… 78 Notes: The next few slides are a variety of ways to make the same point. It is recommended that you chose the one that works best for you and do not use all three.

79 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What are the Roles in this Effort for… 79

80 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What are the Roles in this Effort for… Example adapted from Okanogan County Community Coalition. 80 20-25 members including minimum 8 sectors Tier 1: Coalition Tier 2: Subcommittees/Workgroups Tier 3: Consultants/Collaborators Mix of coalition members and other related partners/consultants Short or long-term Expert Short or long-term Diverse reasons

81 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Let’s Chat… Questions??? Ideas??? 81

82 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Assessment: Profiling your community’s needs, resources, readiness, and gaps Purpose: Develop and update the ‘picture of your community’.  Identify and review data that demonstrates the needs of the community.  Identify people, community readiness and resources.  Identify gaps of services for community needs. 82 Guide p. 21

83 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Assessment: Profiling your community’s needs, resources, readiness, and gaps PRI Tasks:  Conduct Needs Assessment – Establish process for assessment – Conduct Assessment – Conduct ‘Community Survey’ – Prioritize outcomes and write into Strategic Plan  Conduct Resources Assessment – Establish process for assessment – Conduct Assessment – Prioritize outcomes and write into Strategic Plan 83

84 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Sources of Data We Use in Assessing Communities 84

85 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Look at the Data Book 85

86 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Why does this matter? 10% less memory in the alcohol dependent youth compared to the healthy youth. Source: Brown et al., 2000 The brain images left show the impact of alcohol on the brain and specifically illustrating memory function. Image from Susan Tapert, PhD, University of California San Diego. Courtesy of Parents Matter Presentation by Robin Erz, 86

87 87 Statistical parametric maps of BOLD signals in abstinent marijuana users (THC−), active marijuana users (THC+) and non-drug user comparison subjects. Chang L et al. Brain 2006;129:1096-1112 © The Author (2006). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: Why does this matter?

88 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Why does this matter? Source: Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2010. Shaded odds ratios are statistically significant at the.05 level. Correlations between adverse childhood experiences and substance use (odds ratios) 88

89 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Why does this matter? Respondents’ Current Substance Use Source: Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2010 89

90 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 8 th and 10 th graders in this community drink more than others in the state 90

91 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Why does this matter? 91

92 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 92

93 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 93

94 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 94

95 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Planning: Develop a strategic prevention plan Purpose: Create a plan for implementing and evaluating tested, effective programs, policies and practices.  Selection of programs, policies and practices to fill gaps  Implementation and evaluation plans  Set measurable outcomes 95 Guide p. 23

96 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Planning: Develop a strategic prevention plan PRI Tasks:  Select goals, objectives, strategies, and programs/activities – Coalition determines goals and objectives – Coalition determines strategies, and programs/activities  Develop Prevention Strategic Plan  Confirm partnerships for implementation of strategies and programs/ activities 96

97 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Let’s Chat… Questions??? 97

98 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Implementation: Implement evidence-based prevention strategies Purpose: Implement the plan.  Maintain an active coalition leading the efforts  Implement selected programs, policies and practices 98 Guide p. 24

99 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Implementation: Implement evidence-based prevention strategies PRI Tasks:  Maintain active community coalition – Coordinator support Coalition – Monthly full Coalition meetings – Review and revised as needed Coalition structure – Complete task in Community Coalition Guide  Participate in monthly meetings with DBHR – Participate in monthly Learning community Meetings – Participate in monthly site check-in meetings 99

100 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Implementation: Implement evidence-based prevention strategies PRI Tasks: (continued)  Implement media strategies  Implement strategies and programs/activities according to Strategic Plan – Organize and implement P-I services – Implement capacity building strategies & activities – Implement cultural competency strategies & activities – Implement sustainability strategies & activities – Implement public awareness campaign(s) – Implement environmental strategy(ies) – Implement selected direct prevention strategy(ies) 100

101 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Evaluation and Reporting: Evaluate and monitor results, change as necessary Purpose: Evaluate the plan, and refine as needed.  Evaluate the process and outcomes  Review and adjust the plan and implementation as needed  Coalition uses to monitor success 101 Guide p. 25

102 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Evaluation and Reporting: Evaluate and monitor results, change as necessary PRI Tasks:  Develop reporting and evaluation strategies – Determine coalition’s intended major outcomes, impacts – Determine how evaluation information will be shared  Complete PBPS reporting – Coalition & community organization functioning – ‘Coalition Assessment Tool’ (survey) – Report public awareness & environmental strategy(ies) – Report direct prevention strategy(ies) 102

103 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Evaluation and Reporting: Evaluate and monitor results, change as necessary PRI Tasks: (continued)  Review and analyze output and outcome information with coalition according to Strategic Plan. – Use the ‘Coalition Assessment Tool’ report to evaluate coalition capacity building efforts. – Review effectiveness of message dissemination – Will use the PBPS reports, state data, & other local reports to monitor & evaluate progress  Participate in statewide evaluation – Ensure participation in the Healthy Youth Survey – Annual ‘Coalition Assessment Tool’ (survey) – Response rates for the ‘Community Survey’ 103

104 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values PBPS Entry for Coalition  Full Coalition Meetings  Leadership Committee Meetings  Standing Committee Meetings  Ad-hoc Workgroup Meetings 104

105 105 Full Coalition Meetings Full Coalition Meetings Meeting of the full membership of the designated PRI Coalition. Instructions Select ‘name of coalition’ Select ‘full coalition’ Select ‘yes’ Select appropriate answer Enter ‘date of service’ Select appropriate school district Enter the address of meeting location Select ‘Community-Based Process’ Select ‘STC05R Community Team activities’ Select ‘SP02 Civic Groups/coalition’ Enter session length Enter primary meeting topics especially those specific to accomplishing required tasks.

106 106 Leadership Committee Meetings Leadership Committee Meetings Meeting of the Elected officers of the Coalition. (i.e. Executive Committee, Steering committee, etc.) Instructions Select ‘name of coalition’ Select ‘Leadership Committee – [Name of committee]’ Select ‘yes’ Select appropriate answer Enter ‘date of service’ Select appropriate school district Enter the address of meeting location Select ‘Community-Based Process’ Select ‘STC05R Community Team activities’ Select ‘SP02 Civic Groups/coalition’ Enter session length Enter primary meeting topics especially those specific to accomplishing required tasks.

107 107 Standing Committee Meetings Standing Committee Meetings Long standing and ongoing meetings throughout the year of a group of people that have a specific focus. (i.e. Membership Committee) Instructions Select ‘name of coalition’ Select ‘Standing Committee – [Name of committee]’ Select ‘yes’ Select appropriate answer Enter ‘date of service’ Select appropriate school district Enter the address of meeting location Select ‘Community-Based Process’ Select ‘STC05R Community Team activities’ Select ‘SP02 Civic Groups/coalition’ Enter session length Enter primary meeting topics especially those specific to accomplishing required tasks.

108 108 Ad-hoc Workgroup Meetings Ad-hoc Workgroup Meetings Short-term meeting commitment of a group of people to accomplish a specific task. (i.e. Needs Assessment Workgroup) Instructions Select ‘name of coalition’ Select ‘Ad-hoc Workgroup – [Name of workgroup]’ Select ‘yes’ Select appropriate answer Enter ‘date of service’ Select appropriate school district Enter the address of meeting location Select ‘Community-Based Process’ Select ‘STC05R Community Team activities’ Select ‘SP02 Civic Groups/coalition’ Enter session length Enter primary meeting topics especially those specific to accomplishing required tasks.

109 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Bring out the mixer! 109

110 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Let’s get up and move… What would you like to talk about?  Capacity Building  Assessment  Implementation  Reporting and Evaluation 110

111 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition Guide  Chapter 1: General Information – provides general information about the PRI planning framework.  Chapter 2: Key Objectives – provides an overview of the intent of PRI and the established milestones and benchmarks.  Chapter 3: Implementing PRI – identifies the required tasks and provides guidance, definition, and clarification on each task category grouped by the PRI Planning Framework steps.  Chapter 4: Strategic Plan Requirements - provides the PRI requirements for completing the coalition’s Strategic Plan.  Appendix – provides templates and samples for use in writing your Strategic Plan and implementing PRI. 111

112 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Chapter 4: Strategic Plan Requirements  General Information  Executive Summary  Organizational Development  Capacity Building  Assessment  Plan  Implementation  Reporting and Evaluation 112 Guide p. 27

113 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Side note: We all plan 113

114 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What is a Strategic Plan?  One place the process, findings, decisions, and plan for the future.  Create, confirm and provide documentation of the intended vision and goals of a coalition.  Set the course for the work of the coalition with a long-term focus while also maintaining the immediate work that needs to be completed.  ‘Living documents’ that provide direction but also are updated regularly to account for assessment and evaluation information. 114

115 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values What’s a Strategic Plan? Each section of the Plan should present a clear picture of:  The coalition’s process for completing the step.  The results of the work.  The plan for the future based on the results of the work.  Each section should be developed based on the information presented in the previous section and provide a logical link to the next section. 115

116 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Strategic Planning  Where are we going? – Agree on Goals and Strategies that address substance abuse. – Demonstrate each partner’s role in supporting those goals and strategies. – Plan collaborative projects that support goals and objectives. 116

117 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Roles in Strategic Planning Coalitions - The role of the Coalition is to -  Engage in the planning process by: – Participating in workgroups to review data; – Review drafts of the plan; and – Develop strategies.  Make decisions regarding: – Functioning of the coalition; – Priority problems based on assessment; – Goals and objectives, strategies and activities; and – Evaluation measures and reporting. Coordinators - The role of the Community Coalition Coordinator is to –  Manage the strategic planning and implementation processes.  The Coordinator needs to work in the community and preferably live there.  The job of the Coordinator is to: – Understand the framework, process, and requirements; – Keep track of the overall process in order to guide the coalition through the process and ensure the coalition is moving forward; and – Keep records of the work and decisions of the coalition. 117

118 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values PRI Planning Framework 118

119 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Strategic Plan  Executive Summary  Organizational Development (Getting Started)  Capacity Building  Assessment  Needs Assessment  Resources Assessment  Plan  Implementation  Reporting and Evaluation 119

120 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The 'elevator speech'… We will be able to say… 120

121 121 These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] Action Outcomes What is the problem? Why ? Why here? But why here? So what? How will we know? What are we doing about it? These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] …with these common factors… Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] …can be addressed thru these strategies… [Name] Coalition Logic Model Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Community Disorganization/ Community Connectedness Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] …specifically in our community… Long-Term Consequences Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Evaluation Plan Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Strategies & Local Implementation Strategies & Local Implementation Local Conditions and Contributing Factors Reporting/EvalPlan/Implementation Local Assessment State Assessment …and we will use these tools to measure our impact… Direct Services: Assigned Program pre/post and process measures; HYS Prevention/ Intervention Services: pre/post Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey (10-15 years) (5-10 years) (2-5 years) (6 months – 2 years) Needs Assessment

122 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values State Needs Assessments SPF-SIG…...PRI…C1…C2…C3…...SPE…. Risk profiles Community Selection 122

123 123 These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] Action Outcomes What is the problem? Why ? Why here? But why here? So what? How will we know? What are we doing about it? These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] …with these common factors… Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] …can be addressed thru these strategies… [Name] Coalition Logic Model Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Community Disorganization/ Community Connectedness Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] …specifically in our community… Long-Term Consequences Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Evaluation Plan Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Strategies & Local Implementation Strategies & Local Implementation Local Conditions and Contributing Factors Reporting/EvalPlan/Implementation Local Assessment State Assessment …and we will use these tools to measure our impact… Direct Services: Assigned Program pre/post and process measures; HYS Prevention/ Intervention Services: pre/post Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey (10-15 years) (5-10 years) (2-5 years) (6 months – 2 years) Resources Assessment

124 124 These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] Action Outcomes What is the problem? Why ? Why here? But why here? So what? How will we know? What are we doing about it? These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] …with these common factors… Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] …can be addressed thru these strategies… [Name] Coalition Logic Model Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Community Disorganization/ Community Connectedness Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] …specifically in our community… Long-Term Consequences Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Evaluation Plan Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Strategies & Local Implementation Strategies & Local Implementation Local Conditions and Contributing Factors Reporting/EvalPlan/Implementation Local Assessment State Assessment …and we will use these tools to measure our impact… Direct Services: Assigned Program pre/post and process measures; HYS Prevention/ Intervention Services: pre/post Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey (10-15 years) (5-10 years) (2-5 years) (6 months – 2 years) Plan

125 125 These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] These problems… School Performance Youth Delinquency Mental Health [Add Yours Here] Action Outcomes What is the problem? Why ? Why here? But why here? So what? How will we know? What are we doing about it? These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] These types of problems… Any Underage Drinking Underage Problem and Heavy Drinking [Add Yours Here] …with these common factors… Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] Community engagement/Coalition development: [Coalition Name] [Add Yours Here] School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program School-based Prevention/ Intervention Services: Student Assistance Program Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Direct Services: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Public Awareness: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] Environmental Strategies: [Add Yours Here] …can be addressed thru these strategies… [Name] Coalition Logic Model Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Alcohol Availability: Retail or Social Access Promotion of Alcohol Alcohol Laws: Enforcement; Penalties; Regulations [Add Yours Here] Community Disorganization/ Community Connectedness Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Low Commitment to School Favorable Attitudes/Perception of Harm Friends Who Use [Based on assessment] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] Risk & Protective Factors: [Add Yours Here] …specifically in our community… Long-Term Consequences Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Intervening Variables (Risk/Protective Factors) Evaluation Plan Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Behavioral Health Problems (Consumption) Strategies & Local Implementation Strategies & Local Implementation Local Conditions and Contributing Factors Reporting/EvalPlan/Implementation Local Assessment State Assessment …and we will use these tools to measure our impact… Direct Services: Assigned Program pre/post and process measures; HYS Prevention/ Intervention Services: pre/post Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Community engagement/Coalition development: Annual Coalition Survey Sustainability Documentation Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Environmental Strategies: Process measures Community Survey; HYS Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey Public Awareness: Process measures Community Survey (10-15 years) (5-10 years) (2-5 years) (6 months – 2 years) Reporting and Evaluation

126 126 Must include a least one for each box below. Can add additional factors. Must include all below. Can add additional consequences. Must include a least one from each box below. Can add additional factors. Must include all below. Can add additional problems. Must include a least one for each box below. Can add additional activities. Must include at least one for each box below. Can add additional indicators.

127 127 In Summary… for example

128 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Cultural Competency “Cultural competency is not the tenth thing on the list in getting things done; it’s the way we manage the other nine.” -Dr. Robert Hayles 128

129 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Sustainability What is sustainability? 129 What do you need to sustain it? How will you get it? What are you sustaining?

130 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Sustainability Question 1: What are you sustaining? Question 1: What are you sustaining?  Efforts – Strategies and Activities  Structure to support the efforts (internal and external) 130

131 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Sustainability Question 2: What do you need to sustain it? Question 2: What do you need to sustain it?  Policies  Resources  People  Funding  Outcomes 131

132 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Sustainability Question 3: How will you get it? Question 3: How will you get it?  Clear direction  People  Data 132

133 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Organizational Development  Mission Statement and Key Values  Coalition Structure and Organization  Membership Recruitment and Retention  Cultural Competency in Organizational Development  Sustainability in Organizational Development 133 Guide p. 32

134 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Organizational Development Mission Statement and Key Values Please read the entire Organizational Development section of the Strategic Plan Requirements Chapter (Page 32). Discussion:  How many of you have ever helped an organization develop its Mission Statement and Key Values? What was that like? 134

135 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The Athena Forum 135

136 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The Athena Forum 136

137 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The Athena Forum 137

138 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The Athena Forum 138

139 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values The Athena Forum 139

140 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Organizational Development Coalition Structure and Organization EExplain the coalition’s organizational structure and how it supports coalition members as they accomplish the work of the coalition, including workgroups, subcommittees, and fiscal agency relationships. DDescribe the coalition’s decision-making processes including financial decisions. DDescribe the procedures in place to ensure effective communication and coordination among coalition members, workgroups, staff, and administration. DDescribe the procedures in place to ensure effective communication and coordination among partners, the media, policymakers, and others. IInclude an organizational chart illustrating the relationship between the coalition, workgroups, fiscal agent, and staff. In the organizational chart, identify the individuals associated with the coalition’s leadership, workgroups and subcommittees. 140 Guide p. 32

141 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Organizational Development Coalition Structure and Organization Concentrate on the section on Coalition Structure and Organization (Page 32). Discussion:  How will you facilitate a discussion happening with your coalition to answer these questions?  What tools will you use? 141

142 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Capacity Building  Outreach  Training/Technical Assistance (TA)  Cultural Competency in Capacity Building  Sustainability in Capacity Building 142 Guide p. 33

143 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Capacity Building Community Outreach Please read the entire Capacity section of the Strategic Plan Requirements Guide (Page 33). Discussion:  How many of you have ever worked with a community coalition before? What was that like?  How did you reach out to the community?  …specifically to the under-served populations? 143

144 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Assessment  Needs Assessment  Resources Assessment  Logic Model  Sustainability in Assessment  Cultural Competency in Assessment 144 Guide p. 34

145 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Assessment Please read the entire Assessment section of the Strategic Plan Requirements Guide (Pages 34- 35). 145 Discussion:  How many of you have ever used data to help an organization identify its priorities? What was that like?  What does sustainability have to do with needs assessment?  How will you keep track of the assessment work for the writing the plan?

146 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Assessment Needs Assessment Concentrate on the section on Needs Assessment (Page 34-35) Discussion:  What are some actions steps you need to take to begin this process?  What are some roles for the coordinator in needs assessment?  What are some roles for the coalition in needs assessment? 146

147 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Assessment Resources Assessment Concentrate on the section on Resources Assessment (Page 35) Discussion:  How will your coalition collect resources information?  How will you identify gaps?  How will this information inform your strategy selection?  What information is important to include in the Plan? What is just for the coalition? 147

148 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan  Process for Planning  Goals, Objectives and Strategies  Action Plan  Cultural Competency in Plan  Sustainability in Plan  Update Logic Model 148 Guide p. 36

149 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan Take a few minutes to read the Planning section (Page 36). 149 Discussion:  Have you been involved before in efforts where information was presented this way?

150 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan Action Plans  Template of an Action Plan (page 53). 150

151 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan Programs List 151

152 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values 152

153 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan Environmental Strategies 153

154 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan Evidence-based Programs 154

155 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan Action Plans - Sample  Template of an Action Plan (page 53). 155

156 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Plan Action Plan Let’s focus on the Action Plan section (page 52). Discussion:  How will you ensure that your entire Coalition is involved in making decisions on the Action Plan?  What are some of the challenges you foresee in preparing your Action Plan?  How will you overcome those challenges? 156

157 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Implementation  Structural Support for Implementation  Budget  Cultural Competency in Implementation  Sustainability in Implementation 157 Guide p. 37

158 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Reporting and Evaluation  Expected Outcomes (Baseline and Target Data)  Plan for Tracking and Reviewing Evaluation Information  Cultural Competency in Reporting and Evaluation  Sustainability in Reporting and Evaluation 158 Guide p. 38

159 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Implementation, Reporting and Evaluation Discussion  How will you involve the coalition members in implementation, reporting and evaluation?  How will you ensure cultural appropriateness in implementation, reporting and evaluation?  What resources will you use to support your community? 159

160 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Community Coalition Guide  Chapter 1: General Information – provides general information about the PRI planning framework.  Chapter 2: Key Objectives – provides an overview of the intent of PRI and the established milestones and benchmarks.  Chapter 3: Implementing PRI – identifies the required tasks and provides guidance, definition, and clarification on each task category grouped by the PRI Planning Framework steps.  Chapter 4: Strategic Plan Requirements - provides the PRI requirements for completing the coalition’s Strategic Plan.  Appendix – provides templates and samples for use in writing your Strategic Plan and implementing PRI. 160

161 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Appendix:  Appendix 1: SAMPLE Timeline to Prepare for Implementing PRI  Appendix 2: SAMPLE County Risk Profile  Appendix 3: SAMPLE Community Selection Packet  Appendix 4: SAMPLE Timeline for Writing your Strategic Plan  Appendix 5: Strategic Plan Outline TEMPLATE  Appendix 6: Cover Letter SAMPLE  Appendix 7: SAMPLE Data Book  Appendix 8: Logic Model  Appendix 9: List of Coalition Members TEMPLATE 161 Guide p. 41

162 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Appendix:  Appendix 10: Community Survey Results  Appendix 11: Action Plan  Appendix 12: Budget TEMPLATE  Appendix 13: Plan-on-a-Page TEMPLATE  Appendix 14: Plan-on-a-Page SAMPLE  Appendix 15: New/Media Release TEMPLATE  Appendix 16: Community Profile Brochure TEMPLATE  Appendix 17: PBPS Coalition Program Entry Instructions  Appendix 18: Commonly Used Prevention Resources 162

163 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Strategic Plan Suggested Timeline 163 Guide p. 44

164 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Bring out the mixer! 164

165 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Training General PRI Trainings:  Health Youth Survey 2012 Webinar Series  Planning and Implementation with Rhonda Ramsey Molina of CADCA  Enhancing Community Building and Measuring Coalition Success with Dr. Paul Evensen  Community Surveys webinar series with Dr. Marc Bolan  Building your Coalition Toolkit - June 2013 CADCA Training  Youth Marijuana Prevention Symposium – July 2013 165

166 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Training Specific PRI Trainings:  Cohort 3 - Task Categories Guide - Presentation - December 2012  Coordinator Orientation Training - September 2012  Logic Model: Fine Tuning Your Logic Model Webinar  Needs Assessment Clinic  Community Coalition Orientation  Key Leader Orientation/Event  Resources Assessment Webinar Series 166

167 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Owl E-Learning  20 online courses  23.75 CEHs available plus additional viewing content  FREE 167

168 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Training What else would help you to complete this process? What else would you like? 168

169 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Wrap up  Based on what you learned today, write down 2-3 things you need to do right away when you get back to office with your coalition. Questions??? 169

170 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Who to contact for more information 170 If you would like additional technical assistance please contact your Prevention System Manager or email

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