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Disaster Risk Reduction in DG ECHO The EU as a humanitarian donor EU largest donor of humanitarian aid in the world Member States + Commission = more.

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2 Disaster Risk Reduction in DG ECHO

3 The EU as a humanitarian donor EU largest donor of humanitarian aid in the world Member States + Commission = more than half of official global humanitarian aid In 2011, Commission (ECHO) spent over 1.1 billion, helping millions of crisis victims in more than 70 countries

4 Situation analysis 60.000 killed per year, 97 % of them in developing countries 200 m people affected per year by disasters 69 billion EUR material damage per year increasing population pressure climate change more disasters and conflicts in the future


6 What is Disaster Risk Reduction? The concept and practice of reducing disaster risk through systematic efforts to analyse and manage the casual factors of disasters including through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved preparedness for adverse events. DRR is an approach

7 DRR policy context DRR and its relations with Climate change and sustainable development is high in the international and EU agenda Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA ) EU Consensus on Humanitarian Aid – Dec 2007 The EU Communication on the EU Strategy on DRR for developing countries – 2009 ECHO Policy Guidelines on DRR Under preparation

8 DG ECHO Strategic Approach in DRR ECHO Main Objective: to work on strengthening disaster risk reduction and preparedness capacities among vulnerable communities (based on high level of community participation and ownership).




12 Areas of Intervention Mainstreaming: - integrate DRR/CCA into response Targeted Actions: - Dipecho - Drought - Epidemic - Livelihoods Advocacy Capacity Building

13 Addresses DP in a regional framework, targeting areas most prone to natural disasters: Caribbean Central America South America Central Asia and South Caucasus South Asia South-East Asia Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Pacific region Focus on preparation rather than mitigation Budget for 2012: 35 M Bottom-up, community based approach targeting most vulnerable and poorest communities The DIPECHO programme

14 Community-based approach with articulation to policy level Covers natural disasters only Favours the implementation of pilot projects that have demonstrative purposes and exit strategies. Encourages the replication and scaling-up of such projects by development actors or communities themselves Reinforces local response capacities DIPECHO : Scope and Approach

15 ECHOS DRR FUNDED ACTIVITIES Local capacity building/Training: search and rescue teams, provision of material and equipment, organisation of simulation exercises… 1.Awareness campaigns with the population (e.g. at schools): recognising disaster risks & necessary measures.

16 Building local capacity

17 ECHOs DRR funded activities Technical surveys : mapping of villages/risks/existing structures… Institutional building : reinforce regional information sharing and coordination between different actors

18 ECHOS DRR FUNDED ACTIVITIES 1.Early warning systems: collection of hydrometric data, communication systems, awareness signs, etc. 3.Small-scale mitigation works: protection walls along river banks, drainage works, reforestation, structural works on existing public buildings to increase their resistance to disasters, etc.

19 BOLIVIA Local disaster management components & capacity buildingLocal disaster management components & capacity building Institutional linkages and advocacyInstitutional linkages and advocacy Information, education, communicationInformation, education, communication Small scale infrastructure and servicesSmall scale infrastructure and services Stockpiling of emergency and relief itemsStockpiling of emergency and relief items Coordination with VIDECI in the formulations of proposalsCoordination with VIDECI in the formulations of proposals Use of the Country Document as a referenceUse of the Country Document as a reference Location 1 Altiplano region (highlands): Drought, cold waves, hailstorms, landslides and floods Departments: La Paz, Oruro, Potosí Location 2 Amazon region and Chapare: Floods, drought and forest fires Departments: Beni, Pando and Cochabamba Location 3 Chaco region: Drought, floods, forest fires Departments: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Chuquisaca, TarijaBOLIVIA

20 Who is implementing DIPECHO International NGOs Red Cross Societies UN Agencies As well as local agencies working with the above organizations


22 Thank You

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