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OFELIA – Japan interconnection Hagen Woesner, Coordinator of OFELIA project.

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Presentation on theme: "OFELIA – Japan interconnection Hagen Woesner, Coordinator of OFELIA project."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFELIA – Japan interconnection Hagen Woesner, Coordinator of OFELIA project

2 Agenda Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds Current Status of OFELIA – OpenFlow testbed in Europe established – GÉANT collaboration – External connections: RNP, Internet2, RISE Details on RISE-OFELIA connection Tools for control and federation – OFELIA control framework – AMSoil – Vertigo Next steps – OFELIA island in RISE – Test it, move OpenVPN connection, then operate day-to-day 2Hagen Woesner

3 3Years, ending Sept. 13 6.5 Budget 4.45 Funding 10 12 17 Partners after the 1 st OpenCall after the 2 nd OpenCall 7OpenFlow islands OFELIA FP7 project in numbers

4 Island overview Berlin (TUB)partial (fixed and WiFi) campus network with OF-switches Gent (iMinds)central hub, 100 (200) node emulab instance Zürich (ETH)connection to OneLab and GENI Barcelona (i2CAT)control framework development & FIBRE Bristol (UBristol)optical and L2 (Extreme) switches Trento (Create-Net)city-wide test bed with L2 switches, NetFPGA Rome/CataniaInformation-Centric-Networks 2 nd Open CallAveiro Lancaster Pisa Sao Paolo, Brazil OFELIA Review

5 GÉANT OpenFLow island First Géant OpenFlow installation uses OFELIA Control Framework joint demo being set up for FIA Dublin Hagen Woesner5 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds

6 Virtual Topologies use case (and demo) OFELIA Review

7 OFELIA - NICT/Rise connection Following 3 slides by Tomoaki Takata [] Hagen Woesner7 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds

8 Control plance connection Hagen Woesner8 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds

9 Data plane connection Hagen Woesner9 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds

10 Tools for control and federation OFELIA Control Framework ( OCF ) OCF is a set of software tools for testbed management. It controls experimentation life-cycle; reservation, instantiation, configuration, monitoring and uninistantiation. – Full software stack: frontend, clearinghouse and resource managers (AMs) – Support for management of OpenFlow, Virtual Machines (currently XEN) and. – Control framework components: Frontend (Expedient) OF AM (Optin) VM AM (VTAM) Hagen Woesner10 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds

11 Tools for control and federation Amsoil AMSoil is a light-weight framework for creating Aggregate Managers in testbeds. – AMsoil is a pluggable system and provides the necessary glue between RPC-Handlers and Resource Managers. – Also it provides helpers for common tasks in AM development. Hagen Woesner11 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds

12 Tools for control and federation Vertigo Hagen Woesner12 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds Node Virtualizer: multiplexes multiple control channels between the physical network and VeRTIGO into a single virtual channel between VeRTIGO and the controller Port Mapper: rewrites port numbers in the OpenFlow messages consistently with the virtual topology configuration Internal Controller: controls those switches that are hidden to the controller VT Planner: implements a path selection algorithm to efficiently aggregate physical nodes and links into virtual links

13 Next steps OFELIA and RISE federation – We have connected, but not yet federated – Automated use of components should be possible – SFA could be the blueprint? Further use cases? – Large scale testbeds different from local ones? – What is the real issue, why do we build this? Hagen Woesner13 Development and Experimentation on federated EU-Japan Testbeds

14 Cache Server OF switch OF Controller OFELIA Review ICN server ICN client Management and GUI OpenFlow protocol Northbound API Using OpenFlow to control content download Extending SDN APIs and protocols for ICN Backup: Example use case Information Centric use case (and demo)

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