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Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 1 European Graphic Industry with a focus on Book Printing.

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Presentation on theme: "Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 1 European Graphic Industry with a focus on Book Printing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 1 European Graphic Industry with a focus on Book Printing

2 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 2 Confederation for Printing and Allied Industries Place Eugène Flagey 7, BE - 1050 Brussels 23 member associations in 20 countries 2 Associate members Secretariat and Member of the World Print & Communication Forum

3 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 3 Profile of the Graphic Industry in Europe Sector which is dominated by small and micro companies Largely focussed on domestic market Suffering from low-cost imports Dependant on advertising Investments currently very difficult Characterized by structural overcapacity European Printing Industry Europe – EU 27 in 2008 123,000 companies 885,000 employees 100 billion EUR turnover

4 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 4 European Printing Industry – Production

5 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 5 European Printing Industry – Printing Processes Weboffset Machine for large runs Sheetfed Offset Machine for medium runs Digital Machine for small runs

6 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 6 Will the this be the only book in future?

7 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 7 Media Consumption patterns in hours per week Source: FAEP/EMMA

8 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 8 Reading on Paper US Study March 2011: 600 on-line interviews of 16- 26 year olds American Forest and Paper Association

9 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 9 Delocalization of Print Volume Ordered Low High Short time limits Long time limits Books Printed trade materials Newspapers Magazines Affected by relocationsPotentially affected by relocations Catalogues Best Sellers books Children books Diaries

10 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 10 European Printing Industry – Imports China

11 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 11 Tariffs on Imports of paper from China Competition from China Manufacturers of coated fine papers introduced a complaint to DG Trade in 2009 on the grounds of dumping and subsidizing in favour of paper produced in China. Procedure involved extensive enquiries among all stakeholders, associations and users for the collection of data establishing the injury for European producers. On 29 March 2011, both Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy Committees gave a positive opinion on definitive measures for 5 years. They affect several Chinese mills. No provisions in the EU legislation to automatically enlarge the scope to print products imported from China Complete new investigation necessary

12 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 12 Paper is a renewable and recyclable raw material 69% of all paper is being recycled in the EU!

13 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 13 Environmental Concerns are taken up Certification of paper Carbon Footprint Calculations Correct wrong ideas! Visit the website of Two Sides! Part of the PrintPower initiative: A library of answers on the sustainability of printed communication.

14 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 14 New Product Ideas New Bookformat: Dwarsligger Innovation can happen at all levels and with different kinds of products. Even printed Books can be innovative Dwarsligger has been patented in the Netherlands and books in different languages are available.

15 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 15 New Products for the Printing Industry Print to Web Communication: Modern Print Products can effectively offer a print to web communication to the user. QR Codes link the printed product to electronic media (website, video etc.) Augmented Reality: Printed Electronics: Batteries, circuits, RFID Antennas, etc.

16 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 16 Needs of the Graphic Industry Conclusions: Printed products are made from a renewable sustainable raw material Imports from low cost countries need to be controlled Support in managing the structural change and equipping the employees with new skills VAT rates for cultural products need to continue to benefit of reduced rates Research and Innovation are highly important

17 Hearing EESC November 2011 INTERGRAF 17 INTERGRAF Place Eugène Flagey 7 BE - 1050 Brussels Tel: +32 2 230 86 46 Fax:+32 2 231 14 64 More Information …. Thank you for your attention!

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