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Established –1997 in Copenhagen by 6 National RC Societies Aim –Improving the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants by strengthening cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Established –1997 in Copenhagen by 6 National RC Societies Aim –Improving the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants by strengthening cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Established –1997 in Copenhagen by 6 National RC Societies Aim –Improving the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants by strengthening cooperation amongst RC-NS 1. PERCO in Brief

2 Key Objectives - Provide a framework to facilitate cooperation & networking - Improve the capacity of RC-NS in the field of asylum and migration - Develop RC activities in the area of migration and asylum - Strengthen advocacy role of RC-NS - Share Experience & Promote Good Practice 1. PERCO in Brief

3 Members –21 RC-NS Observers –RC EU-Office: information on EU policies and funding opportunities. –IFRC: information about developments within the movement –ICRC: contribution on issues of common interest (e.g.: tracing, detention) 1. PERCO in Brief

4 Membership - qualifications Open to all National Societies from EU-Member States European Free Trade Area - Member States EU Accession Countries SAP-Countries 1. PERCO in Brief

5 Framework / Working Method –Terms of Reference –Biannual Strategy –Meetings: General Meeting & Annual General Meeting –Steering Group Meetings –Working Groups on Specific Topics / Focal Points –Work Plans –Drafting of Position Papers –Website 1. PERCO in Brief

6 Steering Group 2 Co-Chairs: Austrian and Finnish RC 4 PERCO Members 3 Observers 1. PERCO in Brief

7 2. Major Achievements Publications –Guidelines on “Cultural Diversity”, “Reception of Asylum Seekers”, “Repatriation” –Survey on „Irregular Migration“ and Development of Recommendations to NS –Expert Input for Position Papers of EU-Office (e.g. Green Paper on Economic Migration) –Discussion Paper on Role of NS in Detention –Discussion Paper on Transit Processing Centres

8 2. Major Achievements Activities –Representing IFRC during European Hearing of the Global Commission on International Migration (Budapest 2004) –Expert base for ERF-Projects Open Forum on Reception 2003 Open Forum on Reception & Health 2006 Open Forum on Return 2006 –Active Role of PERCO network in the Preparation Process of the European Regional Conference 2007 – Consultants to the RC EU office on common EU-policies in the migration field

9 2. Major Achievements Well functioning network of experts on migration / asylum which serves the RC movement in terms of source for project partnerships technical expertise

10 Five Key Topics –Return –Integration / Anti-Discrimination –Detention –Reception –Irregular migration 3. The next two years


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