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AP Biology Protein Synthesis Part 2. Peptide Bonding.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Biology Protein Synthesis Part 2. Peptide Bonding."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Biology Protein Synthesis Part 2

2 Peptide Bonding

3 2’ structure

4 3’ Structure

5 Translation by the Ribosome

6 Transfer RNA (tRNA)

7 Transfer RNA in 3D

8 Amino Acid Codon Chart

9 Anti-codon matches the codon

10 Connecting tRNA with Amino Acid

11 Ribosome Structure

12 Initiation “Build the factory”

13 Elongation of the peptide & Translocation

14 Peptide Bonding Upclose

15 Termination of translation

16 3’ T A C C A G C C G G T A A T A G G G A C C A T T 5’ DNA TEMPLATE 5’ A U G G U C G G C C A U U A U C C C U G G U A A 3’ mRNA METH VA L GLY HIST TYR PR O TR P __ ___ 3’ U A C C A G C C G G U A A U A G G G A C C A U U 5’ ANTI – CODON Sequence Does the DNA Sequence (Million Dollar Blueprint) look like the Anti-codon Sequence? Remember, this is how the ribosome “knew” the Amino Acid was Correct. PROTEIN

17 Polyribosomes

18 Chaperonin Protein will stay in the cell

19 RER & SRP Protein will leave the cell

20 The BIG Picture

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