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Definitions (Defensive)  Defending territory  Defending citizens  Defending values  Defending allies  Defending preferred world order.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions (Defensive)  Defending territory  Defending citizens  Defending values  Defending allies  Defending preferred world order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions (Defensive)  Defending territory  Defending citizens  Defending values  Defending allies  Defending preferred world order

2 Definitions (Offensive)  Securing territory  Spreading values  Creating allies  Building preferred world order

3 OLD DEFINITION?NEW DEFINITION?  Direct threats  Other nations  Rival powers  Rival Ideas  Rival ideas  Transnational organized crime  Migration  Demographic crises  Health  Failed states  Economic stability

4 General George C. Marshall


6 National Security is Politics  Between nations (just nations?)  Within nations Competing institutions Competing individuals Competing interests

7  If national Security is about poliitcs, then we need to understand how national security decisions are made.

8 External and Internal Environment






14 Structure follows Strategy (in theory)  Alfred Chandler

15 External Government Environment strategy and organizational structure (decision making structure)

16  Remember strategy is a decision, a political decision  What if the US decides not to react to international developments?  Doesn’t care about them  Doesn’t see them

17 US as a weak nation Struggling for independence



20 US BOOM!!!!


22 1. Free Market economics  Open access for US investment 2. Spreading Democracy (Wilson) 3. Nervousness about Commitments  Wilson vs. US Senate on League of Nations

23  US Decision to remain a regional power  National Security focus on  Economics  Anti-communism







30  US is now the most powerful nation on the globe What now?

31 Isolationism /Nationalism vs. Internationalism RealismIdealism liberalism Wilsonianism Balance of power Hegemonic realism

32 1945-1950: Accepts the role of global power National Interests:  To contain communism  To build a liberal-democratic world order  To remain the most powerful nation

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