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5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting1 CDF and the Grid Requirements and Anti-Requirements CDF-o-Centric View Proposal Conclusion: CDF/D0 Deliverables.

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Presentation on theme: "5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting1 CDF and the Grid Requirements and Anti-Requirements CDF-o-Centric View Proposal Conclusion: CDF/D0 Deliverables."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting1 CDF and the Grid Requirements and Anti-Requirements CDF-o-Centric View Proposal Conclusion: CDF/D0 Deliverables Presented on Behalf of CDF-UK Rick St. Denis, University of Glasgow

2 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting2 Basic Requirement What you really really want: One place to log in and submit jobs Space for input Space for output Ability to find data Someone else to manage it Works to 2007 (or more?) In short: Sufficient resources for CDF’s Life

3 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting3 Case in Point: Ray Culbertson at Rutgers Different batch system (not lsf) Failed, Offline ace no help (“nonstandard” installation) Not enough feedback as to what was wrong Turned out to be a hardware error 2 weeks later: back to central systems with severe limitations on physics Anti-requirement

4 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting4 The CDF View of Grid AC++ Grid fcdfsgi2uchep2rutgersukcdfjifa

5 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting5 CDF Proposal CDF does not currently use SAM and we have to sell it to them. Assume we do. (Resources speak volumes) Three Project Phases: –Pilot –Integration –Gridification

6 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting6 Pilot Project Set up the initial fabric. Evaluate usage patterns and user requirements. Deploy SAM as well as standard Grid tools for evaluation. Snake Oil Test 3 months

7 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting7 Integration Deployment and support of SAM stations in UK. Adapt CDF software to function with SAM. –CDF data handling tools: translate cataloguing information to SAM. Key component: interfacing of the Database schema compatible with SAM (or even in common with DØ). –Data input modules:Differences with CDF/D0 in Event Data Model and how data files are catalogued.

8 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting8 Gridification (with D0) 1.Standard middleware for interoperability. i.Globus security and Kerberos, CAS in future. ii.GridFTP. iii.Globus job submission as a supported system. iv.Condor and extensions as a supported system. v.Publish SAM station resources/services availability using emerging Grid middleware. vi.Publish catalogue of data files using emerging PPDG/DataGrid standards.

9 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting9 Gridification (with D0) 2.Grid functionality for Job spec., submit, tracking i.Condor: migration, checkpointing, CDF/D0/Condor mods. ii.Incremental enhancement: Job spec, submission language,co-location of job execution/data files. iii.Reliable, dependencies between job steps. (DAGMAN starts). 3.Monitoring, diagnostic, logging: use Grid Mon.Tools 4.Fabric Management: UK CDF JIF, the UK DØ JIF computers, Lancaster farms, Liverpool MAP plus future facilities such as Mosix or SMP clusters.

10 5 November 2001GridPP Collaboration Meeting10 Conclusion:CDF/D0 Deliverables

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