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10 th American History Daily Lessons. This Day in History and Current Events This Day in History 1987- the stock market crashed as the Dow Jones Industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "10 th American History Daily Lessons. This Day in History and Current Events This Day in History 1987- the stock market crashed as the Dow Jones Industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th American History Daily Lessons

2 This Day in History and Current Events This Day in History 1987- the stock market crashed as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 508 points, or 22.6 percent in value - its second biggest percentage drop. Current Event Student News: Man arrested after plotting Federal Reserve bomb, authorities sayMan arrested after plotting Federal Reserve bomb, authorities say Average student loan debt nears $27,000Average student loan debt nears $27,000 Obama and Romney on taming deficitsObama and Romney on taming deficits Air Canada flight finds stranded Australian yachtAir Canada flight finds stranded Australian yacht

3 While you were gone 10 th American HistoryMake-up Assignments Oct. 19 While you were gone 10 th American History- Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook Room 214 Student-______________ Date Absent Oct. 19 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: Oct. 24 –Chapter 8 Section 2 Quiz – Oct. 24 Oct. 23 –Chapter 8 Section 3 pages 246-252 with notes. Look at page 246 for type of notes to take.– due Oct. 23 In Class Work: Chapter 8 Section 2 pg. 238-244 Activities- –Before Class starts- This Day in History and Current Events- put in Go Hawk Planner. –5 Min.- Vocabulary – neutral, factorAcademic- neutral, factor selective service, communists, armisticeSocial Studies- selective service, communists, armistice –5 min. Timed Reading Activity –15min.- Discussion of Section 2- Lusitania- 1915 World War I- 1917-1918- interactive websiteWorld War I- 1917-1918 Interactive Reader and study guide.Interactive Reader and study guide. –10 min- Coop work-. Daily Bellringer Daily Test Practice, Vocabulary Builder. Sect. Quiz, Biography- and 4 HOT questions. World War I –5 min. – finish power point – World War I –Begin Power point- U.S in World War I World War I –Finish more of the Video Series- World War I – with Worksheet Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam- ________________________ Signature:_____________________

4 Day #43 Assignments - Oct. 24 Chapter 8 Section 2 Quiz – Oct. 24 Homework due today - Chapter 8 Section 2 pg. 238-244 In Class Work Activities- –Reading Quiz –Word Wall – Academic- neutral, factor Social Studies- selective service, communists, armistice –Base Group work- Daily Bellringer, Daily Test Practice, Vocabulary Builder, Sect. 2 Quiz and Biography –Begin Power point- U.S in World War I –Finish more of the Video Series- World War I – with Worksheet Unit II Becoming a World Power Chapter 8 Sect. 2 Reading Quiz Word Wall PowerPointGroup Work

5 Timed Reading worksheet – Worth 2 Daily work pts. each Canvas 1)Go to Canvas Chapter 8.2 Timed Reading worksheet 2)Find the Chapter 8.2 Timed Reading worksheet 3)Once you start the quiz you have 5-7 min. to complete it 4)You may use your notes, but not the book. 5)When you finish work on the vocabulary for today. Correct answers Points- 2 each Homework points 61220 51020 4815 36 2410 125 000

6 Academic Word/Definition (located in the Margin) Etymology- Origin of word neutral- not aligned with either side in a war or dispute. English Medieval Latin Middle English neuterall mutually neutralizing, from Medieval Latin *neutralis, back-formation from neutralitas middle ground, from Latin neutralis neuter, from neutr-, neuter factor- something that contributes to a result. EnglishMiddle French Latin Middle English, from Middle French facteur, from Latin factor doer, from facere Social Studies Word/Definition Prefix/Suffix or Reminder Word selective service – requiring men between the ages of 21+30 to register to be drafted into the armed service. The Draft communists- people who seek the equal distribution of wealth and end of all private property. “Bolsheviks” “Reds” armistice- temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement between the opponents, a truce. Peace

7 Lusitania- 1915 engines produced 68,000-horse power average speed over 25 knots and "Greyhound of the Seas" she soon captured the Blue Ribbon for the fastest Atlantic crossing. installation of ammunition magazines and gun mounts on her decks. The mounts, concealed under the teak deck, were ready for the addition of the guns when needed. 1915, the Lusitania was at New York, being loaded with meat, medical supplies, copper, cheese, oil and machinery, but she was also secretly being loaded with munitions for Britain for the war.

8 German Warning NOTICE! Travelers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travellers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk. IMPERIAL GERMAN EMBASSY WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 22, 1915.

9 Lusitania- 1915 On May 7, the ship neared the coast of Ireland. At 2:10 in the afternoon a torpedo fired by the German submarine U 20 slammed into her side. A mysterious second explosion ripped the liner apart. Chaos reigned.

10 Lusitania- 1915 The ship tilted to the right side at an angle of 25°. The power suddenly failed, The watertight doors in the ship could not be closed unless there was power. The wireless room had to run on battery power to tap out its S.O.Ss. As a result of the list (tilt) of the ship, the lifeboats on the port (left) side could not be launched. As the lifeboats were lowered they dragged on the rivets, which threatened to seriously damage the boats before they landed in the water. The starboard-side boats were swung out so far as a result of the list that many passengers had to jump from the deck to the lifeboats, risking falling into the water many storeys below. Many crew members panicked and a few lifeboats were launched that contained only crew members. Other lifeboats capsized, and one or two were damaged when the torpedo hit the ship. Although the Lusitania had adequate lifeboats for all on board, most lifeboats simply could not be launched. The Lusitania sank below the waves shortly before 2:00pm. It sank in 90 meters of water, and since the Lusitania was 239 meters long, the bow (front of the ship) hit the bottom of the ocean while the stern was still up in the air. Most passengers never had a chance. Within 18 minutes the giant ship slipped beneath the sea. One thousand one hundred nineteen of the 1,924 aboard died. The dead included 128 Americans.

11 World War I- 1917- 1918 World War I- 1917- 1918 World War I- 1917- 1918 World War I- 1917- 1918 Interactive website

12 Chapter 8 Section 2 Discussion





17 Daily Bell Ringer – 8.2

18 Answers to Daily Bellringer 8.2

19 Daily Test Practice 8.2 Pg. 243

20 Vocabulary Builder 8.2

21 Section Quiz 8.2

22 Biography 8.2

23 Biography 8.2

24 Answers to daily test practice 8.2

25 Vocabulary Builder 8.2

26 Section Quiz 8.2

27 Biography 8.2

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