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REVIEW OF THE RCA AGREEMENT 2013 RCARO Workshop on Strengthening the RCA/RCARO Activities and its Efficiency, 7-9 August 2013, Seoul, South Korea Alumanda.

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW OF THE RCA AGREEMENT 2013 RCARO Workshop on Strengthening the RCA/RCARO Activities and its Efficiency, 7-9 August 2013, Seoul, South Korea Alumanda."— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW OF THE RCA AGREEMENT 2013 RCARO Workshop on Strengthening the RCA/RCARO Activities and its Efficiency, 7-9 August 2013, Seoul, South Korea Alumanda M. Dela Rosa, PhD Director Philippine Nuclear Research Institute

2 Outline  Introduction  Brief History of the RCA and the RCA Agreement  Possible Amendment(s) to the RCA Agreement  Concluding Remarks

3 Brief History of RCA  RCA - Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific  IPA- precursor of the RCA. It is a tripartite cooperative agreement involving India, the Philippines and the IAEA: donation and installation by India of a neutron diffractometer in the PRR-1 ; training of scientists and technologists in physics (solid state physics, neutron elastic and inelastic scattering) from Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, spanning 1965 - 1970 

4 Brief History of RCA  12 June 1972 -the RCA was officially established to promote and coordinate co- operative research and training projects in nuclear science and technology through the appropriate institutions.

5 Brief History of RCA  There were 10 original RCA Member States.  India 7 June 1972  Vietnam 12 June 1972  Indonesia16 October 1972  Thailand04 December 1972  Philippines17 April 1973  Singapore06 September 1973  Pakistan06 September 1973  Republic of Korea09 October 1974  Bangladesh20 October 1974  Sri Lanka06 March 1976

6 Brief History of RCA  Australia, Peoples’ Republic of China, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand became RCA Members later. Nepal became a member of the RCA in 2012.  Presently, there are 18 Governments Parties to the RCA Agreement.

7 RCA Agreement  RCA Agreement- from 1972 to 1977. Thereafter, it has been extended every five years. The Agreement was revised in 1987, and has been extended five times. Years of extension are as follows:  12 June1977 – 11 June 1982  12 June1982 – 11 June 1987  12 June1987 – 11 June 1992  12 June1992 – 11 June 19971 st Extension  12 June1997 – 11 June 20022 nd  12 June2002 – 11 June 20073 rd  12 June2007 - 11 June 20124 th  12 June2012 - 11 June 20175 th

8 RCA Agreement  Provisions of the RCA Agreement (1972)  PreambleSignatories are referred to as Governments  Article I, Section 1:Governments agree to cooperate with each other and with IAEA in promoting and coordinating cooperative research, development, and training projects in nuclear science and technology  Article II, Sections 2-7:prescribes the process by which a cooperative project within RCA come into being - from submission of proposal to the IAEA, notification by IAEA of other Governments party to the Agreement, negotiation among Governments, funding by the IAEA, and finally implementation by the MSs.

9 RCA Agreement  Article III, Section 8: prescribes the activities of the Governments to monitor the progress of cooperative projects/consider new projects during a meeting of the representatives of governments held in conjunction with the annual session of the IAEA GC.  Article IV, Sections 9-11: prescribes the Member States that may become party to the RCA Agreement, and the conditions when the Agreement shall enter into force, and the duration of the Agreement 

10 The RCA Agreement was amended in 1987  Provisions of the 1987 RCA Agreement  Preamble: Governments changed to Governments Parties  Article I: Same  Article II: Prescribes a meeting of Representatives of Governments Parties to be convened by the Agency, at least once every year (para1), and the authority of the Meeting of Representatives (para2) [new provisions]

11 Amendments to the RCA Agreement  Articles III to VI are equivalent to Article II of old Agreement with the following additions:  Article III - and criteria for approving proposals for cooperative projects by the Meeting of Representatives  Article V: Prescribes the responsibilities of Governments Parties  Article VI: Prescribes the formation/functions of a Project Committee per cooperative project, to consist of one representative from each participating Government Party and one representative from the Agency

12 Amendment to the RCA Agreement  Article VII: Prescribes the role and duties of the Agency as RCA Secretariat  Article VIII: Agency may invite any other MS or international organizations for financial contribution for the coop. projects  Article IX: Same as provisions of Art.II, Sec.5, on compliance with the Agency’s safety standards, and activities shall only be for peaceful purposes

13 Amendments to the RCA Agreement  Article X: Same as provisions of Art.II, Sec.6 where other MSs can participate in the cooperative project, with the consent of the Governments Parties of the Agreement  Articles XI to XIII: same provisions as in Articles II and IV of original agreement

14 Basic Features of the Amendments  The major amendments would be:  Provision for the meeting of Representatives and the authority of the Representatives  Clear provisions on the responsibilities of Government Parties in the implementation and monitoring of cooperative projects  Clear provisions on the role and duties of the Agency as RCA Secretariat

15 1987 RCA Agreement There has been no amendment to the 1987 RCA Agreement. It has been extended five times since 1987

16 RCA Agreement vis-a-vis the RCA Guidelines and Operating Rules (GOR)  The GOR Manual states that the “text of the Agreement provides the fundamental framework and guidance for regional cooperation. It is the source document for any guidelines, operating rules and procedures needed to govern regional cooperation”.

17 RCA Agreement and the GOR  However, it seems that the RCA GOR has “outgrown” the RCA Agreement  The principle of full autonomy and ownership is not enunciated in the present RCA Agreement  Important mechanisms of cooperation such as TCDC ; project closure; roles and responsibilities of the RCA Chair/Committee of RCA Chairs/RCA Focal Person; establishment and operation of the RCARO and its SAC, etc., are not mentioned in the RCA Agreement although these may be implied in Art.II, para 2f, “to consider any other matter related to or connected with the promotion and coordination of cooperative projects....”  Procedures differ from what are prescribed in the Agreement

18 1987 RCA Agreement Proposal:  Establish a Committee to study possible amendments to the 1987 RCA Agreement

19 Concluding Remarks  As gleaned from the activities during the 40 th anniversary celebration of the RCA, one can say that the Governments Parties have cooperated effectively and made use of resources to promote nuclear technology in the region and that MSs benefit from the RCA cooperative projects.  “Why change when it ain’t broke?”  Nonetheless, the RCA Agreement is a living document, and must precede/dictate the norms for all activities of the RCA MSs.


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