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The Craft of Scientific Presentations Michael Alley College of Engineering Penn State [] [] A Workshop for Engineers and Scientists.

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Presentation on theme: "The Craft of Scientific Presentations Michael Alley College of Engineering Penn State [] [] A Workshop for Engineers and Scientists."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Craft of Scientific Presentations Michael Alley College of Engineering Penn State [] [] A Workshop for Engineers and Scientists CSP, 2 nd, pp. vii-x

2 To excel in your presentations, you will need ___________, ______________, and _______________________________ [] [] [] CSP, 2 nd, pp. 3-4

3 audience purposeoccasion You begin preparing a scientific presentation by analyzing your constraints CSP, 2 nd, pp. 18-33

4 * To excel in your scientific presentations, you guide your audience up the mountain of your work Orienting audience at the start Keeping audience on the path Appreciating the view CSP, 2 nd, pp. 51-52

5 Slides influence the preparation, delivery, and understanding of a scientific presentation CSP, 2 nd, pp. 117-122

6 [] A key assumption is that _____________________________ ____________________________________________ CSP, 2 nd, pp. 106-107

7 Beginnings prepare the audience for the work pre-combustion methods post-combustion methods combustion methods CSP, 2 nd, pp. 69-71

8 Success involves defining a ___________________ scope and a ____________________ depth unknown Valuable Satisfying CSP, 2 nd, pp. 59-66

9 A common error in the beginning of scientific talks is _____________________________________ CSP, 2 nd, p. 72

10 Determining Whether Atmospheric Mercury Goes into Surface Snow after a Depletion Event Katrine Aspmo Torunn Berg Norwegian Institute for Air Research Grethe Wibetoe University of Oslo, Dept. of Chemistry June 16, 2004 Event Ny-Ålesund CSP, 2 nd, pp. 72-73

11 A common error in the mapping of scientific talks is _____________________________________ CSP, 2 nd, pp. 176-178

12 Measurements from station This talk compares theory with measurements and gives the environmental implications Theory for Hg cycling Environmental implications CSP, 2 nd, pp. 178-180

13 [Alley, 2013] * To excel in your scientific presentations, you guide your audience up the mountain of your work Keeping audience on the path [Alley, 2013]

14 Another key assumption is that the slides projected are ____________________________________________ ≠ CSP, 2 nd, p. 107

15 PowerPoint’s original defaults were not based on ________ and ________________________ 1987 2003 2007 [Gomes 2007] CSP, 2 nd, p. 108

16 PowerPoint’s defaults run __________________________ to how people learn ______________________ _________________________ _____________________ Consumes valuable space that could be used for images CSP, 2 nd, pp. 108-114

17 The assertion–evidence structure consists of a message headline supported by visual evidence [Sawarynski, 2009] CSP, 2 nd, pp. 130, 144

18 scent source The way a dog sniffs does not contaminate the vapor stream from the scent source [Settles et al., 2002] CSP, 2 nd, pp. 132-139

19 scent source The way a dog sniffs does not contaminate the vapor stream from the scent source [Settles et al., 2002] CSP, 2 nd, p. 140

20 The first step is to write a sentence headline that states the main message of the slide sentence headline CSP, 2 nd, pp. 132-139

21 A succession of electron acceptors occurs when an aquifer becomes contaminated with oil CH 4 SO 4 2− Fe 3+ NO 3 Mn NO 3 Mn − − 4+ O2O2 O2O2 – – – – – – Oil Flow CSP, 2 nd, pp. 122-123

22 A data acquisition system changes the form of the data A digital acquisition system has to sample at a rate fast enough to retain the shape of the analog signal Analog-to-Digital Converter Measurement Device CSP, 2 nd, pp. 110-111

23 A digital acquisition system has to sample at a rate fast enough to retain the shape of the analog signal Analog-to-Digital Converter Measurement Device CSP, 2 nd, pp. 115-116

24 The second step is to find or create visual evidence that supports the sentence headline visual evidence CSP, 2 nd, p. 140

25 Most streams were classified in fair condition because of high chloride concentrations Delaware River Parks: 79% Fair Chloride caused most problems Western Pennsylvania Parks: 75% Fair Chloride caused most problems West Virginia Parks: 48% Fair Sulfate caused most problem CSP, 2 nd, pp. 148-149

26 Since its construction in 1952, traffic across the bridge has grown exponentially 1952 1.1 million vehicles [Maryland Transportation Authority, 2007] CSP, 2 nd, pp. 140-142

27 Using the measurement data, we calculated the normalized friction factors and Nusselt numbers Reynolds Number Nu o, f o Pressure Drop Friction Factor, f Pressure TapsThermocouplesVenturi MeterVoltmeter CSP, 2 nd, pp. 146-148

28 How much power from a truck’s engine is needed to overcome aerodynamic drag? At typical highway speeds, overcoming drag requires about two-thirds of a truck engine’s output [McCallen, 2004] Aerodynamic Drag C D = 0.6 Rolling Friction and Accessories CSP, 2 nd, pp. 143-144

29 ≠ Another assumption is that the slides that we project are for our _____________, rather than for __________ CSP, 2 nd, p. 107

30 The third step is to avoid the weak defaults of PowerPoint CSP, 2 nd, pp. 154-159

31 Before: Tsunamis cause devastating destruction, especially to sparsely vegetated areas. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Gleebruk Village, Sri Lanka After: PPT’s defaults crowd this slide CSP, 2 nd, pp. 166-168

32 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Gleebruk Village, Sri Lanka Before Tsunamis cause devastating destruction, especially to sparsely vegetated areas After [] Sparse CSP, 2 nd, pp. 166-168

33 A common error in the endings of scientific talks is ______________________________________ CSP, 2 nd, pp. 181-184

34 Adsorbed HOAc allows the growth of siderite A thick siderite layer protects the steel from corrosion Questions? In summary, high concentrations of acetic acid help protect steel from corrosion Steel Fe 3+x O 4-y FeCO 3 CSP, 2 nd, pp. 181-184

35 Many engineers and scientists have had success using the assertion-evidence approach CSP, 2 nd, pp. 199

36 In a scientific presentation, the speaker’s words most often arise from ________________________________________ Memorized Read Impromptu Planned, practiced, but fashioned on the spot CSP, 2 nd, pp. 229-240

37 In her TED talk, Patek focused on the ____________ and her ___________ for the ideas Sheila Patek [] CSP, 2 nd, pp. 268-270

38 Hans Rosling ___________ leads to __________________ which then leads to ____________________ [ ] CSP, 2 nd, pp. 268-270

39 In summary, to excel in your presentations, you will need content, passion, and an acute sense of audience [] [] [] CSP, 2 nd, pp. 1-3

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