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Bucharest, 27.Jul.2k4 Grid Computing Alexandru IOSUP To Grid or Not, Today Coordinator: Prof. Nicolae Tapus P ARALLEL AND D ISTRIBUTED S YSTEMS G ROUP.

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Presentation on theme: "Bucharest, 27.Jul.2k4 Grid Computing Alexandru IOSUP To Grid or Not, Today Coordinator: Prof. Nicolae Tapus P ARALLEL AND D ISTRIBUTED S YSTEMS G ROUP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bucharest, 27.Jul.2k4 Grid Computing Alexandru IOSUP To Grid or Not, Today Coordinator: Prof. Nicolae Tapus P ARALLEL AND D ISTRIBUTED S YSTEMS G ROUP

2 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Sharks v. Piranhas 3.National projects 4.Continental projects 5.Global projects 6.Conclusions i

3 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Sharks v. Piranhas 3.National projects 4.Continental projects 5.Global projects 6.Conclusions i

4 Introduction Idea  The Grid is to computing what Internet is to information  Importance of summed resources is greater than sum of resources Metcalfe’s law adapted What are the current projects?  Computing resources types?  Location?  Size? 1

5 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Sharks v. Piranhas 3.National projects 4.Continental projects 5.Global projects 6.Conclusions i

6 Sharks v. Piranhas 2 Buyya Mainframe Vector Supercomputer MPP Workstation PC Mini Computer (hitting wall soon) (future is bleak)

7 Sharks v. Piranhas 2 Buyya Clusters replacing big irons

8 Sharks v. Piranhas 2 Now, really? Supercomputers?Clusters?

9 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Sharks v. Piranhas 3.National projects 4.Continental projects 5.Global projects 6.Conclusions i

10 National projects Europe North America Asia Australia South America Africa 3

11 National projects Europe Clusters, clusters, clusters…  Germany  The Netherlands  France  Ireland & UK  Romania  others North America Asia Australia South America Africa 4

12 Germany 5 Max Planck I. To USA

13 Amsterdam Utrecht Delft Nijmegen TELIN Leiden ASTRON JIVE KNMI The Netherlands 6 DAS System  Clusters  Inter-networks  DM, DSM single machine Homogenous  Each cluster -Similar nodes; numbers vary -Same LAN technology  Each node -Same processor(s) -Same operating system Wide-area distributed  Amsterdam, Leiden, Delft, Utrecht  Links to US

14 DAS Timeline 1 cluster, 8 nodes, 8 procs  Amsterdam (8 nodes) 7 February 1997 Idea came-up

15 DAS Timeline 7 June 1997 DAS First installed 4 clusters, 200 nodes, 200 procs  Amsterdam (128+24 nodes), Delft (24), Leiden (24) Each node  200 MHz Pentium Pro processor  Memory: 64/128 MB EDO-RAM  OS: BSD  LAN: Myrinet Wide-are network  155 Mbps, NRN  6 Mbps ATM; latency 4ms February 1997

16 DAS Timeline DAS kept growing… 7 June 1997 March 1998 First installed Opening workshop June 2000 ASCI obtains NWO funding 1999 BSD to Linux

17 DAS Timeline 7 June ‘97 March ‘98 June 2000 November 2001 DAS-2 IBM installation 5 clusters, 200 nodes, 400 procs  Amsterdam (72+32 nodes), Delft (32), Leiden (32), Utrecht (32) Each node  2x1GHz Pentium III SMPs  Memory: 1-2 GB  OS: Linux  LAN: Myrinet-2000

18 France 8 French Research Network VTHD 2.5Gbps Research laboratories  LIP Lyon  IRIT/CERFACS Toulouse  LORIA Nancy  PRISM Versailles  7 others: Lille, Nice, Bordeaux, Besancon, Rennes, Grenoble, Orsay

19 ACI-GRID Timeline National request for proposals  25 proposals  18 accepted  1-3 years per project 9 March 2001 First call

20 ACI-GRID Timeline National request for proposals  12 projects accepted  2-3 years per project 9 March 2001 First call March 2002 Second call

21 ACI-GRID Timeline National request for proposals  7 projects accepted  3 years per project 9 March 2001 First call March 2002 Second call March 2003 Third call

22 ACI-GRID Timeline GRID’5000 project  Target: 5000 nodes Grid in 3 years National request for proposals 9 March 2001 First call March 2002 Second call March 2003 Third call March 2004 Fourth call

23 Ireland & UK 10

24 Romania 11 Timişoara Tg-Mureş Craiova Iasi Galaţi Bucureşti Cluj 2 Mbps(backup) 8 Mbps 34 Mbps 2 Mbps - POP 155 Mbps GEANT Link Satu Mare Baia Mare Oradea Zalău Arad Reşiţa Tr. Severin Tîrgu JiuRm.Vîlcae Piteşti Alexandria Slatina Alba Iulia Sibiu Mircurea Ciuc Sf. Gheorghe Braşov Bistriţa Suceava Botoşani Piatra Neamţ Bacău Vaslui Focşani Buzău Ploieşti Slobozia Constanţa Călăraşi Giurgiu Tîrgovişte Brăila Tulcea Hunedoara

25 National projects Europe North America Supercomputers, clusters…  USA  Canada Asia Australia South America Africa 12

26 SUA 13 SC’98 Hawaii Caltech Australia Europe Japan Back in ’98…

27 SUA – Networks 14 Asia Europe NordNET Others

28 SUA – Sites 15 Nowadays…

29 National projects Europe North America Asia Supercomputers, clusters, clusters…  Japan  China  Russia  Singapore  others Australia South America Africa 16

30 Japan 17 Japan Research Network

31 China 18

32 Russia 19

33 Singapore 20 Singapore Cluster Grids Nangyang T echnical University

34 National projects Europe North America Asia Australia Clusters, clusters, clusters…  Australia  New Zealand South America Africa 21

35 Australia 22 Monash University To US

36 National projects Europe North America Asia Australia South America Clusters, clusters, clusters…  Brazil  others Africa 23

37 National projects Europe North America Asia Australia South America Africa none… Africa has the poorest Internet performance Internet Performance to Africa Cotrell, Canessa, 2003 24

38 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Sharks v. Piranhas 3.National projects 4.Continental projects 5.Global projects 6.Conclusions i

39 Continental projects Europe  European DataGrid  CrossGrid North America  TeraGrid Asia  APAN 25

40 European DataGrid 26 European DataGrid Test Bed 1  14 countries  21 major sites  CrossGrid

41 CrossGrid 27

42 TeraGrid 28

43 APAN 29 Clusters Map Network Map

44 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Sharks v. Piranhas 3.National projects 4.Continental projects 5.Global projects 6.Conclusions i

45 Global projects Globus GUSTO Testbed GLORIAD PRAGMA LBone DataTAG LCG PlanetLAB 30

46 Globus GUSTO Testbed 31

47 GLORIAD 32 GLObal Ring network for advanced Applications Development USA-China-Russia

48 PRAGMA 33 Pacific Rim Application and Grid Middleware Assembly USA-Australia-Singapore-Japan-China-Korea-Malaysia

49 LBone 34

50 DataTAG 35

51 LCG 36

52 PlanetLab 37

53 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Sharks v. Piranhas 3.National projects 4.Continental projects 5.Global projects 6.Conclusions i

54 Conclusions The Grid is to computing what Internet is to information  many global projects  (too) many continental projects  Grid has been born Trends?  Clusters in Europe  Supercomputers, clusters in US  Clusters in rest of North America  Supercomputers in Japan  Clusters in rest of Asia What to do?  homogenous/heterogenous resources  supercomputers/clusters 38

55 Thank you! Questions? Observations? All welcome… These slides at: Alexandru IOSUP [] Grid

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