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Enter The Spirit John 16. WHAT DOES AN AUTHENTIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY LOOK LIKE? Authentic Christian Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Enter The Spirit John 16. WHAT DOES AN AUTHENTIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY LOOK LIKE? Authentic Christian Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enter The Spirit John 16


3 The true Christian community is characterised by… A.Believers who practice sacrificial love to one another (JOHN 15:12-17) B. Believers who face hostile opposition from the world (JOHN 15:18 – 16:4) C. Believers who are guided by the Spirit of Truth (JOHN 16:5-15)

4 A. Believers who practice sacrificial love to one another (JOHN 15:12-17) Why does Jesus reiterate the ‘new commandment’ of love here in John 15?

5 A1. Jesus wants love to be the distinctive hallmark of his people (JOHN 16: 12-13) Love their enemies (Matthew 5:44-45) love one another sacrificially (John 15:13) The spiritual benchmark for the church is LOVE! By abiding in God’s love, Christians can even…

6 Application Point 1 Do we demonstrate agape love to one another? (See 1 John 3:10-15)

7 A2. Jesus promises intimacy of relationship with those who obey him (JOHN 16:14-15) Jesus wants each one of us to enjoy a very close friendship with Him

8 There are different levels of intimacy PHYSICAL * 1 Cor. 6:16a SPIRITUAL * 1 Cor. 6:17 EMOTIONAL * 1 Cor. 6:16b

9 What level of spiritual intimacy are you and I now enjoying with Jesus? Application Point 2

10 B. Believers who face hostile opposition from the world (JOHN 15:18 – 16:4) As the true Christian community, believers will inevitably experience worldly opposition, especially persecution This persecution arises from the world’s hatred for Jesus in the first place

11 How then do we cope with persecution from the world? Application Point 3

12 2.We should be willing to suffer for Jesus’ sake (John 15:21) See Acts 5:40-41. Do you and I regard persecution as a badge of honour for us to be proud of? 1.If Jesus was persecuted, we should expect the same as well (John 15:20) Application Point 3 (cont)

13 C. Believers who are guided by the Spirit of Truth (JOHN 16:5-15) Twice Jesus mentioned that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth (John 15:26; 16:13) The Holy Spirit bears witness primarily to Jesus who is the TRUTH (John 14:6)

14 Basic Pneumatology (Doctrine of the Holy Spirit) 1.In relation to believers 2.In relation to the world As the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit has two primary functions:

15 Pneumatology: In Relation To Believers What kind of Christian community does the Holy Spirit seek to develop? A community who knows the truth (JOHN 8:31-32) A community who practices the truth (Eph. 4:21-25)

16 Holy Spirit’s work: 1. In Relation To The World What are the truths which the Holy Spirit will convict the world of? which eventually condemns the sinner The sin of unbelief in Jesus The reliance on self- righteousness which totally falls short of divine righteousness The reality of the coming judgement which all unforgiven sinners will be subject to

17 What is the demarcation between the church and the world? Conclusion

18 “I looked for the church, and I found it in the world. I looked for the world, and alas, I found it in the church!” Andrew Bonar (1810-1892) Image: Wikipedia

19 1. Are we worshipping and praying to the same God if we hate each other? Reflection 2. Are we guided by the same Spirit of truth if we don’t practise the truth?

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