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R. Muniappan IPM CRSP.

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1 R. Muniappan IPM CRSP

2 First Successful Biological Control of a Weed -1795
Control of Opuntia monacantha by Dactylopius ceylonicus in India ( ) Subsequently released in Sri Lanka, Australia and South Africa

3 Opuntia stricta damaged by Dactylopius opuntiae photos by H. Zimmermann

4 Chromolaena odorata (Eupatorium odoratum) Asteraceae (Compositae)
In a coconut plantation Flowers in Dec. – Jan. in N. Hemisphere and June – July in S. Hemisphere



7 Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata (Lep. Arctiidae)


9 Chromolaena defoliated by Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata in Rota

10 Yellowing of Chromoalena due to Insect Induced Defense
Marutnai and Muniappan (1991) Ann. Appl. Biol. 119:

11 Electron microscopy of leaf tissue
Yellow leaf Green leaf

12 Eriophyid mite, Acalitus adoratus
Distribution Infested leaf

13 Gall fly, Cecidochares connexa (Dip.: Tephretidae)
Gall fly ovipositing in the terminal shoot Photo by Desmier de Chinon Distribution of gall fly

14 Cecidochares connexa Gall Maggots in side the gall

15 Minerals in nutrient sink of the galls

16 Chromolaena workshop conducted
Seven Proceedings and 17 Newsletters published 1988 – Bangkok, Thailand 1991 – Bogor, Indonesia 1993 – Abidjan, Ivory Coast 1966 – Bangalore, India 2000 – Durban, South Africa 2003 – Cairns, Australia 2006 – Pingtung, Taiwan

17 Coccinia grandis in Guam

18 Coccinia grandis flowers & fruits

19 Acythopeus cocciniae (Curculionidae)
Adult weevils Larval mining

20 Acythopeus burkhartorum (Curculionidae)
Pupal chamber Adult Gall in the tendril

21 Melittia oedipus (Sesiidae)
Adult Larva in the stem

22 Coccinia grandis biocontrol in Hawaii (Waimanalo, Hilo) Pictures: courtesy of Hawaii Department of Agriculture Before release of biocontrol agents Six years after release of biocontrol agents

23 Lantana camara (Verbenaceae)

24 Uroplatis girardi, a leaf mining chrysomelid beetle
Adult Leaf damaged by grubs

25 Tingid bug, Teleonomia scrupulosa
Flower damaged by Lantanophaga pusilidactyla (Pterophoridae) Adult

26 Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae)
A field covered by Parthenium in India

27 Parthenium defoliated by Zygogramma histrophorus (Chrysomelidae) Photos: K. Dhileepan

28 Giant sensitive plant, Mimosa diplotricha (Mimosaceae) Pictures: L
Giant sensitive plant, Mimosa diplotricha (Mimosaceae) Pictures: L. Kuniata M. diplotricha infested area in Papua New Guinea Heteropsylla spinosa – Effect of nirogen application

29 Salvinia molesta contol by Cyrtobagous salviniae Photos : P. Room and M. Julien

30 Waterhyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes
Waterhyacinth flower A pond in India infested by waterhyacinth

31 Waterhyacinth in PNG Photos: J.A. Coetzee et al.

32 Waterhyacinth in a lake before and after release of Neochetina eichornieiae and N. bruchi Photos: J.A. Coetzee et al.

33 Benefit cost analysis for the biological control of invasive weeds in the tropics
Country Benefit/cost ratio Acacia longifolia (Andr.) willd South Africa 104 Acacia pycantha Benth 665 Acacia saligna (Labill.) Wendl.) 800 Azolla filiculoides 2.5 13 Eichhornia crassipes Benin Australia 124 27.5 Lantana camara 22 5.6 9

34 Benefit cost analysis for the biological control of invasive weeds in the tropics (Contd.)
Country Benefit/cost ratio Mimosa diplotricha Australia 17.6 Mimosa pigra 0.8 Opuntia aurantiaca Lindley South Africa 709 Opuntia spp. 312.3 Parthenium hysterophorus L. 7.2 Pistia stratoides 27.5 Prosopis spp. 0.5 Salvinia molesta D. S. Mitchell Sri Lanka Zimbabwe 53 10.6

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