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The Regulatory Assistance Project 177 Water St. Gardiner, Maine USA 04345 Tel: 207.582.1135 Fax: 207.582.1176 50 State Street, Suite 3 Montpelier, Vermont.

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Presentation on theme: "The Regulatory Assistance Project 177 Water St. Gardiner, Maine USA 04345 Tel: 207.582.1135 Fax: 207.582.1176 50 State Street, Suite 3 Montpelier, Vermont."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Regulatory Assistance Project 177 Water St. Gardiner, Maine USA 04345 Tel: 207.582.1135 Fax: 207.582.1176 50 State Street, Suite 3 Montpelier, Vermont USA 05602 Tel: 802.223.8199 Fax: 802.223.8172 Website: Facilitating DR Development: Barriers, Interconnection, Rates, and Ratemaking June 16, 2003 Harrisburg, PA

2 Institutional and Regulatory Barriers  Permitting and Siting Processes –Multiple agency approvals may be needed –Potentially complex and time-consuming  Rates and Ratemaking issues –Stand-by rates, exit fees, deferral rates –What is reasonable? How to structure? –Potential financial impacts on utilities  Grid Interconnection Process –Safety, power quality, distribution system capacity constraints vs utility discouragement of DG

3 Institutional and Regulatory Barriers  Market –Day ahead, multi-settlement demand bidding  For all of these issues: –Lack of technology information and generally accepted standards –Large variation in requirements from state-to- state, utility-to-utility, and project to project –Often a lengthy, complex, and expensive process

4 Ratemaking  Revenue erosion –Methods for addressing potential negative financial impacts on utilities Lost-revenue adjustments Performance-based rate-making –Revenue caps PBR –Removing the throughput disincentive: why not?

5 Lost Profits Problem  Consider whether regulation may unintentionally cause utilities to be hostile to demand-side (baseload energy efficiency) and distributed resources and, if so, what regulatory fixes are available.

6 Cost-of-Service Regulation  Regulation and utility profits do not work as one might expect  Once a rate case ends prices are all that matter  Profits = revenue - costs  Rev = price * volume  In the short-run, costs are mostly unrelated to volume; instead they vary more directly with number of customers  If demand-side investment causes volume to decrease, utility profits drop

7 Lost Profits Math: Vertically Integrated Utility  Utility with $284 million rate base  ROE at 11% = $15.6 million  Power costs $.04/kWh, retail rates average $.08; sales at 1.776 TWh –At the margin, each saved kWh cuts $.04 from profits –If sales drop 5%, profits drop $3.5 M  Demand reductions equal to 5% of sales will cut profits by 23%

8 Lost Profits Math: Wires-Only Company  Utility now has only a $114 million rate base  ROE at 11% = $6.2 million  Distribution rate of $0.04/kWh; throughput of 1.776 TWh –If DR is located in low-cost areas, each saved kWh cuts $.04 from profits –If sales drop 5%: profits drop $3.5 M  5% reduction in sales will cut profits by 57%

9 Performance-Based Regulation  All regulation is incentive regulation –Trick is to understand the incentives  PBR structural options –Revenue caps, price caps, hybrids, rate freezes Scope, duration

10 PBR  Formula for revenue caps PBR –% change in Revenue = I t – X t + Z t  Formula for price caps PBR –% change in Price = I t – X t + Z t  Common elements –I t = Inflation in year t –X = Productivity improvement in year t –Z = Exogenous changes in year t

11 PBR Per Customer Revenue Cap  A cap is placed on distribution company revenues  Cap is computed at beginning of first year as average revenue requirement per customer (RPC)  Allowed revenues at end of year computed as RPC times number of customers.  RPC adjusted in following years for inflation, productivity, and other factors  Rates set as usual: per kW and per kWh  Utility and customers both have incentive to be efficient

12 PBR  Revenue caps v. price caps –Cost-cutting incentives are the same –Revenue caps make more sense if costs don’t vary with volume Per-customer revenue cap more accurately matches utility short-run revenue need with short-run costs –Retail prices still set on unit basis (per kWh, kW)! –Price caps make more sense if costs vary with volume –Primary difference is the incentive for DSM and demand response Firms under revenue caps want very efficient customers Revenue caps deals with lost sales disincentives without radical price reforms –Logic also applies to transmission companies On a total revenue basis, with performance measures for congestion management. Can’t be done on a per-customer basis.

13 Rate Issues  Rate design – how does it encourage or discourage distributed resources? –Standard offer and delivery rates Time-differentiated rates: TOU, seasonal, etc. –Stand-by or back-up service and exit fees –De-averaged distribution credits

14 Rates  Retail prices: do they send proper economic signals? Do they reveal the value of DR?  Stand-by rates: –How are they calculated? As they set so as to discourage on-site generation? –What is the probability that the self-generating customer will demand grid power at high-cost times?  Generation displacement rates: energy at low rates to deter threat of self-generation  Exit fees: to recover distribution costs “stranded” by departing or self-generating customers

15 Distribution Costs  Distribution costs vary greatly from place to place and time to time –Marginal costs range from 0 to 20 cents per kWh  High cost areas can be urban or rural  Typically, around 5% of a distribution system is "high cost" at any time

16 Distribution Pricing  Geographically de-averaging prices is probably not the answer  Prices would range from 0 to 20 cents per kWh  Neighbors could see widely different prices  Equity and customer acceptance issues would be large

17 Distribution Credits  Offering distribution credits can send economic price signals with much less risk –Calculated with reference to the avoided cost of new distribution investment in high-cost areas  Credits can focus on customer and vendor actions  Credits can be limited to “qualifying DR” –Defined by type, performance, emissions, output, duration, etc.  Can use standard payments and/or bidding

18 Interconnection  Most DG projects need access to the grid –For back-up/standby operation –To supply some portion of power consumption –To sell excess power  Interconnection raises real and complex issues of grid security and worker safety but can also be a means of utility discouragement of DG.

19 Developer Concerns  Interconnection is left to the utility, which may see DG as a direct competitor.  Utility is free to set complex and expensive study and equipment requirements. –Usually handled on a case-by-case basis (except for net metering)  There is little accountability or recourse for delays or unfavorable outcomes.

20 Utility Concerns  DG could disrupt or destabilize the grid either in normal operation or malfunction.  DG could create a safety risk to workers.  Utilities have historically controlled these issues and have their own procedures, which they consider to be best practice.  Widespread DG is new for many utilities.

21 Interconnection Issues  Technical and equipment standards.  Degree of standardization.  Organization of utility review.  Level of review and treatment for large vs small systems.

22 Net Metering  A demonstrated and workable solution for small systems.  “Standardized” rules for small systems behind the meter. –“Small” ranges from 3 to 100 kW –Technology requirements are limited  Still wide variation from state-to-state.

23 For Larger Systems  Often considered with requirements for large merchant plants but issues may be very different: –Cost –Technology –Where is the size cut-off?  Different technical and procedural approaches required for different applications

24 Standardized Interconnection Procedures  Define the procedures, responsibilities, and limitations for various parties  Being developed at different levels –National: FERC, NARUC/NRRI –State: California, Texas, New York, Massachusetts  Too many standards?

25 Topics of Standardized Interconnection Procedures  Standard Application  Expeditious Review –Screening criteria (size, drawings, devices)  Standard Agreement –Technical requirements  Utility Actions  Testing  Dispute Resolution

26 Technical Standards  Provide specific technical/equipment requirements for interconnection.  Primary focus is IEEE stakeholder process to define standards.  IEEE 1547 nearly complete.

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