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February 14, 2014.  Relations: in mathematics, we refer to a group of points as a “relation” Examples: { (2, -3); (2, 5); (5,1) }

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Presentation on theme: "February 14, 2014.  Relations: in mathematics, we refer to a group of points as a “relation” Examples: { (2, -3); (2, 5); (5,1) }"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 14, 2014

2  Relations: in mathematics, we refer to a group of points as a “relation” Examples: { (2, -3); (2, 5); (5,1) }

3  Input: this usually refers to our “x” values. These are usually the numbers you “plug in” an equation (although you’ve seen us plug in numbers for y)  Output: this usually refers to our “y” values. This is the results we get when we plug in our input.

4  Function: A special type of relation.  Functions are actually a really easy concept that has horrible definitions. Even when I try to explain them to students, I get so caught up with using the “right” language that I end up confusing students. Let’s see if I can explain it well this year!

5  This is a relation (a group of points). It shows four points: {(8,-1); (9,-3); (10, -1); (13,5)}  This mapping might go with some equation where plugging in 8 gives you -1 and plugging in 9 gives you -3 and so on.

6  The buttons are a little hard to read, so we are going to guess that this is what the six buttons say. Coke Diet coke Sprite Fanta Water?

7  So if we press the first button, we should get a coke. If we press the second button, we should also get a coke. (two different buttons lead to coke, that is kind of normal in pop machines.) Coke Diet coke Sprite Fanta Water?

8 This could be our “mapping” for the pop machine. Coke Diet coke Sprite Fanta Water? Buttons Pop 123456123456 Coke Diet Coke Sprite Fanta Water

9  This is a pop machine that I would use. It is a good Functioning machine. Buttons Pop 123456123456 Coke Diet Coke Sprite Fanta Water

10  Now look at this machine.  Would you want to use this machine?  What if you really wanted a coke? Would you be happy with water?  This machine is probably broken. It doesn’t function properly. Buttons Pop 123456123456 Coke Diet Coke Sprite Fanta Water

11 FUNCTIONNOT A FUNCTION Buttons Pop 123456123456 Coke Diet Coke Sprite Fanta Water Buttons Pop 123456123456 Coke Diet Coke Sprite Fanta Water

12  A function is a relation where each input value is paired with only one output value.  Some people sum this up by saying that “x” can’t repeat. (“y” can repeat all it wants)

13  {(2,1); (-3,4); (5,2)}  {(5,8); (3,-2); (7,8)}  {(7,8); (6,9); (8,10); (7,11)}  {(1,5); (0, 5); (2, 5); (8, 4)}  {(2,-3); (4,3); (2,0)} yes no

14  There are many points shown in the following graphs.  Try to think about the coordinates.  Would the “x” values have more than one “y” value attached to them?

15  One fast way to tell if a graph is a function is if it “passes” the vertical line test.  If you can draw a vertical line somewhere and have it hit the graph more than once, then it is not a function.

16 Yes No

17 Yes

18 No


20  Functions seem to work out better mathematically.  Think about what we just learned about lines.  Which of these lines is not like the others?

21  Remember how writing an equation of a vertical line was difficult because we didn’t know how to plug in “undefined.”

22  Functions, in general, are easier to graph, easier to calculate, and easier to plug into graphing calculators. They make sense to people because you plug in a number and only get one answer.

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