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SPT Latin America Channels FY13. P&L FY13 Achievements FY13  Managed to minimize impact of sales fluctuation by reducing cost ($4M vs. PY - $3.5M vs.

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Presentation on theme: "SPT Latin America Channels FY13. P&L FY13 Achievements FY13  Managed to minimize impact of sales fluctuation by reducing cost ($4M vs. PY - $3.5M vs."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPT Latin America Channels FY13

2 P&L FY13

3 Achievements FY13  Managed to minimize impact of sales fluctuation by reducing cost ($4M vs. PY - $3.5M vs. Budget)  MNTM 3 in line with greenlight  Sold HD van  Able to get cash out of Argentina related to Affiliate collections  Used Sitme thru new Ad Sales structure  Saved VAT cost in Argentina and Mexico by paying vendors locally  Renewed Caracas office lease without first year annual increase.

4 Challenges FY13  Exchange control & high inflation (Venezuela & Argentina)  Venezuela devaluation (126% - from 5.3 to 12)  Sony Spin  Pressure from Agencies to increase incentive bonus  Pan Regional Ad Sales  Mexico minute restriction  Landmark implementation

5 Ad Sales

6 Revenue by Market FY13 AffiliatesAd Sales

7 Marketing FY13

8 FY14 Budget

9 Budget Challenges (-$12M to -$20M)  Lower Sales based in Affiliate (-$2.6M) & Ad Sales (-$3.3M)  Ad Sales aggressive budget growth (-$3.8M)  Inability to increase Venezuela Ad Sales rate for FY14  Venezuela devaluation (-$3.7M) or cash accounting method (-$6.6M)  Incentive bonus challenge (-$3.2M)  Limitation using excess of cash in Venezuela & Argentina  Difficulty to reduce cost during the second semester

10 Additional Slides

11 Ad Sales FY13 by Month 45%

12 Results by Group

13 Affiliates

14 Take Away  Mexico market  Look for opportunities to growth in Colombia & Chile  Use of limited resources strategically  Maximize Ad Sales from Sep. to Dec. if possible  Original productions & mid season programs aired before Sep.  Look for options to utilize excess of cash in Venezuela

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