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Impacts of Invention and Innovation Impacts of Technology Technological Change Implications Technology Assessment History of Technology Assessment Biotechnology.

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Presentation on theme: "Impacts of Invention and Innovation Impacts of Technology Technological Change Implications Technology Assessment History of Technology Assessment Biotechnology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impacts of Invention and Innovation Impacts of Technology Technological Change Implications Technology Assessment History of Technology Assessment Biotechnology and Assessment This material is based upon work supported by the national science foundation under Grant No. 0402616. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Tom Weber Course 665 VCSU

2 Impacts of Technology The impacts of technology is viewed as the solutions to the problems and the new problems created by the solutions. The impacts of technology is viewed as the solutions to the problems and the new problems created by the solutions. Every new technological advance or solution has some hidden and known negative effects. Every new technological advance or solution has some hidden and known negative effects. Plastic products have changed the way we live but how do you throw them away? Plastic products have changed the way we live but how do you throw them away?

3 Impacts or consequences of technology/ innovation tend to fall into three categories (Rogers, 1995): Impacts or consequences of technology/ innovation tend to fall into three categories (Rogers, 1995): -Desirable/Undesirable -Direct/Indirect -Anticipated/Unanticipated -Desirable/Undesirable -Direct/Indirect -Anticipated/Unanticipated Unitedstreaming movie Unitedstreaming movie Challenger Movie 500F-4084-9D4C-0193B4A32DC2

4 Examples of Inventions Example 1: generation of electricity in coal power station Effects: electrical light, cooking and heating, decentralized using of electromotors, automation, etc. But: environmental pollution (especially air pollution, hole in the ozone layer, dying of the forest) Dr. Karsten Weber, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder): Social Impacts of Technology

5 More Examples Example 2: agricultural revolution Main characteristics: farming, livestock breeding, created permanent villages and towns Effects: different diet, growing populations, increasing trading activities, construction of houses and other buildings, beginning of division of labor But: new diseases, epidemics Dr. Karsten Weber, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder): Social Impacts of Technology

6 Technological Change As we move through time it becomes easier to develop more ideas. As we move through time it becomes easier to develop more ideas. Increased knowledge, communication and writing play an important role in change. Increased knowledge, communication and writing play an important role in change. Technological development is occurring at an exponential rate (doubling). Technological development is occurring at an exponential rate (doubling). Technology changes and agriculture. Technology changes and agriculture. FordJohn Deere

7 Implications Technological development will always have impacts on society, individuals and the environment. Technological development will always have impacts on society, individuals and the environment. As a technologically literate person, you need to make decisions based on how technology will affect your life and the lives around you. As a technologically literate person, you need to make decisions based on how technology will affect your life and the lives around you.

8 Internal Combustion Engine One of the great inventions in history. One of the great inventions in history. Changed work and leisure time. Changed work and leisure time. Influenced the economy, still does. Influenced the economy, still does. Global Warming?!?! Global Warming?!?! Pollution? Accidents? Pollution? Accidents?

9 Technology Assessment “Think before you act”. (Kranzberg, 1979) “Think before you act”. (Kranzberg, 1979) Six dimensions of Consequence. Six dimensions of Consequence. Technological Decision PlannedDesiredUnintendedUndesiredUnplannedIntended

10 What were the Wright Brothers thinking? © AP or Reuters WRIGHT BROTHERS Aeroplane Company

11 History of Technological Assessment in the United States 1850’s Regulatory Agency was created after 2,500 shipping deaths. 1850’s Regulatory Agency was created after 2,500 shipping deaths. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The Technology act of 1972 which established an Office of Technology Assessment. (OTA) The Technology act of 1972 which established an Office of Technology Assessment. (OTA) >The congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) closed its doors September 29, 1995. For 23 years, the nonpartisan analytical agency assisted Congress with the complex and highly technical issues that increasingly affect our society.

12 Example of OTA report: CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON THE UNITED STATES The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change Published in 2000 It is very likely that the US will get substantially warmer. Temperatures are projected to rise more rapidly in the next one hundred years than in the last 10,000 years. It is also very likely that there will be more precipitation overall, with more of it coming in heavy downpours. In spite of this, some areas are likely to get drier as increased evaporation due to higher temperatures outpaces increased precipitation. Droughts and flash floods are likely to become more frequent and intense.

13 What’s Biotechnology Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. The UN Convention on Biological Diversity defines it as : The UN Convention on Biological Diversity defines it as :UNConvention on Biological DiversityUNConvention on Biological Diversity "Biotechnology means any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use." (Article 2. Use of Terms) "Biotechnology means any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use." (Article 2. Use of Terms) “Biotechnology can also be defined as the manipulation of organisms to do practical things and to provide useful products.” “Biotechnology can also be defined as the manipulation of organisms to do practical things and to provide useful products.” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

14 Assessing Biotechnology Ethical Issues like Agriculture, medical, genetics issues. Ethical Issues like Agriculture, medical, genetics issues. Very young science area Very young science area Large job growth area Large job growth area “Frankenfood” “Frankenfood” The Campaign Wikipedia Image

15 Standards and Benchmarks Driving Technology Education Standards Standard 4: Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology. o [4.D]The use of technology affects humans in various ways, including their safety, comfort, choices, and attitudes about technology’s development and use. o [4.E]Technology, by itself, is neither good nor bad, but decisions about the use of products and systems can result in desirable or undesirable consequences. o [4.F]The development and use of technology poses ethical issues. o [4.G]Economic, political, and cultural issues are influenced by the development and use of technology. Standard 5: Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment. o [5.F] Decisions to develop and use technologies often put environmental and economic concerns in direct competition with one another. Standard 14: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use medical technologies. o [14.J] Genetic engineering involves modifying the structure of DNA to produce novel genetic make-ups. Standard 15: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use agricultural and related biotechnologies. o [15.H] Biotechnology applies the principles of biology to create commercial products or processes. Driving Technology Education Standards Standard 4: Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology. o [4.D]The use of technology affects humans in various ways, including their safety, comfort, choices, and attitudes about technology’s development and use. o [4.E]Technology, by itself, is neither good nor bad, but decisions about the use of products and systems can result in desirable or undesirable consequences. o [4.F]The development and use of technology poses ethical issues. o [4.G]Economic, political, and cultural issues are influenced by the development and use of technology. Standard 5: Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment. o [5.F] Decisions to develop and use technologies often put environmental and economic concerns in direct competition with one another. Standard 14: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use medical technologies. o [14.J] Genetic engineering involves modifying the structure of DNA to produce novel genetic make-ups. Standard 15: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use agricultural and related biotechnologies. o [15.H] Biotechnology applies the principles of biology to create commercial products or processes.

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