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5 th Grade Teachers 4 Mrs. Sammon & Mrs. Sosnik: RELA & Social Studies 4 Ms. Jones & Ms. Lee: Math & Science.

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Presentation on theme: "5 th Grade Teachers 4 Mrs. Sammon & Mrs. Sosnik: RELA & Social Studies 4 Ms. Jones & Ms. Lee: Math & Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 th Grade Teachers 4 Mrs. Sammon & Mrs. Sosnik: RELA & Social Studies 4 Ms. Jones & Ms. Lee: Math & Science

2 Our Daily Schedule 4 7:50-8:00Unpack, planner 4 8:05- 9:00Specials 4 9:05-11:30Block I 4 11:30-11:55Lunch 4 11:55-12:15 Recess 4 12:15-12:30 Combined class read aloud 4 12:30-1:00 Intervention 4 1:00-3:15 Block 2 4 3:15-3:20Stack/Pack/ Dismiss »Community Circles are 15 minutes in homeroom

3 2 inch binder for Organization 4 Departmentalization has made us aware that we can best be organized when we have a binder for each child to use. Please provide one for your child along with tabs, and we will be better able to keep papers in their proper place.

4 5th Grade Special Events 4 Literacy Night 4 Math Night 4 Science Night 4 Middle School Tour 4 Biztown Check our website for the weekly Fifth Grade Newsletter.

5 C.A.T.C.H. Break 4 The students are allowed to bring a snack for CATCH break, but it must be HEALTHY and READY TO EAT. 4 Birthday ice cream may be purchased from the cafeteria or treats may be brought from home.

6 Recess and Lunch 4 Lunch begins at 11:30 4 Recess begins at 11:55 4 When you come to eat with your child it is an Elm Grove policy that you and your child sit at the Reserved table so you can enjoy this special time alone with your child. You must check in at the front office and wear your Visitor’s tag. However, recess is for students only. 4 Be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather or he or she will visit the nurse to play outside at recess.

7 Reading 4 ** The more your child reads, the better reader he/she will become! Reading impacts writing and other subjects. It is Elm Grove policy that your child reads at least 20 minutes four times a week. All 5 th grade students have been challenged to read 40 books this school year. They have a Challenge Log in their binders on which to record the titles of completed books. Your child must be reading a book that is on his/her Just Right Reading level.

8 Writing 4 Writing occurs in all subject areas. 4 Writing Workshop— –write to develop effective communication, conferencing, revising, and editing skills –learn components of writing process –Focus on narrative, expository, and poetry units of study

9 Grammar 4 Grammar will be taught and reinforced in writing. 4 Proper conventions are expected in all fifth grade writing. These “non-negotiables include sight- word spelling, punctuation and capitalization. 4 Word study lists will be posted on

10 Projects and Research 4 Occasional long-term projects will be assigned and notification of these projects will be sent home. All subject matter research will be based on TEKS. 4 The 5 th grade teachers are requesting a $10.00 cash activity fee to supplement materials used and the field trip expenses

11 Mathematics 4 Concepts we will work on: –Multiplication/division –Problem solving and critical thinking –Measurement –Financial literacy –Fractions –Geometry –Logic

12 Homework 4 Students are expected to complete math/science homework packets each week. 4 OWNERSHIP of learning will be encouraged throughout the school to foster student independence

13 Tutoring 4 Tutoring: When tutoring will benefit your child, a note will be sent home with attendance dates and times.

14 Progress Reports and Report Cards 4 Progress Reports –Each child will receive a Progress Report 4 to 5 weeks into the grading period 4 Report Cards –sent home every 9 weeks

15 STAAR Testing 4 Science - April 4 Math- end of March 4 Reading- end of March

16 ATTENDANCE 4 Attendance at school is vital to ensure readiness and success in middle school and this year’s STAAR tests. 4 Absences are unexcused until a parent note is received in the office 4 2 days allowed for excused absence notes 4 3 unexcused absences may result in a visit by the truancy officer

17 Homework 4 This should come home nightly in their binder and will contain math, reading and any other assignments that need to be completed. 4 Math homework is Monday-Thursday. 4 Reading – home reading 4 Word Study – as needed

18 Take Home Folder—EGE 4 The yellow folder is sent home Monday of each week and will contain graded assignments and any other paper needing to be seen by you. Graded papers should be kept at home unless a signature was requested and then returned to school.

19 Conduct 4 Elm Grove Expectations: –We are safe. –We are respectful. –We are responsible. Weekly conduct marks will be based on these expectations. They are communicated to you on the Eagle Card. These cards will indicate conduct issues, as well as describe consequences for behavior. There is also an area for the teacher to give positive reports.

20 Parent-Student Handbook 4 A Parent Student handbook may be found on the school website.

21 Arrival and Dismissal 4 Arrival- –school doors open at 7:30 am –Students stay in homeroom classrooms, eat breakfast or other activities until 7:50 4 Dismissal- –released to dismissal rooms at 3:15 –car riders are released at 3:20 –walkers and bike riders are dismissed at 3:25

22 Classroom Parties 4 Three parties per year –Christmas –Friendship –5 th Grade Celebration 4 Be sure to check with the Room Parent before sending any type of treat to the party. A law has been passed that schools cannot serve food that has no nutritional value (hard candies, chewy candies, etc…). Obesity is a large problem with Texas children and we are trying to teach them better eating habits. 4 Please consider being a homeroom parent for your child’s class.

23 Medications 4 A note and the medication must be brought to the school nurse by the parent/guardian of the student. She must have the medication in the original bottle or she cannot distribute it to your child. 4 Medication includes cough drops.

24 Dress Code 4 Straps on shirts must be 3 fingers wide (no spaghetti straps). 4 Shorts and skirts should be at least fingertip length. 4 Arm holes on boys’ shirts cannot hang down low, but sleeveless shirts are acceptable. 4 No cut-up jeans. 4 No colored hair (crazy colors after carnivals). 4 Tennis shoes with backs must be worn for PE.

25 It’s going to be a great year! 4 We look forward to working with you and your child together this year. Learning is enhanced when the child, the teacher, and the parent all cooperate in the learning experience.

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