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THE SPANISH NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. What is our mission ? The Spanish National Research Council.

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2 What is our mission ? The Spanish National Research Council

3 Carry out innovative and interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of knowledge CSIC: The aim Provide competitive research conditions for excellent researchers Promote young researchers and international cooperation

4 What is our mission ? Who and where are we ? The Spanish National Research Council

5 The most important public institution in Spain devoted to multidisciplinary scientific and technological research The Ministry for Education and Science The Spanish National Research Council Own budget The Spanish National Research Council Research performing institution moving into a new legal model: Research Agency – mix mode (research performing + funding institution)

6 CSIC: 63 years devoted to R & D Performing  Performing: – Multidisciplinary Scientific and Technological Research – Scientific and Technical Assessments – Training of scientific and technical personnel – Management of infrastructures 1 1 CATALUÑA BALEARES ARAGON NAVARRA ASTURIAS CASTILLA-LEON CASTILLA-LA MANCHA MADRID GALICIA EXTREMADURA ANDALUCIA MURCIA C. VALENCIANA 13+[4]+(3) 3+[3] [1] [2] [1] 3+[7] 33+[7]+(5) 1 13+[7]+(1) 2+[3] 1+[1] 2 3+[1] ROMA 1 CANTABRIA PAIS VASCO  Organised: – Network of 124 Institutes (including 39 joint Centres with other Institutions) – 118 Associated Units Collaborating with:  Collaborating with: – Universities – Other public R&D Organisations – Industries – Enterprises, Professional Associations and Foundations – Regional Governments

7 Central Administration Physical-Chemistry Rocasolano Advanced Studies (Blanes) Centre for Cancer Research Applied Biology and Soil Science Doñana Information and Documentation Estudios Árabes Zaidín Experimental Station National Centre of Biotechnology Centre for Molecular Biology Over 120 Institutes & Research Centres

8 Additional Infrastructures & Facilities Own facilities Experimental Farms Green Houses Ships Informatics' Networks Libraries and Databases Special Facilities Royal Botanic Garden Biological Reserve of Doñana Clean Rooms for integrated circuits and micro-sensors National Museum of Natural Sciences Telescopes Residence for Students

9 What is our mission ? Who and where are we ? How are we organised ? The Spanish National Research Council

10 RESEARCH CENTRES & INSTITUTES Board of Directors General Secretary Scientific Advisory CommitteeGoverning Board PRESIDENT Support Units Department of Economic Affairs Department of Infrastructures Vicepresident of Science & Technology Department of Scientific Affairs Vicepresident of Organisation & Institutional Relations Department of International Affairs Advisors Department of Human Resources Administrative Structure

11 Determines the research topics Chooses its research structure (departments/ research groups) Recruits the best researchers Is open to collaboration partners, both foreign and domestic ( universities, other public research institutions, foundations or industries) Acquires third- party funds Manages its own budget The Spanish National Research Council

12 What is our mission ? Who and where are we ? How are we organised ? Are we internationally integrated ? The Spanish National Research Council

13 International cooperation BILATERAL COOPERATION CSIC agreements Projects with 40 Institutions in 27 countries Governmental agreements Projects with European countries, Canada and USA Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Projects and post-graduated fellowships for developing countries (Africa and Asia) Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Cooperation projects with Latin-American Countries Integrated actions and researchers exchange European Science Foundation Participation in multilateral programmes OTHER COOPERATION Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

14 Cooperation with European Institutions ESF ESF (European Science Foundation) EUROHORCs EUROHORCs (European Heads of Research Councils) CERN CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) ESRF ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) LURE LURE (Lab. pour l’Utilisation du Rayonnement Electromagnétique) ILL ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin) SOLEIL SOLEIL (Source Optimisé de Lumière d’Énergie Intermédiaire) EMBO EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation) EMBL EMBL (European Molecular Laboratory)

15 What is our mission ? Who and where are we ? How are we organised ? Are we internationally integrated ? What are our scientific disciplines ? The Spanish National Research Council


17 Research staff distributed by disciplines Biology and Biomedicine Agricultural Sciences Physics: Science and Technology Materials Science and Technology Food Science and Technology Humanities and Social Sciences Chemistry: Science and Technology Natural Resources 12.4% 10.2% 14.3% 16.4% 11.2% 12.3% 14.6% 8.6% Total: 2.500

18 What is our mission ? Who and where are we ? How are we organised ? Are we internationally integrated ? What are our scientific disciplines ? Do we promote the scientific career ? The Spanish National Research Council

19 Introduction to Scientific Research One call per year 2nd-last + last Univ. year CSIC: Promoting scientific career Doctoral Fellowships Short stays 4 years Postdoctoral Contracts 3 years

20 Introduction to Scientific Research One call per year 2nd-last Univ. yearLast Univ. year 2 months 4 months  100 fellowships/year + Health & Accidents & Travel expenses Annual budget: 300.000 € 1.500-2.000 €3.000-4.000 €  120 fellowships/year CSIC: PhD funding

21 Doctoral Fellowships One call per year I3P program For best students ESF  150-200 fellowships/year 4 years Industrial co-supervised running: 382 1 year  150-200 fellowships/year Industrial co-supervised + up to 50% sponsored running: 150 MS title ≤ 3 yearsMS title ≤ 5 years + short-stays programme 13.200 € /year + Health & Accidents & Social Security Annual budget: 14.000.000 € CSIC: PhD funding

22 Postdoctoral Contracts One call per year 180 contracts/year 3 years PhD title: no limit 25.000 €/year I3P program ESF Industrial co-supervised 350 running contracts Annual budget: 5.000.000 € CSIC: PhD funding


24 What is our mission ? Who and where are we ? How are we organised ? Are we internationally integrated ? What are our scientific disciplines ? Do we promote the scientific career ? Budget, human resources and results? The Spanish National Research Council

25 Budget & Human Resources MEC External resources TOTAL BUDGET:  700 M€ 29,4% 70,6% TOTAL:  200 M€ REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS NATIONAL RESEARCH PLAN OF R&D EU INDUSTRY OTHERS 7,9% 40,7% 16,9% 18,9% 15,6% 2.500 Research Staff 4.000 Postgraduate students and Postdocs 4.000 Administrative and Technicians BUDGET HUMAN RESOURCES TOTAL : 10.500

26 CSIC FEDIT Universities Industries Total return: 6,1 % The Spanish Federation of Innovation and Technology CSIC Polytechnic Univ. of Madrid CSIC and Spanish returns from VI FP Data from VI FP, Jan. 2005 # M€ CSIC 11,1 % 158 21 FEDIT 10,6 % 182 16 UPM 3,6 % 69 4

27 CSIC CSIC Life Sciences: 4,1 % IS Carlos III Industries Hospitals Universities Others 1CSIC 2UAB 3IS CARLOS III Data from VI FP, Jan. 2005 CSIC and Spanish returns from VI FP

28 Nanotechnologies, materials and processes: 7,9 % CSIC Industries Centro de Información y Tecnología Tekniker Fatronik Universities Others 1CSIC 2Tekniker 3Fatronik CSIC Data from VI FP, Jan. 2005 CSIC and Spanish returns from VI FP

29 Food quality and safety: 6,5 % 1CSIC 2Univ. Granada 3IS Carlos III CSIC IS Carlos III Remaining Universities Univ. Granada UAB UB UZ Others Centro de Investigación CSIC Data from VI FP, Jan. 2005 CSIC and Spanish returns from VI FP

30 Global change and ecosystems: 5,1 % CSIC CSIC Remaining Universities UB Others Centro de Investigación 1CSIC 2UB 3Gener. Valenciana Data from VI FP, Jan. 2005 CSIC and Spanish returns from VI FP

31 1CSIC 2UAB 3UV Citizens and governance: 5,4 % CSIC CSIC Remaining Universities UAB UV UB Centro de Investigación Data from VI FP, Jan. 2005 CSIC and Spanish returns from VI FP

32 6% of R&D national manpower Scientific Production 1998-2001 (nº of publications) Data basesSpainCSIC% 19,9 SCI+SSCI86.78017.23619,9 Source: Grupo de Bibliometría, CINDOC-CSIC CSIC in the Spanish R&D System Technological production (2003): 47% 47% of the patents internationally applied by the public sector


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